Gov. Phil Murphy, D-NJ, says he expects the coming months will be 'brutal' for the pandemic and that everything has to be on the table in terms of curbing the virus, but he sees a light at the end of the tunnel. Aired on 12/04/2020.
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#PhilMurphy #Brutal #MSNBC
Gov. Murphy: Light At End Of Tunnel After 'Brutal' Few Months | Morning Joe | MSNBC
I love that man.. he s been working so hard trying to protect his constituents.
@Wally Censorship I believe he’s speaking about *Gov. Murphy not Trump.*
@Springs & Sprockets Yes Murphy. Trump doesn’t run New Jersey does he.
And it’s ridiculous how you jump to but but but but Trump. But but but but Trump
At the same time, trump isn’t working hard at all, but he succeeds at making this virus more deadly than it needs to be. The man’s a murderer.
@Wally Censorship
*Ha ha since you brought it up starting with COVID! National Pandemic in which the Commander & Chief did not not give clear & concise protocol as what to do for his state leaders as well as supplies to get that job done fail! Trump….*
*Trump encouraged violence and divisivness on a National level, and then hid his @$$ in his bunker when it got to his doorstep…. Bu…bu…but…Obama…Bu…bu..but…China stole the Midterms…Bu…bu..bu…spygate…Bu…bu…but fraud! Trump has enough excuses to tattoo across that state wide Kentucky fried golf failing @$$ of his. What a schmuck.*
@Springs & Sprockets wow. He did. But you and every democrat refuse to listen or try and vilify everything he says or does. It’s ridiculous nonsense..
Trump incited violence ? Really ? But who actually was the ones rioting looting and destroying innocent people’s businesses ? BLM wasn’t it ? Hahahaha. With the backing from the democrat leadership like Harris and Biden nadler. Who all fund raised to bail out those rioters looters and refused to prosecute. You really are ridiculous. And I’ve heard enough of your nonsense for oneday
We start vaccinating soon. I can’t wait soon as I’m vaccinated i can start planning my business again. They reckon by late next year the uk will be immune I can’t wait.
Not if you live in one of these democrat cities that won’t allow businesses to open to the public.
@Wally Censorship hello im in the uk. All of the uk is far left compared to the usa lol
@Wally Censorship your left wing is the center riggr ro the uk, and the republicans are like the nazis to us they are that far right. Lol we find it terrifying just how right wing yanks actually are and how backwards their beliefs
Governors are running the country. Conald J Swamp is missing in action. He is at the golf courses, courts and tweeting.
@Wally Censorship Nope moderate periodicals such as *NPR, The BBC, Reuters, and PBS pretty much all say the same thing.*
@Springs & Sprockets all liberal biased networks.
All echo chambers for liberal hate.
@Wally Censorship Even *Right Wing Politico* knows *Trump is crooked!*
*How about his actual tweet on him breeching the Emoluments act & paying a foreign power to interfere!*
*Now is the picture coming together why Trump is asking about a friend’s & family plan for pardons?*
@Wally Censorship • *Basically you don’t do comparative research, you just go to Trump propaganda sites such as News Maxx, OAN and The Federalist.*
*It’s funny I guess FOX just turned into a liberal site, it has nothing to do with Trump’s indefensible rants on their show over time, but good luck with that!*
@Wally Censorship You seem a bit triggered. Go and rest. Obama didn’t control the states, he merely cooperated with them. A better strategy, don’t you think?
The BBC reported Italy is prohibiting travel between provinces Dec 25, 26, 31.
Let’s all do what medical science has shown is needed and stop spreading this virus.
Trump and Republican senators have for months undermined the work of the most conscientious Governors, by spreading untruths about covid and the importance of protective gestures.
The Republican Party is a cancer in the lives of Americans
The light at the end of the tunnel is the end of trump’s regime.
The costs of this human tragedy is way to high to pay for getting rid of this narcissistic trumpsollini trumpet and foxy news murkdog trumpeting denial and ridicule of sciences and facts
@Jaak Savat I still believe in the justice of the United States. I hope the culprits are scrutinized.
@Ricky Dente I hope you’re right but there’s more than one justice besides the usual justice for the have not and justice for the have
@Jaak Savat well I understand what you mean. Being European, I hope, just saying, I still believe in USA justice. Nowhere we have perfect justice but one of the most effective is the American one. So, hopefully, we’ll be able to see that kind of Evangelists, Karen’s, ignorants and racistes on court. If not, at least at school to have an humanity Education
Meanwhile, commander cockwomble is nursing his butt hurt over losing the biggest popularity contest in the world. : )
@Wally Censorship Judging from the poorly written sentence you just gifted me with…I consider that a compliment. : )
@Hecubus take it however you want. Doesn’t change your stupidity.
@Wally Censorship Is, that the best rebuttal you could rattle out of that empty head? Pathetic. : )
But, expecting a red hat to be clever; is expecting too much…isn’t it? : )
@Wally Censorship dude you are the dumb one, its painful to watch you try to outsmart this other individual
aww bless your heart
@Wally Censorship before you call me a Liberal i am not one, i am a Bible believing Christian, i don’t subscribe to liberalism or conservatism, left or right. These are man made cliques i do not care for.
Where is the “wartime president..?” Oh yeah, that’s right, too busy with golfing or tweeting about the election he lost …
How selfish are you? The president’s handicap has to be low single digits. Much better golfer than that tan suit wearing communist Obama.
@Shane Wilson Good satire
Five times draft dodger, says it all. Trump is a coward.
You can revive an economy but not a corpse. I would rather spend Christmas alone than bury my father , mother and loved ones in the New Year ..
@Fabian Feilcke

We must remain vigilant and continue to protect each other.
Wearing a mask, practicing social distancing, and avoiding large gatherings are part of a proven strategy to reduce the spread of the virus.
U show your decency in this comment
@Michelle Nichols it would hv been if trump had advised the country right away .. saying a democratic hoax …. it will disappear miraculously etc etc .
spending christmas alone is wonderful, I get all the stuffing
Brutal few months! Its been a horrendous past yr & the last 4 yrs under tRump have been equally devastating!
I still don’t understand why some people put up such a big fuss about wearing masks in the first place. Yes, they can be uncomfortable, but they have been proven to protect ourselves and others, and I would much rather put up with the momentary discomfort of a mask than risk getting sick. I personally think that if some people (especially trump) hadn’t made the act of wearing masks political and encouraged people to defy safety measures in the name of so called “personal freedoms” we wouldn’t be in this mess. I don’t know how to explain that you should care about other people. So please, when a retail employee, the local government or a business asks you to put on a mask before you go somewhere, to paraphrase Nike: JUST DO IT. AND SHUT UP.
You’ll see ‘light at end of tunnel’ after death, so I wish they would use a different phrase for ‘hope’
Democrats don’t know what hope is. It’s always doom and gloom.
Light at the end of the tunnel huh, I’d need a space telescope to see it.
The public IS the problem!!! So sad that their behavior isn’t improving!!!

Trump is golfing while people are dying he doesn’t really care only getting money to line his pockets.Giving out pardons to his cronies and family for lying, cheating, stealing, our money
Gov. Phil and Gov. Andrew are doing a good job. If we had more help from the feds we would have beaten this virus.
The light at the end of the tunnel is the end of Trump’s term.
Remember Trump didnd want more vetilators?? He is guilty of neglecting the most vulnerable.
Remember when ventilators.were.found stashed in a warehouse and how most of them didn’t even get used?
Trumps plan from the begining was dump the problem off on the states
Event 201 Everybody Knows