Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, D-Mich., reacts to a tweet from White House coronavirus task force member Dr. Scott Atlas regarding new coronavirus restrictions in Michigan which urged residents to 'rise up'. Aired on 11/16/2020.
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#Whitmer #Michigan #MSNBC
Gov. Whitmer Reacts To Tweet That Michigan Should 'Rise Up' | Morning Joe | MSNBC
The FBI is likely going to be working overtime the next few months. Thank you to those dedicated individuals.
@roger rives I suggest you learn a little bit more about the actual war we had for Independence from Britain. I suggest you do some research on the civil war which was fought between Republicans and Democrats over slavery which apparently is ripe still today because the Democrat party is still ticking. Maybe you need to see the movie braveheart or Scotland tried to gain its independence from tyrannical Britain Kingdom. I say these words to caution all who support communism socialism which is just communism in disguise.
@roger rives sorry if I’m long-winded but I know what it took to gain this freedom and I know that if we lose it again we’ll never get it back. And we’ve been losing this battle for quite some time now.
@roger rives well yeah we could actually blame those that are to blame that want to eat bats which is the same problem that there was with Ebola. It’s called bush meat. Bats and monkeys. unless you prefer to think that it was genetically created by the Chinese out of the Wuhan facility which it is possible either way the blame lies on the communist government of China. Do you realize that China is responsible for the majority of the mass killing plagues on Earth in our entire history. Black plague was from China. Spanish flu was from China. H1N1 from China. COVID etc. Thanks communism for all the plagues of the Earth. You might want to look this stuff up. of course it’s more difficult now with the Democratic disinformation program which is intent on hiding the fact that some of these plagues have originated from China. Anybody who has an IQ above knows what’s going on, know why it’s going on, and are wondering how much more they’ll take before they rise up. That may have been the intention the entire time. the problem is if America falls the rest of the world falls due to mutually assured destruction also called mad
@Archangel Metatron Your rants are almost humourous. How many businesses failed because people who feel like you do refused to act in a responsible manner? The shutdown was to slow the spread. It worked but too many people feel it is a right to act irresponsibly and now it is spiking. The 2% mortality rate was obtained as a direct result of the shutdown. If the system is allowed to be overwhelmed the mortality rate will go up. I have seen too many people use that quote to defend their irresponsible behavior.
@kathy trent the FBI is not controlled by the president. I assure you they are a non partisan group. They only act if their is sufficient evidence something is afoot
The USA is gone 3rd World!
I’m from so called third world country but we have treatment called covidol made in my country Tanzania by Tanzanian scientists so you are on your own girls and boys. We don’t have covid troubles here look us up. Third world won this war long time ago no masks here check with your American Embassy in Dar es salaam Tanzania. You are not all that just because you are Americans

I have more money and better life that your whole family combined but yet I’m a third world dweller 

live and learn little person and welcome to Tanzania, the Land of East African safari legends, millionaires , billionaires according to Forbes 

@Van Scheurich so the acid’s pretty good in MI?
Or as Rump calls it, a shithole country.
@Emeraldforest yap

he fools Americans making them think poor people are only in Africa but thanks to the internet Baltimore City is down the street from the people’s white house and hunger, poverty is all over there. You can put poverty in America right here on YouTube and see the suffering see real shithole places as he calls it on American soil. What has he ever done for hungry children in America? Nothing. And non American children he ordered them locked up in cages. The most powerful man in the world , broke with a bunch of debt and a bunch of court cases 

closed mind and little brain not aware of the suffering on his own backyard but quick to talk down about other countries. 

and too bad he is not welcome in Africa he will never be allowed to do business on African soil but all other Americans are welcome I doubt if he will be allowed to open a business in Russia either 

ya tak nyi znayu vapshe 

yes I’m African who speak fluent Russian 

God bless our shithole continent 

January 20th eviction day 

Freedom always comes with heaps of responsibility, it never meant free to do what you want whenever you want to. Are these people literally children?
@Dee Cee remember not everybody wants to be on healthcare in any way shape or form. They taxed me because I didn’t want healthcare so I had to pay out of the money that was owed to me. You people are going right off the cliff and you don’t even know it. you think you’re going to be safe and sound and it’s not going to work out that way for you I promise.
@Archangel Metatron everybody … bottom line should have health care. That is why hospitals have closed their doors. Because when you need it .. there is no way you can afford it. The bills go unpaid and it lands on the hospital.
@Archangel Metatron you can’t run the parallel from taxation without representation to healthcare without representation…it’s not the same at all
@h5y lol… You are a troll. You rhetoric is hysterical
I haven’t seen the lefty commies this upset since yesterday. Pathetic sheep
“It never ceases to surprise me at the infinite capacity of the
human mind to resist the introduction of useful knowledge.”
Thomas Raynesford Lounsbury
@Michael Rhodes You’ve slanted and distorted a number of things to make it look like what you want to believe. But I don’t have the energy to post the correct facts to every misinforming post.
@tomitstube Great description.
@Myra Ripley more like 4 more years lmao
@cowboy juggernaut no 2 more months and we can have a president that doesn’t want us all to die.
@Myra Ripley keep dreaming delusional debby
Fox News has done to my parents what they thought videogames would do to my generation…
@cowboy juggernaut does it hurt when you think?
@Andrew Busenbark is it really that hard to comprehend all media is owned? Seems pretty straight forward even for a potato like you
@Andrew Busenbark best part is i wasn’t even talking to you with my initial comment, but you know children need attention
@cowboy juggernaut first, if it’s a public comment in the comment section anyone can answer. Second, I don’t care about all, it was a reference to between Fox and MSNBC. You jumped in with some worldly conspiracy about all news. I couldn’t care about your opinion of all of the news, you were off subject. My comment was about a specific man, who worked for a specific guy, who the author absolutely likes, being in charge of his hated network. Then you came in. Read before you write.
@Andrew Busenbark ok clown who needs attention. Apparently tracking finances and researching operation mockingbird is to hard for you. Its ok i don’t expect much from a twit who thinks cnn reports facts instead of their feelings. Stay stupid clown
Most people dont really want the truth. They just want constant reassurance that what they believe is the truth.
The truth is about to hit everyone right in the face
@Kenneth Rice yeah the fact that only 2% of people die from this and the vast majority of people don’t even know that they have this virus. these people are idiotic they should be quarantining the two percent that actually has issues with this and not quarantine the rest of the world. There will be judgment against these people in the future. I would love to see people start going to jail for these tyrannical maneuvers.
Critical thinking will take you far and away from all of these lying POC.
It’s time for the healthcare workers to walk off the job and let the denier Republicans tend the sick. If you come into a hospital denying COVID-19 and abusing staff, you should be escorted directly to Atlas’s office.
@Emeraldforest yes we’re nearing the end of the forgiveness of sins. Shaking your boots. Once all power dominion and authority are gone then death itself is gone and then the resurrection of the Dead. Every idle word will be judged by the Catholic saints. Blessed are the peacekeepers for they shall be called sons of God.
Why are we still surprised when these people politicize medicine? This is the same party that politicized science as it pertains to the climate.
@labrat324 Opinions are useless in the scientific method.
Such as 13/50, right?
Or there being only two genders? Or POC having a lower IQ?
@snowbaordguru Ya, I see a brawl has broken out. No point looking for any clarity here/now. But, I hope, over time… Although we don’t have much of that left when it comes to the climate. Peace.
@First Last You forgot ‘vegan hipster non-binary’ in your statement. We forgive you.
@Allan Gibson They call themselves Communists. However, feudal would also be an apt description (except for the very modern poisons they manage to get into dissident’s food).
Would you NOT expect that Dr Scot Atlas. At University Scot was known as a Bozo who would do anything for a dollar.
Sounds about right. The American Medical Assoc. should pull his license. #covidiot
In more than just Dr. Scott’s comment, the Federal Government seems to advocate violence. Strange times!
The Trump administration is guilty as charged.
There should be accountability for these behaviors. This is ridiculous.
because they cant think of any other way to win. note for the future how the republican party is enabling this rubbish – are they really electable in a democracy – they know they are not – do we?
I think there will be many books put out by this administration when they get free of DJT. Some may actually tell the truth.

So while they were there, they enabled him, then when he is gone they wanna have a truth moment?
Can anyone say Nurenberg?
Btw some think that ‘doctor’ is a quack. That’s the kind of ‘doctors’ DJT likes.
Relax. Atlas is every bit as qualified as postmaster DeJoy.
Yea, I trust a doctor who types in all caps.
Atlas is a doctor in the gym.
And would certainly make as good a postmaster as DeJoy
Fear, hatred, fascism. Trump was voted out for these reasons, to name a few.
Election is not over dummy. They are still counting votes & recounting in 5 states. Not to mention this has not even went to the supreme court yet. Keep believing the MSM. It will be that much sweeter when the courts rule in Trumps favor or it goes to ends up going to congress because the system is jammed up with law suits. Media does not decide who wins the election.
@Jason Myers No, Jason; it’s pretty much over. Lawsuits exhausted, no credible evidence of any widespread voter fraud, count completing by hand in GA- it’s over.
@Jason Myers very much over. In 4 years you can vote for him again and ensure a democratic president sit’s in office another term. You far right anti-democracy mis-information people crack me up!
you have my vote
Moscow Mitch needs to step up and put a stop to this INSANITY.
Shouldn’t he suit up and work on the front lines. Doctors without diplomas.
At what point does misinformation, lies, right wing propaganda etc etc become sedition and prosecuted as such?
How is confining *yourself* to a 7 foot long box 6 feet underground “free”, exactly?
Like Elvis common sense has left the planet. Governor may God bless you , a tough job you have in these times.
“Doctor” Scott Atlas should be held to account for breaching his Hippocratic oath to “Do No Harm.” I believe the State of California Board of Professional Licenses should investigate him.
Tyrants should not have free reign to curtail our rights. Our constitutional duty is to defend a free state. Wake up