CTV Windsor's Sanjay Maru reports on advocates who are speaking out after a cyclist was struck by a car
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So the driver and the bicycle rider are both blind, neither should be driving anything.
@Cecilia Ramos …do you believe everything you hear?
@TourCaddie Do you have any evidence to counter the claims at hand?
@Cecilia Ramos he’s riding his bike on the wrong side of the road
He was riding his bike through the cross walk. Isn’t that illegal?
You really think that’s the problem here?
The sign at 0:57 suggests it was a shared bike/pedestrian path.
@South Wirral Cyclist still illegal, although that isnt the reason he was hit.
@anonymous anonymous have u ever had a license to drive? It sure doesn’t sound like it…
@South Wirral Cyclist if that’s the case that he was on a bike path.. he is supposed to dismount his bike at the intersection and the walk across
Riding his bike down the wrong side of the road. Smart!
He was at fault for the crash
Even if assuming you are right, who was at fault for attempted murder by dragging him under the car after the collision occurred?
Your actually suppose to get off your bike and walk it across
Where does it say that in statute?
Lol why is his bike facing the wrong direction, he’s 100% at fault. You want to ride on the road follow the laws.
What law says that you have to ride on the right side of the road?
You cant assume he wasn’t riding on the sidewalk before reaching the crosswalk. The car was clearly stopped on the pedestrian walkway so he had to go around, just like any walker would after getting a nod from the driver.
Lol traffic laws apply to being on the road, are you new? If he was on the sidewalk which is illegal he’s a pedestrian and has to walk his bike across read the rules of the road.
@scotty b That’s incorrect. I suggest you read the Highway Traffic Act.
How to increase bike safety:
1) when bikers go across crosswalks they should get off their bike to walk it across
2) bikes just stop at stop signs
3) ride on the correct side of the road
How to increase bike safety:
1. Don’t try to run them down with your car.
@Cballin the person in this video is riding on the incorrect side of the road lmao. Not saying he deserved it, but he was on the incorrect side. I see bikers run redlights, by “switching to pedestrian mode” all the time
@Jonah Pridham the car was blocking the pedestrian lane. This video says the driver stopped and gave him a nod, so it’s likely he was on the sidewalk and swerved out to get around the car after seeing the car stop in the lane.
Ontario is the California of canada
Except for weather and farming.
I’m pretty sure its b.c.
Tough guy on a bike gets dragged by a car.
There fixed the headline.
Ive no idea if the cyclist should or not have been doing exactly what they were doing but regardless, that’s a person. She just drove at him.
I wonder if the bicycle rider came from behind and turned in front of the driver. I’ve seen bicycle riders do wildly illegal manoeuvres on city streets. However, the rider indicates that both he and the driver made eye contact. This indicates intention. I suspect this can be sorted out very quickly. Nice try….. Drive and ride safely.
Natural Selection
This was attempted Premeditated murder.
Take responsibility for your own safety. No person or law is going to protect you when it counts.
Oh and how should he have handled this situation better to insure his safety?
it looks intentional
You know what.. he was not in a bike lane, and he was travelling the wrong way in a live lane of traffic. This is called natural selection.
The camera clearly shows this guy on the bicycle being in the wrong
Main thing is he’s alive
Sorry to hear that, but it looks like you weren’t following traffic rules for bikes.
Oi excuse for her hitting him after giving him the nod to go ahead and then dragging him. Or does that not natter to you?
ouch wow crazy being dragged nvm being hit