New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy if the Supreme Court decided to rollback Obamacare the consequences would be "devastating" to citizens in his state. Aired on 11/10/2020.
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About Katy Tur: Katy Tur is an NBC News Correspondent and anchor of the 2 p.m. ET hour of “MSNBC Live.” A dogged journalist, Tur emerged as a breakout broadcaster in 2016 while covering the entirety of the Trump campaign across all platforms for NBC News and MSNBC.
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#PhilMurphy #Obamacare #MSNBC
Gov. Murphy Says Getting Rid Of Obamacare Could Be 'Devastating' | Katy Tur | MSNBC
Trump and the GOP tried so many times to get rid of the Obamacare
They hate black people
Couldn’t do it despite having congressional majorities. Maybe they don’t want to git rid of it.
Trump is jealous of Obama.
@Brooke Skylar Richardson And the Proud Boys Approve this Message.
Wow she looks fabulous! love that black suit!
It’s the turtle neck that makes it looks so distinguished.
It would be devastating to republicans. They can kiss both senate races in georgia goodbye.
BREAKING NEWS ON FOX. The Republicans just won the Senate seat in NC and will get the Alaska seat. Democrats have no chance now to get the majority.
@THE TRUTH IS OUT NOW 777 there seats up in 2 years.
@nayster cobear It doesn’t matter Biden was disqualified. The Democrats cheated and Biden will not be president. Get a clue!
Russian troll
@THE TRUTH IS OUT NOW 777 stop smoking meth
Websters. New world college edition’ its all covered
And after 4 years of empty promises the Trump/Pence healthcare plan is —- “Don’t Take So Long To Die!” The longer you hold on, the less of a tax break some billionaire gets!
jimmy r Ohhhhhhh…. that is soooo very accurate… Good shot, jimmy !!!!!
@K. McKee It is accurate.
Especially these SOB’S like Trump and the GOP are salty about losing the 2020 presidential election Trump.
Lol! Salty balled!
I totally agree, they don’t care
Robber Barons trying to take away from the people, should be interesting to see if they want to commit political suicide or not.
How do americans..mostly republicans, claim to be patriotic when they do,not care if their fellow citizens have health care?
It’s just a slogan to them. It’s funny how these Republicunts main argument at the SCOTUS is some people might voluntarily sign up the ACA is unconstitutional without mandates or penalties. I’m not a lawyer, but even a 10th grader would know that’s a laughable argument. What a waste of tax payer $.
Conservatives in America have always been heartless and cruel. They started a civil war in the 19th century to keep Slavery, something most of the industrialized world had already abandoned by then. Conservatives also opposed the Women’s suffrage movement and the Civil Rights Movement. Basically Conservatives are allergic to progress and humanity. Using the Party names invites innacuracies because prior to the 20th century the Conservatives were represented by the Democratic Party while the Progressives were represented by the Republican Party (hence the name GOP, Government of the People). But at some point in the 20th century that flipped and now the Conservatives are represented by the Republican Party while the Progressives are represented by the Democratic Party.
Sad we people who live in America doesn’t have healthcare.Many are living paycheck to paycheck.Need to change minimum wage to 15.00 $per hour.stay safe.

@Pete Lind – I keep asking prolife republicans if they would be willing to get taxed extra to save babies to pay to induce labor at viability, keep them in the NICU, put them in a state home, and help adopt them out. All of it would need a tax increase….none of them want to. LOL
@Eric Langlois – Very good explanation on why we should use conservative/progressive instead of Democrat or Republican. I’ll have to keep that in mind. Thanks
Drug companies would love that. Watch out price gouging. Sad to see a nice country not have good health system. And It shows.
Pre-existing condition = being alive. Insurance companies simply don’t want to honor coverage as paying for services cuts into profits. U-healthcare is needed now.
That’s it’s even being considered, argued, is a travesty.
Affordable health care is a right, one that any remotely humane society, especially an affluent one, should provide it’s citizens without hesitation.
What makes you think the US is a “humane” society? Ask Vietnamese, Iraqis, Libyans, Salvadorans, Guatemalans, Chileans, Iranians, Laotians, Cambodians, Afgans, Nicaraguans about US “humanitarian” intervention in their country. You might be surprised what you hear.
Homeless people in UK have better healthcare system than Americans.
Let that sink in, while you figure out why.
If the republicans want to dig their own grave they should keep on trying to rollback Obamacare. As soon as they rollback Obamacare they are a dead party and same goes to all Trump supporters and Trump himself. They are politically dead if they do this.
If I remember right.
Katie Tur rightly rebuffed mr x early on during the 2016 campaign race.
The x president wrongly attempted to cosy to her.
Loved how she froze the guy out.
Go girl.
Every republican president has given a recession but Trump takes the cake
When will Americans learn .
And the Republicans whine & cry about the deficit. Every Republican president has added trillions to the deficit while in office. In the future, especially after Trump, they have no credibility to run for office on family values, reducing the deficit, being hawkish towards our international adversaries or on being constitutionalist conservatives.
The MAGA crowd is going to melt down when SCOTUS upholds and defers the ACA. Good thing they’re a zombie cult – they don’t have minds to lose.
The party of the Orange Antichrist don’t care people are without insurance! That’s CONservative Values
Yes it will. Biden said, if they strike Obama Care down, he will rise it back up and name it Biden Care. Thank you, many prayers, bless!
trump just want to take down the America all along with him ,but unfortunately many will die because of him
Amy handmaid’s tale Barret doesn’t card about kids after their born, just her skewed religious stupidity and zealotry.
If Don gets the ACA tossed out, then Joe should tell everyone affected what he’s going to replace it with. And announce it in Georgia first!
This will require doctors and lawyers working to overcome whatever legal/medical conditions the court imposes. Nothing specific can be possible until then. But yes, this should be done well before the Georgia runoffs.