1. Finally… I’ve been saying this forever however I admittedly didn’t realize the technical aspect that needed to be changed prior to the training but this is why smart people need to be in office congratulations on doing something real

    1. @phuoi trinh you have absolutely no idea what it is to be a Police Officer..Being judgemental about split second decisions is not easy no matter how much training you have..Until you do the job, you really should not say anything at all..Especially, calling those running into dangerous situations that most people run away from cowards…maybe watch this activist who has a big mouth about the Police until he found out, it isn’t easy..https://youtu.be/yfi3Ndh3n-g

    2. @jvee bklyn It was completely avoidable by Mr. Garner. Had he allowed the officer that reached for his wrist to handcuff him, and be taken into custody peacefully, he could have prevented it. His actions dictated theirs,not the other way around.

  2. I’m not from California but I have a good feeling that is going to be some police brutality reported

    1. I’m a person of color and was pulled over late at night in San Francisco a couple years ago. A bunch of people gathered around just to serve as witnesses against any sort of police malfeasance and I appreciated it.

  3. Wow, what a concept, only kill someone if you have to! That only sounds reasonable here!
    Sounds like America should be on the travel ban list of dangerous countries.

    1. @Cropper Copper Exactly my point, he was asked to get on the ground and not to come any closer. He did not do as he was told and got shot

    2. @Cropper Copper I can say that they went too far after the guy was on the floor, but it could have been prevented by just following the instructions he was given

    3. @Jose Nunez There where 14 different incidence of it, just in what I presented… Here! Several of which they did exactly what they were supposed to do and still got shot. Check out the one with the man and the disabled guy he was the caregiver for.

    4. @Jose Nunez cops shouldn’t get to execute people because they don’t listen exactly word for word what they say. You shouldn’t get to execute people for being nervous because they have a gun on them and not getting everything exactly right. They have several non-lethal sources they can go to. Bean bag guns… tasers… there’s even training where they can throw them the clips and if they can handcuff themselves, before the cops even get near them. There is no reason any of these videos needed to end in someone’s death, other than lack of give a damn about their life.

    5. @Jose Nunez I grew up as a cop’s daughter. I sat in on those training classes. They have a multitude of ways they can handle subduing a suspect they feel threatened by, that does not involve shooting them until they’re dead. Especially one with their hands up. There is no reason to be executed because you didn’t listen to everything the cop said at every second. These are people. If this is the training those cops are getting then they need better training. These are people’s lives.

    1. @flowerrmb can I say you are the RACIST THE LEFTIST THE democrat who wants to destroy America.It’s not going to happen.I bet YOUR daddy said you were a PRINCESS WHEN YOU WETE ALITTLE GIRL.TRUMP TRUMP

    1. @Chet Simmons What countries have found more success more than white countries? and please spare the emotions and insults please

    2. @Mike Hunt Of course you see that because you want to see that. Whether you like it or not black crime is at a record low. And white males, according to ever crime statics report out there, shows white crime is on the rise and that they committ crime at two to one compared to black crime. And population percentages have absolutely no bearing on these numbers according to a recently released report in March. It’s about propensity and the 2014 FBI crime report clearly states that white males have the highest propensity for committing crime in America…period.

    3. @Mike Hunt This country found success off the backs of slaves, the near genocide of native americans and theft of their lands, the theft of native Mexican lands in a war started under false pretenses, and the hard labor of the Chinese workers who built the trans Atlantic railroad working themselves to death in most cases without pay.

      This is how white people became wealthy, off the backs of others.

      You once again are simply deflecting from the truth of (whiteness) as a social construct in this country. No history matters except that which venerates you or makes you happy. Success by colonialism is not true success it’s simply theft. White people occupied other peoples lands and stole their resources for themselves. This is demostrable. This doesn’t make you special it makes you thieves and murderers.

      That’s not success in the truest sense that’s simply theft by any means possible. It’s only seen as achievement by white people…denial. There are many African Nations that are just as successful as we are only we don’t talk about them because it would blow awauvthe illusion you’ve been taught for generations. Nigeria, and Kenya for example put out more top qualified Doctors than any other country.

      Their economy is better than ours, their schools are on par or better than ours. They don’t have a crime rate or gun death rate at all like ours. They are rated a much happier and less stressful country than ours. And on and on. Everytime the truth of white behaviour doesn’t meet the standard you’ve been led to believe you loose your collective minds. This is what privledge does too a people eventually. Look at the opioid and meth crisis across this nation in predominately white space. Caused by your inability to cope with change as a direct result of privledge and the foolish belief in meritocracy.

      Get down off your high horse we are not the number 1 country in the world by a large margin any longer. And the white population has not only been the minority on this planet they are declining more and more each and ever day. And if you believe, even for a moment, that the powers that be will remain so forever, your delusional. Everything changes, everything, including power and control. It would behoove white people to reconcile their differences with those they have subjugated for so long. I personally don’t have a problem with white people in general, but there are those who do, and believe me their intentions are not good.

      That’s not a threat just a wake up call, if you honestly think you can just push people aside in this day and age you had seriously think twice because black and brown people and even white people are fed up with racist and they are not afraid. These aren’t the 50’s and 60’s any longer those days are long gone and people have had enough. Your numbers are falling and they will just continue to fall whether you accept it or not and there is nothing you can do about it. Your birthrate is unrecoverable this is a scientific fact. You’ve reached beyond the point of no return at 2.1 per family. For the sake of your children’s futures I would strongly recommend a reconciling. Or else we will all suffer the consequences.

    4. @Mike Hunt I’ll go one better just google (affluent black cities and or neighborhoods) and you will find thousands literally. We have right here in Houston the cleanest safest and most affluent black neighborhoods anywhere in the greater Houston area. Its called the 288 corridor. A growing tech industry, fine shopping, excellent restaurants, beautiful homes, manicured landscapes and no crime. Mostly black and other people of color.

      These are places this nation and the media avoid because their job is to maintain the status quo. Present only the poor crime ridden black neighborhoods to keep the white masses afraid and misinformed, and you guys just eat it up with a spoon because that’s how you want it to be. It makes you feel superior.

      It so sad that you are so desperate to see black people as only criminal that you can’t even fathom, in this day and age, to just google it. That’s really and truely is a sad state of conditioning. Georgia, Maryland, Vermont yes Vermont, and dozens of other states have wealthy and affluent black neighborhoods and cities.

    1. Pretty sure Newsome and Cuomo have concluded that Trump will be reelected and they are positioning for 2024.

    2. @jvee bklyn the Democrats aren’t going to win anything for a long long time Americans are smart enough not to let that Insanity rule for too much longer. Either Ivanka Trump or Trump jr. Will win in 2024. I will vote America first before the insanity on the left any day of my life I don’t care how bad Trump is he’s a million times better than what the left has to offer

    3. He is scum and completely treasonous. This imbecile is dangerous to law abiding citizens and needs to be removed from office as quickly as possible before he does any more harm.

    4. @Richard Heilman you’re just an idiot a deranged brainwashed leftist scumbag traitor wake the fuk up you moron

  4. Police officers are shooting people out of precaution and fear. This interpretation of lethal force is LONG overdue!

    1. @Tracy lol look at this, a sociopath trying to tell someone about mental illness lmfao ain’t that the pot calling the kettle black hahahahaah, I have grown weary of this foolishness, you idiots can carry on now lol

    2. @Ray dubb dumbass…hundreds of slaughters every weekend in high crime cities and beta bitches like you are blaming cops?
      These men fight against animals that would kill a beta like you for his shoes. You don’t spend two seconds researching ultra violent crimes that occur dozens of Times each weak. I dare you to go watch Colin flagherty.


    1. Cropper Copper Deflect where? What? How? If Cali is addressing it’s problems then the Moon is made of non-dairy milk…beat it.

    2. Well my track record speaks for itself. Anybody that actually does listen to me would know this.
      But keep on believing anything a democrat or the MSM has to say….they’ve certainly been more than obvious they are all a bunch of anti-American liars and hypocrites.

    1. @cj p go ahead and attempt make common sense sound unreasonable.

      It’s simple. We do it here in Canada. If you can’t articulate how severe bodily harm or loss of life is likely, you don’t use your fire arm. You can’t even withdraw your fire arm here without the possibility of deadly bodily harm or loss of life being apparent. You idiots in the US draw your guns as a method for regular everyday policing. It’s nuts what goes on in the US.

    2. Stop resisting dilly doe. My bau bay was a good boy all he did was pull a gun on a cop! He dindonuffin!!😂😂🐒

    3. @incipidsigninsetup well considering that we have 32,999 more gangs than what Canada has.it’s safe to conclude the primary reason why officers use their guns more often than Canadian police is many of these gangs have been and are getting increasingly violent.
      Despite what gun control advocates state about background checks,those do about as much good as you standing in front of an oncoming freight train with your hand outstretched in an attempt to stop the train.

  5. Basicly don’t shoot a guy running away from you with a cell phone in his or her hand! Talking about you(the cop) the only one with a deadly weapon in the situation fears for his life! Gtfoh

  6. Just now. After everything that’s happened, finally. How many shot in the back or 30 times? Why does this need to be redefined to adults who are supposed to be expected to PROTECT us?

    1. @Joshua Malone Why would you say that? And aren’t what we’re suppose to believe are trained adults not be held accountable?

    2. So where is the follow up story on the Philly shooter. He got rounds on 6 cops and they still took him alive..
      I forgot it doesn’t fit the narrative CNN wants..

  7. I’m proud that Gov. Newsom is taking a stand on this because this is long overdue and we have to fix this issue.

    1. @Adventure54 People naturally demonstrate loyalty toward their own. Those problems you’re highlighting are created by trying to force different nations to share the same soil. It’s how nations dissolve and wars are created. It’s why nations always have formed around common ethnicity, heritage, language, etc. The nation state with borders, is a mechanism to provide assurance, survival, and security for differing peoples with differing cultures. When we respect each other’s nations we respect each other’s right to carry on and survive as unique peoples. The further we go toward losing a white majority in Western nations, the more explosive this will get. White ethnicities are being imposed upon in their nations, and we’re being asked to support our own annihilation. That won’t bod well for long.

    2. @Adrian Poli Well, you can blame your weakness for your perceived problems. You lazy bastards need humans who you considered lesser so you enslaved them & forced them to do hard labor with ZERO human rights. They did NOT ask for a free cruise from from Africa or Asia to the new world. You started procreating(raping) with the slaves & filling the land with brown people. Now you’re worried about annihilation…that’s your problem, asshat. Take a look at the true white majority nations out there…they did their own back breaking labor. Your problem is called “self inflicted wounds”. Not to worry…the white race in the USA is the only one in recent history that has tried genocide, segregation, mass infections to annihilate, mass relocation & you’ve failed. Despite all of that, the people of color are willing to live & work together, so get over it, asshat. Things will never be the same….you know, the so-called “good old days”? You are now the minority race & the 330Million registered guns in the USA are not owned only by the KKK, white nationalists or white supremacists. Get it? Learn to get along, dumbass.

    3. @Adventure54 I wouldn’t be surprised if you were dishonorably discharged from military service if, indeed, you are actually telling the truth, with ranting like you are displaying. I guess you kept your hatred under control as an MP but you’re clearly unhinged if all you can do is spew expletives in every one of your responses and insult various people commenting here on their dislike of Newsom and this bill. Maybe you get your “facts” from CBC, MSNBC, CNN, ABC, and the NY Times and other honorable and trustworthy news services such as these. Yes, I’ve been in dangerous situations myself, as have been my parents and friends, and none of them were in predominantly white neighborhoods. Those are facts, not racist bigotry as you claim.

    4. @Adventure54 Wow, I thought I’d seem pretty extreme left wing bullshit before but you definitely take the cake, “cupcake”. Please go get some mental help before you implode on your own anger, lies, and the “facts” you believe from the “non-partisan” media you have been brainwashed with – you know, the ones that like to claim Russia, Russia, Russia, Collusion, Collusion, Collusion, Racist, Racist, Racist, Recession, Recession, Recession. Your type are the ones spreading hate and lies, so take a look in the mirror sometime. Oh wait, there’s no reflection there for hypocrites. Besides, I thought none of your cohorts believed in facts, only self-proclaimed “truths” perpetrated by false news. If you weren’t so sick, I and everyone else here would almost have to laugh at you. Keep whining – you are amusing us Mr. “MP”.

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