Grand Jury To Present Report On Breonna Taylor Case Today | Craig Melvin | MSNBC

A decision is expected to be announced in the Breonna Taylor case shortly after the Jefferson County grand jury presents its report. Protests are also expected to take place in reaction to the hearing. Aired on 9/23/2020.
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About Craig Melvin: Craig Melvin is an MSNBC Anchor and NBC News Correspondent. He currently anchors “MSNBC Live” on Saturdays and Sundays, contributes reports for “TODAY,” and fills in as host for Lester Holt on “Weekend TODAY.”

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Grand Jury To Present Report On Breonna Taylor Case Today | Craig Melvin | MSNBC


    1. Convictions and then pardons. Haha, you’re all Racist liberals that can’t use logic. Emotions are like really real like aoc says and she was a 30 year Slutty bartender. So, enough said

  1. JUSTICE MATTERS!!! That young woman was brutally murdered. There can be no excuses made. I am a 65 year old White woman who is ashamed about the horrid Racial injustice in the USA. JUSTICE MATTERS!!

  2. Knock! Knock! Whose there? No Knock Warrants need to be struck down. As the stormtroopers come storming in guns ablaze!

    1. You are 100 percent correct. The DA is a trump bootlicker. I’m quite sure trump has found a way to get his message to that DA

    1. Communism has slaughtered more than 100 million people in its name. This makes communism the most deadly ideology in known history.
      Democrats now want communism in the US. But YOU can stop it.
      *#Trump2020** **_Because Democrats communism is Stalin’s communism_*

    2. “We don’t trust cops against minorities, so elect the VP who locked up a record number of minorities over a plant she admitted smoking while she was locking people up and laughed about it when confronted.” – you, right now

  3. We all know the outcome Emmitt Till killer’s never was brung to justice, Darren Wilson who killef Micheal Brown wasn’t charged they rather pay out millions and watch a city burn than to charge one of their own sad day in AmeriKKKa


      She wasn’t asleep
      She hadn’t been an emt in 3 years
      They did not go to the wrong apt.
      Her name was on the warrant, and her apt was on the warrant
      It wasn’t a no knock warrant it was actually a knock warrant
      She was running drugs with her BF, he got her involved years prior.

      Mike brown..really? He punched a cop and tried to take his gun. He deserved what he got.

  4. Do people really need to wait 2 hours to know what’s coming? They’re not boarding everything up, because justice is about to be announced……

    1. she was part of that drug ring. Plus she hadn’t been a emt for almost five years do to being fired because she was being investigated for a dead body being found in a rental car she leased for her ex boyfriend. Do your research on that skank.

  5. Considering the precautions that have been taken, the fix is in and there won’t be any prosecutions … of course, there will be massive protests.

  6. Protect yourselves, my brothers and sisters. We ain’t safe behind locked doors. We ain’t safe outside. Where, pray tell, are we safe? Justice doesn’t exist for black people in the USA.

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