Singer Christopher Cross spoke to CNN's Erin Burnett about suffering from neurological complications after contracting Covid-19. #CNN #News
Grammy-winning singer Christopher Cross on suffering paralysis from Covid-19

Singer Christopher Cross spoke to CNN's Erin Burnett about suffering from neurological complications after contracting Covid-19. #CNN #News
CC, thank you for sharing then and today.
Aw, man! Christopher Cross, please keep improving!
0 virus
millions AWAKE
I had corona virus for 3 weeks. my fellow san antonian christopher cross I’ll keep you in prayer
Thank you for all you have given to us and I wish a full and speedy recovery.
This is sad and the big fat orange clown in the white house doesn’t care.
@Ismahaan Adam
Bye komrade
@Ismahaan Adam you still did NOT spell right, “underlying” not underline
See if you can spot the Russian trolls
alot of his supporters dont care
I am shocked I didn’t know he had it !… I love him and his music… I am glad he doing better
0 virus
millions AWAKE
Facts over feelings, lung infections don’t affect your legs, lol
Aawww Christopher Cross
Wishing you a speedy recovery.
I love this gifted person.
How DARE Trump deny its BS.
People don’t seem to realise that COVID can affect every organ – one’s circulatory and nervous system.
This is one of the gods of Yacht Rock. We cant lose him
Best music genre
No Doubt
GTFO The world has gone on after Losing actual legends like Elvis, Lennon, Prince and just recently Eddie Van Halen, it sure as hell wouldn’t skip a beat losing a 2 hit wonder, Marcia Cross would be a more devastating blow to the world of entertainment.
@Running Bearski Christopher Cross taught Eddie Van Halen how to play guitar.
@WaitingtoHit Sure He did in the same fantasy world where Kenny Loggins taught Dave Lombardo how to play the drums.
My best wishes to Christopher in his continuing recovery.
I’ve had Guillaume-Barre Syndrome as a result of the normal flu twice, this is no joke. Covid sucks, wear a mask
Lots of love to Christopher, one of the heroes of my life. Brave Man.
Keep improving and get well Christopher. We need you!
I have Guillian Barri that Christopher now has. I got sick 23 years ago and have been struggling with the syndrome ever since. I still use elbow crutches on both arms,limited balance and chronic pain in my feet along with other underlying difficulties. I am writing this to confirm that what Christopher is saying is 100% true. Please take covid seriously as ongoing health issues can destroy your life. I wish Christopher all the best as he will need all the assistance and love he can get in the future.
not Christopher Cross!!! one of my favorite 80s artist! i’m glad he’s getting better now. F covid!!!
That sailing album one of my all time favs. Tks, bruh. Best wishes for a dynamic recovery.
I had it in March too. Ended up in the ER over a month later. It damaged the receptors that control my breathing. I’m lucky to be alive.
0 virus
Australia SEES
please wear a mask…this is nothing like the flu..dosent even compare