Gov. Murphy: New Jersey schools closed rest of academic year due to COVID-19 | USA TODAY

New Jersey schools will be closed through at least June 30, 2020, Gov. Murphy announced at his May 4th press conference.
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Gov. Murphy: New Jersey schools closed rest of academic year due to COVID-19 | USA TODAY


    1. Most place already closed the schools year in late March and early April . It was a no brainier NJ schools was going to remain closed .

    2. Ray Ray I care and I want to see my friends in person not through an I pad screen. Many of us had stuf that we were looking forward to. And now we can’t do them. I have cried the last 2 days because I can’t see my friends or family.

  1. Nobody in NJ thought schools would reopen this academic year anyways, it’s just a formality. No need to cry over this announcement either. Stay safe and healthy y’all!

  2. Flu season of 2018, approx 80,000 U.S people died. Facts still remain: unless you’re over 70y w/co-morbidities or you have low immunity, you should be fine!

    1. 32,400 not 80,000

      _”CDC estimates that the burden of illness during the 2018–2019 season included an estimated 35.5 million people getting sick with influenza, 16.5 million people going to a health care provider for their illness, 490,600 hospitalizations, and *34,200 deaths from influenza.*”_

    1. Yes but half the students will go on Monday and Wednesday, then the other half on Tuesday and Thursday with Friday being Remote.

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