Washington Governor Jay Inslee, one of a dozen Democratic governors to sign a letter condemning Trump’s attacks on election integrity, shares how he’s fighting voter suppression.» Subscribe to MSNBC:
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Gov. Jay Inslee Vows To Protect Voting Rights: ‘We’re Guardians Of Something Very Precious’ | MSNBC
As we all know, Trump told people to drink or/and inject bleach, so, is he drinking the bleach that he recommended to people

**Trump is such a fool,,, poison centers actually had to advise people,,,, not to drink bleach or any other disinfectant… THAT’S OUR PRESIDENT!!! GET OUT AND VOTE WHATEVER YOU HAVE TO DO,,, AND VOTE DEMOCRAT UP AND DOWN THE TICKET!!!**
Trump has sabotaged the Republican Party and turned into FASCISM. The 14 Characteristics of Fascism….Trump has them all and he’ll only get worse.
1. Powerful and continuing nationalism
2. Disdain for human rights
3. Identification of enemies as a unifying cause
4. Supremacy of the military
5. Rampant sexism
6. Controlled mass media
7. Obsession with national security
8. Religion and government intertwined
9. Corporate power protected
10. Labor power suppressed
11. Disdain for intellectuals & the arts
12. Obsession with crime & punishment
13. Rampant cronyism & corruption
14. Fraudulent elections
He should be taking his own meds so he can get well…or whatever.
@hillary Colen
Love that “or whatever”.
Me, too!
Jay Inslee needs to help Antifa and BLM burn and loot all his own cities in Washington state to show what a great Governor he really is
Texas GOP Governor needs to take notes. He just signed an executive order to only allow ONE absentee ballot drop-off location per county. ONLY ONE. Harris county in Texas has over 5 million people in population for ONE location. This is voter suppression.
Trump says he will send his supporters to the polls to watch carefully . . . and if “he” ( = his supporters ) sees tens of thousands of ballots being manipulated, then Trump will not go on with that . . . Probably it will be sufficient for Trump to cry: “Foul play – new election needed next year” if merely one of his supporters says , that he saw “somebody” stuffing a ballot-box with votes. What if this “somebody” is merely another overly fanatic supporter playing the “Ruin the Election” game ?
@Glenn Faria Yeah right
Jay Inslee needs to help Antifa and BLM burn and loot all his own cities in Washington state to show what a great Governor he really is
@Fred Abrams sure moron
Absolutelv disgraceful!…Now where is that’ moral authority to lecture any other country about democracy and corruption?
@Paul Revere’s Horse Bucky Your boy is playing fast and loose with the facts, he pops a bunch of images up on his phone with no context around them, and doesn’t allow the viewer time enough to identify what is on his screen. He might be more credible if he produces a real informational video rather than using questionable images and videos on a laptop and his phone to try and support his statements. Who are those “news people”? Since when dose a reporter make his reports standing on the floor a few feet from the anchor desk? In the real world if the reporter is standing he’s in the field, not in the studio. Reporters in a studio are seated and it’s often at a sort of extension of the anchor desk that is used to seat guests and reporters. I think you need to get yourself some more credible sources, or a new brain to filter reality through.
EVERYONE MAKE SURE YOU VOTE ANYWAY! This could be a scam to make people think that he will not be reelected so that they don’t bother to vote.
@Arnold Fossman Short and sweet https://youtu.be/9wGaZMqeEvc
@Arnold Fossman Here is the footage
Is the FBI on the case?
Jay Inslee needs to help Antifa and BLM burn and loot all his own cities in Washington state to show what a great Governor he really is
@Julie B where is disdain of human rights? Ur just silly a little bit. Democrats are the fascists if we’re gonna be all real about it. Fascism is government takeover of the economy, under private ownership.. China gets it.. democrats know..
Vote Blue for healthcare
We need to all proudly protect out voting rights and our democracy from enemies foreign and domestic.
@J. Noble
You could start with your gerrymandering, your voter suppression and your outright electoral fraud. You could also try “the person with the most votes wins”, instead of your current farce. America has nothing to be “proud” of, your political system is corrupt. Just look at the failure, 210,000 dead and more to come. Lots more. Riots, protests, police shootings, millions unemployed, a 27 trillion dollar national debt, yet another taxpayer funded bailout. No wonder the USA is ranked only 46th in world life expectancy rankings.
What a dump!
Liberal Democrats are the enemy of the American people obviously.

Jim Battersbee : distant and objective Australian here in total agreement; filthy sums of money involved, and they can’t trust Governors and Electors to count or vote accurately !!!
Jay Inslee needs to help Antifa and BLM burn and loot all his own cities in Washington state to show what a great Governor he really is
J. Noble : I understand your upset, especially during this dreadful time for the US, but Jim B is sadly but objectively correct, from my also distant & neutral Australian perspective & per many US thinkers. Your electoral system is wilfully criminally gerrymandered and unrepresentative of all the Peoples’ wishes. I’m so sorry for you & your Country. Eradicating Trump’s Cult and repairing your Constitution‘s aims for your People, including your electoral systems must be a priority for the US.

They all went to the debate no masks trump goes off the rails early argues with moderator cuts off Biden’s answers with questions corners himself with proud boys next two days swimming in controversy over white supremacists hate groups and proud boys new slogan what now how do we gut this bad press get the virus and hibernate awhile
In the 1930’ties German chancellor Adolf Hitler knew , that he had to somehow remove the communists from parliament ( Reichstag ), because they usually voted against anything he said. Hitler had to manage this before election day 5 March 1933. 27 February , six days before the March-elections , the parliament was set on fire. Conveniently at 21:oo in the evening , so that the flames could be seen from far away in Berlin and the journalists could get scaring and impressive pictures. The police found a known Dutch communist Mr. Marinus van der Lubbe inside the parliament building , although Mr. Lubbe had had lots of time to flee in the dark before the fire became visible. Lubbe even confessed to the arson attack. The Nazi Party used the fire as evidence that communists were plotting against the German government and all communist deputies were arrested. To make sure that the alleged arsonist Mr. Lubbe would not later talk to newspapers , he was sentenced and executed in 1933. At such occasions it is fortunate to have judges (Roland Freisler) from your own party. Hitler promoted himself to supervisor of all courts i.e. the superior of all judges ending any discussions whether a chancellor is above the law or not.
Biden was the first to interrupt in the debate, moron.
@Indy Marrow
Not sure if your comment was more funny or more pathetic.
I am leaning toward the pathetic way.
Please tell me what they plan on doing on the next debate and who made these changes necessary.
Thank you for you time on that research.
Jay Inslee needs to help Antifa and BLM burn and loot all his own cities in Washington state to show what a great Governor he really is
@Mr Big Trump- the largest number of Americans dead by a Presidents incompetence since……..

It might not even be coronavirus it could just been the stress of when he loses on November 3rd, he could have had a stroke for all we know.
He does not have COVID.
We can all hope
A stroke could render him speech impaired……light at the end of the tunnel.
You mean one of those mini-strokes that he denied without ever being suspected of?
EVERYONE MAKE SURE YOU VOTE ANYWAY! This could be a scam to make people think that he will not be reelected so that they don’t bother to vote.
Jay Inslee needs to help Antifa and BLM burn and loot all his own cities in Washington state to show what a great Governor he really is
This is all deflection from Donald because his Agenda is Voter Supression. AMERICA needs to UNITE against The Trump Administration and this attack on Democracy
Jay Inslee needs to help Antifa and BLM burn and loot all his own cities in Washington state to show what a great Governor he really is
Repubnecks always suppress.
@Indy Marrow I wish I could smack the stupid outta you.
kingpest13 Let’s meet up, dummy.
kingpest13 or I could come to you. It would be fun smacking a dummy.
DON’T BE DISTRACTED. A mask, face shield, and a chair is all that is needed to VOTE IN PERSON! LET’S DO IT!!!

@Africa Renee awe bby thanks but you see what you pretty princess are hehhe
@lovableAlexa You have a new subscriber, Gorgeous, lol

@sclogse1 That’s one of his Minions. Don’t waste your time. They are very insecure and lacks attention. Smh.
Jay Inslee needs to help Antifa and BLM burn and loot all his own cities in Washington state to show what a great Governor he really is
It’s a challenge where I live. We went from 55 to 5 polling stations for the county because of covid-19. Vote how ever you can.
The governors is right about making sure that we cover all of our bases and vote him out by an overwhelming majority but as to the part about Republicans being embarrassed they should have been embarrassed a long time ago they have no morals whatsoever
The Republicans appear to believe that they are in good standing with God based on 1) believing that homosexuality is a sin and 2) the right to abortion should not be supported. Granted, I don’t believe that homosexuality is a choice and that to be totally against abortion when born people of a different race are not entitled to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. But, anything else goes, like lying, adultery, disrespect of women, racism, etc., money hungry, pull yourself up by your bootstraps. It is your own fault if you weren’t given bootstraps=millions of dollars (like Donald Trump) everyone is beneath him, etc. Placing the blame on the victim.
Jay Inslee needs to help Antifa and BLM burn and loot all his own cities in Washington state to show what a great Governor he really is
@ed taiwo If only antifa existed so he could.
It’s a fight between good vs evil. Thank God the good guys are going to win by a landslide!
These republicans are so scare to lose the election they’ll take away all your mailboxes. That doesn’t sound like confidence sounds like cowards!
p.l. adams they are corrupt and need prison time for sure
*15 million Americans Dropped Out of Obama’s Labor Force, the Lowest Labor Force Participation Rate since 1977 and left destitute*
*While Millions of Americans Reentered the Labor Force immediately after a Deep Recession under the Ground Breaking Reaganomics*
– *That’s Devastating for Democrats*
*President Trump sent the Chief of Staff to hand out chocolates to supporters outside Walter Reed*
Oct 3, 2020 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3MtIFs85U58
@Fritter Foof Trump votes by mail and told his supporters that voting by mail is safe. Then from the other side of his mouth, regarding his detractors voting by mail cannot be trusted. The hypocrisy of it all.
Jay Inslee needs to help Antifa and BLM burn and loot all his own cities in Washington state to show what a great Governor he really is
All this is happening because he KNOWS HE can’t win without cheating. The only way he wins honestly is simply not viable. The more he gets his anarchy in place he thinks the nation will just roll over and be so thrilled to have this pile if PUTIN PUTIN babies run a Russian off shoot country.
You are correct. Biden couldn’t get 10% of america’s voters to vote for him. That is why the left is wrought with election fraud and why the checks from Russian oligarchs keep getting sent to the Biden clan. Corruption, lies, deceit… they have been fleecing Ameria for decades!
@Catherine Rosengren
Why are Trump supporters so stupid?
America should be ashamed that the governor of a state can blatantly perform voter suppression and nothing can be done. Yes Texas and Greg Abbott, you are the destroyer of American democracy by only allowing one ballot drop off point in each county in Texas, disenfranchising many voters, coincidentally mainly Biden voters.
America should be ashamed for the last 4 years! Country, morality and democracy in shambles! VOTE this turd out!
@Glenn Faria what are you calling it then show proof its not
I live in Texas and let me tell you that most counties are huge! There is no way this isn’t suppressing the voter’s when there are three cities that are in the top ten in the nation. Houston, Dallas and San Antonio all well over a million people.
@Glenn FariaThen watch all
@Glenn Faria why isn’t it ? What possible reason to do that ?
It’s not just Donald Trump – it’s all of the GOP in every State legislature in our country! This is a planned overthrow of the will of the majority!
Jay Inslee needs to help Antifa and BLM burn and loot all his own cities in Washington state to show what a great Governor he really is
@Mr Big Antifa Training Camp Leaked TOP SECRET
@The Tweatles And your candidate is a criminal. He will get locked up.
@Paul Revere’s Horse Bucky yes but this was a man whose words were used to make men willing to die for him invading other countries, these are dangerous words to lead men to commit acts of atrocity
@Todd Daniel Has Trump started an illegal war? Trump has got this Vet’s vote 2020. I have served under worse. Trump is not a product of the RNC/DNC. I sure hate Trump’s ego, but he gets my vote this time.
Omar Busted
Propaganda Vortex: New York Times Kicks James O’Keefe’s Vote Fraud Proof
https://youtu.be/mMzMzUQv5nQ Big Story the Media is trying to suppress
Trumps Statement https://youtu.be/9wGaZMqeEvc
https://youtu.be/MV7oDl8yDZk First Report I saw PV
Is Drumpf still praising Stella Immanuel now?
A couple of days ago, he said “he would do everything possible to win”.
Is all this just one of the things he would do?
not falling for trump having Coronavirus for a minute!
@sevecn yai did u see his message right now on Twitter? the man doesn’t sound like he is sick!
@James Ricker nope they are coming October 19 no delays there!
@r dh he is not out of the woods
Jay Inslee needs to help Antifa and BLM burn and loot all his own cities in Washington state to show what a great Governor he really is
@r dh Man is a F lion. nothing brings him down . what a beast. like a rock
“My authority is total, my accountability is zero, I take no responsibility at all” – words muttered by an EPIC FAILURE who REFUSES to PROTECT the American People. Remove the Corrupt and Compromised Asset from office.
Awe the Democratic Party is more corrupt!
And the Senators that kiss his butt all the time. They are as bad or worse than he is. When did the Republicans become so lawless. They’ve always been crooked as a dog’s hind leg but they weren’t so blatantly open about it .
@summermojo That’s a pretty limp response. Even you don’t believe it. No one has ever been more corrupt than Trump.
@WinLuBen blatantly open is good, then there is more transparency
Jay Inslee needs to help Antifa and BLM burn and loot all his own cities in Washington state to show what a great Governor he really is
Notice Trump uses the term “my people”
Creepy. He wants to intimidate voters. Is he deliberately having his own votes go missing? Of which there is no proof. One admired mistake of mixing up a ballot request and a vote.
Because he owns them?
Dump Trump 2020
Jay Inslee needs to help Antifa and BLM burn and loot all his own cities in Washington state to show what a great Governor he really is
Trump Playbook is all too simple – “Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth” – Joseph Goebbels
Neck Beard
are you a member of the same fake accounts that post this same dribble in every BSDNC and CNN video about 10 times in each?
Only morons think lie repetitions are truth
Jay Inslee needs to help Antifa and BLM burn and loot all his own cities in Washington state to show what a great Governor he really is
There should be independent confirmation that he actually has Covid-19. He’s lied about everything else.
Yes, let us hear him cough into the microphone.
Someone PLEASE tell Trump writing fever on his forehead with a sharpie just won’t do it.
Jay Inslee needs to help Antifa and BLM burn and loot all his own cities in Washington state to show what a great Governor he really is