The Government Accountability Office found that the Trump administration violated the law by withholding aid to Ukraine. NBC News' Ken Dilanian has details on the reports findings. Aired on 01/16/20.
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Government Watchdog: Trump Admin Violated Law By Withholding Ukraine Aid | Hallie Jackson | MSNBC
Get a rope
Give the whole administration a blindfold and a cigarette.
@President of the Virgin Islands
I’ll give them a dog turd and claim it’s a cigar
and another confirmation that Trump is a crook. Even the numb skull Trump cult have got to be getting sick and tired defending this crooked con artist. Or is that just wishful thinking and the cult is going to drink the kool aid?
Trumpanzees hate societal progress and liberals so much that even a satanic figure who promised to validate their hate and be their proxy would enjoy literally undying loyalty. NO ONE commands more fanatical loyalty than the one who gives permission to engage in one’s darkest impulses…
@Godfrey Daniel yeah that’s true. It’s the blatant denial of the truth that is so difficult to take. It’s nothing to do with politics and yet to them it is. Oh well we have to deal with it somehow. 2 plus 2 always equals 4 and to them it doesn’t have to if it does not fit into their narrow view narrative.. What a way to exist without a sense of the rational.
I’m betting on the kool aid!
Who saw the Lev Parnas interview last night on Rachel Maddow?

Lev Parnas is my new hero! Jack
I certainly did!
This and the GAO report are a great one-two punch. More. Who will deliver the knockout?
dan wile Sure hope so.
Donald is a bigger threat to America than ISIS & North Korea combined.
Unicorn On The Cob
u forgot to mention his supporters also, they look and remind me of hitlers people.
Most of you seem to have gotten brain damage at some point in your life. Idc about trump but I think that he should start funding mental hospitals that will clear up a lot of America’s problems
@Zack Strife : Hilarious how geniuses like you always put me in my place. ROFLMAO!
From Mayor Bloomberg : “I have known Trump for decades. We have traveled in the same business
circles. He is known among other millionaires as a con artist and among
business owners as a cheat out to stiff everyone.”
@P A Bloomberg is running for POTUS. He will say whatever is necessary. He’s no different than any of the other P’sOS running. Surely you aren’t gullible enough to believe everything that man says? Surely?
@Katherine Phillips He is not maybe the best candidate but he is a hard working man , he does not spend his time playing golf.and does not spend time insulting people and saying non sense phrases, pretending being important !!!!!! Imagine if all our billionaires were like him .. They would be all bankrupt … Trump is a promoter , salesman …….with no education why because too lazy to learn… He went to the best schools but the result is mediocre !!!!!!!
@dread nought Everyone knows Trump in NYC as bling bling liar ..He has lied for years , that why he is not rich like Bloomberg , so far from it … Like Mayor Bloomberg and Robert De Niro said of Trump , he is con artist and a cheat ……Robert De Niro aded : “I’d like to see a bag of sh*t right in his face,” De Niro says “I always say lowlife because he’s a lowlife,” De Niro says of President Donald Trump. “He’s not a pig. I used to call him a pig, but pigs have dignity. He has no dignity, no nothing. He’s a disgrace to the human race, if you will.” !!!!!!!!!!!
Two famous New Yorkers , maybe the 2 most famous !!!!!! That what you get when you lied to famous people …….
@P A lol *drumps no billionaire he just wishes he woz. JS
@Bling 22 true :)))
Trump and the Republicans are Russian traitors
@dread nought move to Russia
@Powerage Scott thats good one!!

@Jonathan Hiatt You inviting me?
@Tony Smith Don’t you feel stupid
voting for Trump
Trump took 400 million in taxpayer dollars, which had been appropriated by Congress, and he used it the same way he used money from his fake, fraudulent, defunct charity foundation. He used it like it was his own money, to do with how he pleases. And for that, his fake fraudulent presidency, should be defunct, just like his fake fraudulent charity foundation.
Donald Trump has broken every law in the book including sexual assault countless times!
I laughed my *$$ off on the dancing baby balloon, lmbo !!
Thanks for the memory !
Just Google it right ?
The Trump criminal organization is pushing back against a proposed provision that would require the Secret Service to disclose how much it’s spending on presidential travel.
Treasury Secretary Mnuchin is battling with Dem senators in negotiations over legislation that would move the Secret Service back to the Treasury Department, where it was first housed before moving to the DHS.
The legislation is set to include a stipulation that the Secret Service disclose on a semiannual basis the amount being spent on presidential travel for the president and his adult children. “Mnuchin came to me last year with a proposal to move the Secret Service to the Treasury Department,” Sen Feinstein said in a statement. “As part of that effort, I proposed that the cost of presidential travel be included for greater transparency, accountability and oversight associated with protection during travel of presidents and their families.”
Mnuchin agreed to the financial disclosure provision, but like a true Trump sycophant, Mnuchin is against the 120-day requirement, and instead wants to hold off on revealing the cost of the president’s trips until after the election.
That’s like a used car salesman telling you that he will tell you the past mechanical problems of a car, but only after you’ve purchased it from him.
The Secret Service is required to report semiannually the cost of protecting Trump’s Children of the Corn, or non-White House residence, the Trump criminal organization failed to do so in either 2016 or 2017. The White House also dodged questions from the Government Accountability Office about the issue for two years, after the GAO sought information on the cost of Trump’s travel to Mar-a-Lago.
Trump spent one out of every five days on one his golf course last year. The GAO found that Trump’s first four trips to Mar-a-Lago in 2017 cost the Secret Service $1.3 million per trip (and $3.4 million in total government spending), and the Secret Service requested $60 million in additional funding in 2017. Federal charge card expenditures revealed the Secret Service also spent at least $250,000 at Trump properties in just the first five months of Trump’s term alone, and the agency has paid a king’s ransom for golf carts on Trump’s golf outings, spending $588,000 on golf carts since 2017. The GAO report found that Trump’s sons Uday and Qusay’s travel to Uruguay, the Dominican Republic, and the UAE in 2017 cost the Secret Service $396,000 in total—and they’ve done plenty of traveling since.
Trump has spent nearly a third of his “presidency” at his properties. The GAO report reports that the Secret Service may have spent as much as $28 million JUST on Trump’s trips to Mar-a-Lago by now. But that would be still just a fraction of his total travel costs. President Obama—whom Trump criticized for golfing too much—cost the government $96.9 million over 8 years with his travel, for comparison. So far Trump’s golfing has cost American taxpayers more than 102 million dollars in just 3 years. Taxpayers have paid at least 81 million for Trump play on his golf course in FL, 17 million for Trump to play on his golf courses in NJ, 1 million for Trump to play on his golf courses in Los Angeles, and 3 million for Trump to play on his golf course in Scotland. And to add insult to injury, Trump is pocketing millions of taxpayer dollars from accommodations, lodging, and rental fees. The more trips to his properties, the more money he makes.
Honestly, I thought this would factor higher in the impeachment and be one of the articles. It sets a bad precedent to allow Trump to get away with it.
If Congress votes to send money to Alabama for flood relief, a President can’t say … no they didn’t vote for me
If Congress sends money to California for wildfires, the President can’t say… no they didn’t vote for me
And if Congress decides to send money to Ukraine for national security reasons, the President can’t say…. no, they didn’t do me a favor
Hey MAGgots…
Where’s your “Trump had every legal right to withold aid from Ukraine” claim *now* , huh?
Maybe they will do something about that orange monster now! He needs to have criminal charges put on him!!
Still crickets
Marc Emson lmao I swear I saw them saying that earlier
Lock him up! Has a nice ring to it !
That’s funny! Because I always thought extortion was against the law.
And what about the funds being withheld from Puerto Rico?
JD Wilder “that’s exactly what I am thinking”!!
There will never be a “fair and impartial trial”
Trumpty Dumpty sat on a WALL
Humpty Trumpty had a great FALL
And all the Moron’s henchmen and all the Idiot’s men
Waved goodbye to their honor and BALLS …
One of the better versions of Trumpty Dumpty.
Well done
“BREAKING THE LAW, BREAKING THE LAW” Is anyone suprised about this?………………………… NOPE!
Trump’s defence:
Trump doesn’t know anyone he has ever been in photos with and everyone is a hateful never Trumper.
Even his own staff are ” Never Trumpers.” HAA!
“I never met the guy…”
“Here is a photo of you shaking his hand.”
“But I don’t know him.”
“Here’s the evidence that he’s been your guest at Maralago for ten years and regularly plays golf with you.”
“This is a witch hunt…”
MatchstalkMan it’s going to be which hunt soon.
Donald J Trump. Says Trump: ” The J stands for genius.”