New Jersey schools will be closed through at least June 30, 2020, Gov. Murphy announced at his May 4th press conference.
RELATED: Can pets transfer coronavirus to humans?
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loved it
They weren’t learning anything anyway
Mr Paul Grimm lol true
Now terminate the 20,000 useless superintendents in NJ
Oh no another generation of the Jersey Shore gang. I can’t take it!
Let’s make getting an education a privilege again!
The school year is basically over anyways. Who cares
Most place already closed the schools year in late March and early April . It was a no brainier NJ schools was going to remain closed .
Ray Ray I care and I want to see my friends in person not through an I pad screen. Many of us had stuf that we were looking forward to. And now we can’t do them. I have cried the last 2 days because I can’t see my friends or family.
The world is closed due to CHINA, yeah we know, thanks
Didnt even close them until march wow !
Thanks NWO
J. De Los Santos glad you’re not a leader and most likely won’t reproduce
The sausage and peppers Governor.
This guy is seriously useless. Could make a good dartboard though.
It’s been closed sense March
I heard about this…..Murphys law. I get it now.

Nobody in NJ thought schools would reopen this academic year anyways, it’s just a formality. No need to cry over this announcement either. Stay safe and healthy y’all!
It’s a shame that those kids won’t get their daily brainwashing in person
it’s cute that you believe nj kids listen to what the teachers say in class
@theartisthasarrived you sound very ignorant.
Flu season of 2018, approx 80,000 U.S people died. Facts still remain: unless you’re over 70y w/co-morbidities or you have low immunity, you should be fine!
32,400 not 80,000
_”CDC estimates that the burden of illness during the 2018–2019 season included an estimated 35.5 million people getting sick with influenza, 16.5 million people going to a health care provider for their illness, 490,600 hospitalizations, and *34,200 deaths from influenza.*”_
Arch Stanton how you going to give numbers for a virus that hasn’t even finished yet?
I’m wondering if they’ll reopen on schedule in September
Yes but half the students will go on Monday and Wednesday, then the other half on Tuesday and Thursday with Friday being Remote.
I was graduating anyways
Carpetbagger your killing the state………