Amid an unprecedented lockdown affecting 780 million people in China over the novel coronavirus outbreak, CNN's David Culver speaks with residents of Wuhan who are forbidden from leaving their homes. #CNN #News
Grandmother describes life under lockdown with toddler

Better the baby be safe and well, kudos to you for caring for him grandma!

@Gemstone Fizzy Does spreading your hate make you feel any better or just fuel it ?
You probably care about that baby more than it’s Chinese mom who abandoned it to go play business lady in NY.
@Sir Jiggy wit it
That’s how pathetic the serpent left is, they even brainwashed you into demoralization that’s why you listen to Mother goose nursery rhymes about the ghetto.
@Gemstone Fizzy …
…dude…I’m still getting over the fact you went…goo goo ga ga on us..
..I have no idea what your even saying… literally I don’t know what the hell your even attempting to offend me with..
…can you just draw me a picture or something….your diction is awful dude..
… seriously
The democratic serpent left antichrist network is the same serpent line that enslaved the black race, genius
@Gemstone Fizzy Did you only pick the comments trying to show compassion to spread your hate ?
Whats the mater

Peppa Pig to the rescue!

To whom? For what?
Jessica Brown pray that the Chinese stop eating bats and roasted cat. That’s how this whole thing got started.
Incels in the chat, no real conversation
What’s an Incel?
@T K white males that don’t know how to talk to women, basically losers
@T K Google “Incel” genius.
Rachel Ash no thanks, child
hotboy757 Aha. Thanks
She is in real non healthy condition
I hope we find a vaccine soon to this deadly virus!
*No cure, just like HIV virus, it stays permanently with you and has a 100% mortality rate*
Meh. Let it thin the heard a bit first
Darth Alba lol. Liar
Prophet Of Truth from Jesus?
yes i think soo i hope we find a vaccine soon
The sustenance ways are cut off…
Very sad!
I worry I can’t see my bruh Pompeo again. He will never be invited to visit China.
The parents left this child with their mother who has THYROID CANCER? They need to come get their kid.
What’s what you get for being cheap!
Communism at work .
So sad, poor people!
The media is playing the game of the Internal Light of the Spotless Mind with Obama’s legacy. Showing Trump as bad and Obama only as a saint.
good luck
I hope we find a vaccine soon to this deadly virus! soo
If they weren’t eating bats , rats , cats and dogs this would have never happened