Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham, who has been a staunch supporter of President Trump, vigorously defended to certify the electoral college votes on the Senate floor.
#CNN #News
Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham, who has been a staunch supporter of President Trump, vigorously defended to certify the electoral college votes on the Senate floor.
#CNN #News
He finally realized that his name will be in history books as the ones who are on the wrong side of history. Nice try Lindsey , nice try.
@Larry Trimble your cool aid is unhealthy
History for being a Back Stabber!!

@Birgit Campbell My kool-aid is cool you got that right,,thank you.
Just so all you little children know, Trump is the most admired man in the world so yes history will coincide with that.
I’m not American but the blatant hypocrisy is like watching a ten year old. The whole Biden/trump campaign is embarrassing.
Trying to sweet talk his way out of this. No sir, your name will forever be attached to this BS.
BS, by the way, means Bonald Srump.
“No, miss Lindsey”
the biggest traitors pelosi mcconell nothing will happen to them
and guess what trump wanted stimulus but mcconell blocked it but people want to play orange man bad and mcconell won his seat
Lindsey claims he never sucked Donald’s crank…he just held it in his mouth until the swelling went down!
John McCain would of never have stood for this. He would be disgusted and called out these republicans… R.I.P. McCain
Mc Cain was friends with ISIS and Baghdadi haha look it up.
McCain was just as corrupt as Obama Clinton’s and the bidens Don’t let him fool you be glad he’s gone
Voted mostly Democrat with one exception. John McCain. He was a no bs man of integrity. He voted his heart. Did the right thing.
John McCain served his country with honor and then with dishonor.
@roger waters I agree
No-one changes friends faster than Miss Lindsay.
@The monke man you’ll have to wait until Putin releases those hacked emails. But a clue might be found in Lindsay’s Desert Island Playlist: YMCA, Tiny Tim’s Collected Works and and the John Kellete penned , ‘I’m Forever Blowing Bubbles’
Except Traitor-trump. If you’re usefule, je likes you. If you’re not, “I won’t like him so much.”
@Charmayne Joy, i agree. That was some bullshit he pulled at the ladt minute.
I have ABSOLUTELY NO respect for this example of a cowardly self-serving politician.
We need term limits!
trumpers have no honor.
Foh yes
oh wow
Those two Georgia senators sitting behind him lost yesterday and I’m still sick of seeing them in our Capitol building
only one of those people behind him is a Georgia Senator. the other is from NC. Perdue nolonger was a Senator January 3rd when his term ended
Yoh yes
oh wow
He’s a day late and a dollar short.
He’s 4 years late but I’m sure he’s not short on the dollars.

“Count me out” – no, no, no. Why were you, Rand, Cruz and others were all IN in the first place?
Actually, Putin has the information and is using it to make GOP subservient to Draft Dodging Donnie.
Hoh yes
oh wow
See who’s jumping ship when it convenient.
I didn’t realize that rats were this long-winded when they leaped out of a sinking ship.
They are when they are looking for a spot on a lifeboat.
@Larrynko1 What were the points Graham “could’ve made?” The only point he made was, “I’m washing my hands of this insanity and jumping ship as fast as I can, and you should, too.”
Well, this is the first time in years that Graham has said something I agree with. Problem is, he should have hit the life boats way sooner, rather than egging on the buffoon-in-chief in his efforts to overturn a legal (tried in quite a few courts now, remember), open election.
@haplessasshole he said he’s been asking for proof since the president started this nonsense in which he never got
Hoh yes
oh wow
Especially after they gnawed a bunch of holes in the hull for four years and get suprised by the rising water.
“One hell of a journey”: I sold out my principles, my soul, to become a DOG for a man who shows loyalty to No One.
Loyalty is over rated. The fact you are loyal to leftarded hate munger’s proves that…
@Eternal Cowboy so, you’re showing loyal to who?
Hoh yes
oh wow
Very well said
His energy comes from knowing his job is safe for another 6 years.
Not necessarily, a lot could come out in all of this
@Lori E Ellickson I’m just sad something like this had to happen with all that’s going on in the world now.
Hoh yes
oh wow
“Lindsey too Late” …
A waste of anyone’s time, money and vote!
Miss Lindsey is turning his charm back on. He’s a little chameleon, isn’t he?
he’s keeping all that donation! they’re all scum!
Hoh yes
oh wow
“A hell of a journey…”???
“Hell of a journey” is an interesting way to describe treason?
Journey from Hell is more like it!
Graham (and all repugs) have exhibited extremely poor “judge of character” skills these past 5 years…
How many people did he kill on his journey of allowing an idiot “run” this country into this ground?
@Belle Oh Belle, don’t be a silly goose. Miss Lindsey knew exactly what he was doing. He’s a little charming weasel that is good at survival.
Hoh yes
oh wow
Dotard is the best cuss and I praise Kim for it daily
When they start getting killed, by their own mobs. Then, enough is enough.
Their rhetoric of misinformation, hate, and violence is all good if it gives them votes, the min they experience the repercussions of spreading misinformation, hate and violence first hand, they take it back. The President spread this rhetoric, but its people like Lindsey Graham who perpetuated it, and supported it. Those “protesters” were deluded, but they acted upon the misinformation they were given.
Well obviously, when you end up getting hit with friendly fire why would you stay on the team
He’s not funny. He’s responsible for the Trump nightmare.