Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer is calling President Trump "complicit" in encouraging extremists who take his words as a "rallying cry" after a kidnapping plot against her was thwarted by law enforcement. Clint Watts and Ben Rhodes to discuss the impact of the president's language and political rhetoric. Aired on 10/09/2020.
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Gov. Whitmer Calls Trump 'Complicit' Because Of His Rhetoric After Kidnapping Plot Revealed | MSNBC
“We have become our own horror movie.” W. Jones
@Rob Banks Never heard of Planned Parenthood?
@Binky Isback Really? Or perhaps you need to get in touch with reality. Planned Parenthood which is 100 percent supported by the Democratic Party does exactly that.
@Richie Tattersall Really? I think not. It has been proven that exactly what Planned Parenthood does.
@Donald Wilkerson Ever heard of an Ectopic Pregnancy?
Jock Young https://youtu.be/W7AIEX73-Zo your candidate is a liar. This is only one example. There are many more.
Actually, they were part of a terrorist plot.
@American Patriot OK American Cosplaytriot. Keep at it loony. Antisemitism and racism are so last week.
Black Lives Matter and antifa are domestic terrorist
@Very stable genius Putin are you stupid or what?? Antifa and blm haven’t killed anyone or caused any destruction and mayhem?? You’re dumb as a rock
Biden Harris 2020
Pee Pads and Knee Pads
@Rocc 2020 you are dumb as a trump supporter …
I agree,,Great Job F.B.I
About time the FBI did something they’ve been on vacation for almost 4 years getting paid for doing nothing
Things are beginning to get ugly as the election draws nearer. Staying safe and healthy has become a chore.
@E T Right winger groups are killing American citizens, more violent crimes, including killings, have been committed by right winger radicals in the USA than islamic fanatics. Both of those groups are enemies of the USA, but, law enforcement considers right wingers as the most dangerous to national security. So, it isn’t only me, it is the American intelligence community that classifies your groups as a threat to the USA’s security. You are the crazy killers and now you deny it.
@E T The nazis were fascists you stupid nerd. So, Antifas were antinazis. Do you understand something as simple as that? Or are you a stupid nerd
@CanadaGuy 1971 Are you stupid? I never click on bait links.
@American Patriot Your dear leader is a criminal, and those charges were good, but, the Senate gave tRump a free pass because the Senate is as corrupt under republican control as tRump and Moscow Mitch themselves.
@Sperup AD Its a Japanese girl band doing Trooper from Iron Maiden. I like the drummer. Real pretty smile
We’ll all wake up and realize 2020 was the Matrix’s.
Pete Urbann , ‘rights to bear arms’ originally concerned muskets or such like, now there are Americans walking the streets with rapid fire assault rifles. There will be blood on the streets, Americans against Americans.
This is incredible. This President is a shame, he is trying to destroy the biggest democracy in the world and convert it in an authoritarian state, Russia alike. And he is using the same tactics Hitler used, with his “black jacket” militias.
Trump was in on it. Those were probably the exact people that murdering nazi was talking to when he said to stand by. These are all trumps militias and neo nazi terror groups. Republicans should be ashamed.
I can’t get in my local courthouse with a nail clipper, but you can go into that capitol with guns. Amazing.
To be fair you can’t shoot someone with a pair of nail clippers, easier to stop.
That is the truth.
Joshua Sweetvale watch the video you spineless turd. She killed thousands of elderly people with the stroke of a pen.
Lars Jones states make their own decisions and she chose to write an executive order as governor. Not the presidents fault.
Humberto Hernandez No I am not a proud boy. I’m a hard working American Registered Nurse who knows that if the Democrats take control this November, healthcare in this country will be ruined as will many other things that are important to the liberty we have in this nation… and for the record the leader of the proud boys ( who I am in no way affiliated with) is a Latino, not a white supremacist. Check your facts.
Special thanks to our FBI catch the terrorist.
@E Theory
Do you remember the Racist Senator Robert Byrd?
Robert Byrd recruited 150 of his friends and associates to form a local chapter of the Ku Klux Klan, a designated hate group, The Washington Post reported in 2005. In his autobiography Robert C. Byrd: Child of the Appalachian Coalfields, Byrd wrote that he viewed his leadership in the Klan as a helpful platform from which to launch his Democrat Career.
The Senator, who once filibustered the Civil Rights Act of 1964 for more than 14 hours in the Senate.
Finally the Republicans had to push through the Civil Rights act of 1964.
Senator Robert Byrd died in 2010.
”Friend,” “Mentor” and a “Guide”, comments which have brought Joe Biden Fresh Criticism as he enters the final stretch of his Campaign for President of the United States.
At Senator Robert Byrd’s Funeral a eulogy by then Vice-President Joe Biden described Byrd as “Fiercely Devoted to his Principles,” a
@E Theory
*”Highlighted reply. E Theory. . 17 minutes ago (edited). . @Victor Mace DOJ had become politicized under AG Sessions but hit a new low with corrupt AG Barr. However I believe the majority of the DOJ including the FBI remains apolitical, uncorrupted, and clearly good at their job.. . . “*
+Alright. I will concede that.
Maybe the failed kidnap attempt of The Michigan Democratic (Governor or A.G.??) By that white militia will have them take seriously the threat and danger of white S-premacist groups.
@Barnabas Murphy
hity, race car driver from nascar, he did the same thing, saying some is after me and lift threatening notes. governor Gretchen Whitmer, is doing the same thing. There will no sympathy for the wicked. We Christians don’t have sympathy for the wicked, only for their children, we have sympathy for.. . . “*
*”Barnabas Murphy. . 2 hours ago. . This is a lie, governor Gretchen Whitmer is doing to make use to believe that her was about to be kidnapped, remember that
+You… Are the example of why I will, and no Blacks should ever vote REPUBLIKKKAN.
YOUSE people are freakin’ IDYIOTS!
Biden 2020 and 2024.
@Matt O’Byrne *”Matt O’Byrne. . 37 minutes ago. . @MrRickostby lmao I don’t know about that. The closest this county has come to a fascist is Trump. Trump has argued he’s above the law in the supreme court, praised fascist and communist leaders, says term limits shouldn’t apply to him, makes claims of total authority, tells law enforcement to throw his political opposition in prison without reason, expressed enthusiasm for concentration camps, and supports insurrection in areas that don’t support him
. Those are all tactics employed by fascist dictators. These all things Trump has said, done, and tweeted
. Work on those critical and objective thinking skills sweetheart and keep your homoerotic fanfiction on the Q-Anon boards where it belongs.. . . “*

@American Patriot
*”American Patriot. . 27 minutes ago. . @E Theory Do you remember the Racist Senator Robert Byrd? Robert Byrd recruited 150 of his friends and associates to form a local chapter of the Ku Klux Klan, a designated hate group, The Washington Post reported in 2005. In his autobiography Robert C. Byrd: Child of the Appalachian Coalfields, Byrd wrote that he viewed his leadership in the Klan as a helpful platform from which to launch his Democrat Career.”*
*”The Senator, who once filibustered the Civil Rights Act of 1964 for more than 14 hours in the Senate. Finally the Republicans had to push through the Civil Rights act of 1964.”*
*”Senator Robert Byrd died in 2010. At Senator Robert Byrd’s Funeral a eulogy by then Vice-President Joe Biden described Byrd as “Fiercely Devoted to his Principles,” a
”Friend,” “Mentor” and a “Guide”, comments which have brought Joe Biden Fresh Criticism as he enters the final stretch of his Campaign for President of the United States.. . . “*
+Blahhh… Blahhh… Blahhh!!!
Yeah… Yeah… Yeah…
Heard it all before.
Question… WHO openly supports The REPUBLIKKKAN party??
David Duke, former head of The KKK.
Jared Taylor of Amerikkkan Renaissance.
ARYAN Brotherhood.
Proud Boys.
White Militia.
Every frrigging White S-premacy organization.
You named one KKKlansman from the past vs the countless White S-premacy organizations and individuals in the present.
BALL’Z in your court, KKKlansman.

The funny thing Is that they did take away there own freedom
They wanted to charge Whitmer with “treason” in their Y’all Qaeda Court. Now they are facing treason charges. Ah the irony.
Insurrection laws are applicable. But, they should be hanged for treason.
they are mouth breathing moronic thugs incited to violence by trump!!
@jim lieb shaddap stupid
Yeah, I agree. it’s very scary.
Thank God for FBI/DHS Patriots.
Thank you to the ladies and Men of the FBI and DHS.
I’m starting to believe that the FBI hasn’t been corrupted by tRump.
Sperup AD thank heaven for that. We could be in some real trouble here.
The president is obviously a maniac of some sort.
Americans together, need to send a clear message, that Nazi types are not going to be tolerated.
Sperup AD Vote his kind out of office.
Sperup AD thanks Sperup. AD. You and yours stay safe my friend.
@Dave Haynes Blue down the ballot.

I hope they like prison food cause there going tobe there a long time
It wouldn’t surprise me if Trump walked away free. It’s simply cannot be allowed to happen
They won’t.
Trump will pardon them or give the wink and nod to the CO’s to ensure they live the good life with special favors etc.. They’ll live better than a lot of Americans who are free. And that’s IF they don’t stand before one of the 200 plus judges he smartly put on the bench which is another area where Obama and Sleepy Joe failed. If these guys before one of his recently appointed judges, the FBI case is toast.
Protein powder and rootbeer barrels
This is nothing. If Donnie loses, these nutters are going to be everywhere.
Let’s remember that these are the same people who trump called patriots when they showed up at the state capital of Michigan in body armor with assault rifles.
Mark bodman Sounds like you should get some mental health counseling right away. You’re cheering on violent extremists and fantasizing about violence. Clearly it’s connected to a traumatizing event where you saw some friends killed. Call the VA and some help, stay away from the booze and guns. K? Things can get better.
@Mark bodman maybe you did something wrong like walking around infecting the world acting like your a hero, people serve in many ways, not all are for a good cause, some are under poor leadership, maybe you are just bringing the shithole home with you, what did you serve for anyway! Thanks for serving, but what good is it if your just gonna be oppressive now!
Governor Whitmer KILLED thousands of senior citizens by placing infected COVID 19 individuals into clean nursing homes. She is trying to take attention off herself by calling out the president. Classic move in the realm of being a corrupt politician.
Here’s the real truth she’s hiding from by trying to divert attention
@T NO, they were snowflake losers playing wannabe soldiers trying to intimidate the lawfully elected governor. REAL AMERICANS value liberty, the rights of others and honest debate. You have to the right to own a firearm, you don’t have the right to use that firearm to try to intimidate others. That is just being a COWARD. If you have to bring a gun to make your point, you’re just showing how pitiful you are.
No, sorry. These geniuses were a bunch (13) of anarchists who hate Trump, the government and had nothing to do with being either the far right or being “inspired by trump”. The groups that showed up at the capital in Michigan were peaceful, didn’t threaten or hurt anyone, protested, cleaned up and left. Which is a lot more than can be said for BLM the last several months now isn’t it?
Now you’d know this if you actually watched something that *isn’t* CNN/MSNBC (Fox isn’t my news source either), but the odds of you not worshipping at CNN/MSNBC’s feet is rather low.
Trump is being disappointed in so many fronts, How can you be a self-respecting
Dictator when everybody is so incompetent, poor Donny. SAD.
Low energy. Probably because he’s sick as a dog.
Not to mention he voices hatred toward strong assertive women.
America is at war with Christian extremists.
Trump needs to be held accountable for this by our laws.
Look at how everything spirals into darkness with this evil man in office. He’s a limitless vortex of chaos and need, and he literally destroys everything he touches; reputations, careers, and lives, and he basks in the destruction and feeds off of it. I don’t really believe in things like the antichrist but he’s the closest embodiment to that that we’ve ever had.
The narcissist is best described by Sartre’s phrase: “Being and Nothingness”. Into this reflective vacuum, this sucking black hole, the narcissist attracts the Sources of his Narcissistic Supply.
To invest in a narcissist is a purposeless, futile and meaningless activity. To the narcissist, every day is a new beginning, a hunt, a new cycle of idealization or devaluation, a newly invented self.
There is no accumulation of credits or goodwill because the narcissist has no past and no future. He occupies an eternal and timeless present. He is a fossil caught in the frozen lava of a volcanic childhood.
Totally agree, and I’m not even Christian. He seems to emit a kind of toxin. (Maybe Coronavirus met its match in his corrupt flesh and just withered?) All the people around him look haunted or undead – like their souls are somehow being consumed from the inside.
@jabrown 1978, this is exactly how I feel. Thank you for voicing how truly evil donald trump is. He MUST go.
@Vampire Slayer he certainly will be timeless as the worst president ever to be elected. And, assuming he can FINALLY be held accountable for all of his crimes, he will have lots of time in prison to reflect on history.
For those who truly believe in God, well, they won’t vote for the devil Trump.
Your a communist that wants America to be gone and your stupid country put in its place remember one thing socialism does not work ask Venezuela