NBC News' Chris Pollone reports from Daytona Beach as Floirida braces for possible high winds and flash flooding from Hurricane Isaias. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis urged people to take the hurricane "seriously" and discussed possible shelter plans.
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Gov. DeSantis Urges Floridians To Take Hurricane Isaias 'Seriously' | MSNBC
Stay safe everyone, never underestimate Mother Nature. And never underestimate the stupidity of your Governor.
As he wants floridians to ignore the more deadly coronavirus.
Especially the stupidity of their governor.

Ding! Ding! Ding! We got a Winner!!!
Not willing to take any cues from DeSantis. Probably will suggest everyone to pack into shelters without masks.
No, I believe he is urging people in that state to take it seriously and maybe evacuate.
You’re right as he has been irresponsible and reckless like his hero, tRump.
Yea sure Ronnie. Take it serious – just like the mask things.
Here’s what really happened. This documentary is well presented.>>>
Ignoranceisbliss keep wearing your mask and keep blindly following orders without questioning anything.
@S R sweetie pie, there’s no need to be sour just because I pointed out your understanding of virology is over 150 years out of date. Kisses. Xx
@Ignoranceisbliss I know this thread is a bit stale but I think SR should take a different name, similar to yours but more near the truth maybe: Ignorance is Invincible.
@P H i like whiney mcwhineface.
Amazing that you have to tell adults that live in hurricane zones to take a hurricane ” seriously ” altho it’s not surprising when you consider the Covid response .
maybe they went to school with trumpy,
I lived in Florida my entire life. I’m no fan of DeSantis, but Cat. 1s are nothing to take seriously lol. But it’s just ironic how he treats this hurricane this way, but his COVID response is not even close to the same seriousness.
The Hurricane will blow the covid-19 away. After the hurricane, Florida can fully reopen.
you did mean blow the whole state away right.
I saw a tweet from Trump with this same message.
It’s fully open now? Especially the ERs
No go party on the beach like y’all did in coronavirus
The trouble with the Democraps is that they want to take the guns.
TheInternet0987 If you have a violent criminal record or diagnosed mental illness, you don’t need a gun.
Yes, especially if you’re a Republican. Party in the storm. Same same as coronavirus.
Ron DeSantis is lying and hiding the truth from citizens for his own benefit. Their death and suffering means nothing to him… Flori-DUH..When the ICU is becoming now IOU..
Heard alot of the usual from some Floridians,dumps their God,well now is thoughts n prayers time
Corona “I’m gonna put you on house arrest”
Hurricane “What house?”
I’m going to have to share this one friend!!!
trump will save them with his magic Sharpie.
Nuke the hurricane, remember that one?!
Emsley Wyatt I like that joke ………am keeping it. Just kidding, it’s not FB.
Take it just as seriously as DeSantis the abject failure took the corona virus…
It is American’s right to enjoy the beach with a hurricane on the way. Government overreach!
Exactly! His comments are infringing on my rights, lol
Right on brother! I drive my car without a seat belt and brakes to fight the nanny state government! Freedom!!
I’m surprised DeSantis isn’t suggesting the Hurricane is a Democrat hoax.
S R Can’t we just nuke it?

S R He shut down the flights 3 months after the outbreak in China. Nothing like closing the gate after the horses got out.

These documentaries explains a lot. It’s pretty interesting. I believe most of it. You decide>>>>enjoy
Well the Hungarian word for hurricane is “Soros.” Makes you think, but not Republicans. Will Republicans celebrate death and destruction from a hurricane like they celebrate Covid deaths and mass unemployment?
it’s CHINA’s Fault! always bringing hurricanes and diseases!
Isn’t this the same governor that was against wearing masks and saying Covid-19 wasn’t that big of deal?
He always says wear masks on his press conferences
*Just like Ronny took COVID seriously?*
Just like he wants Floridians to take the COVID-19 seriously and wearing masks, right?
@S R You should go to Miami-Dade County, where Covid has camped out big time.
Over 115,000 folks there have Covid.
And Covid can leave permanent damaging effects on kidneys, lungs, hearts, and even brains.
@S R ShaRknado
@S R the fact that things might be fine in your corner of Florida doesn’t mean that things are fine in the State of Florida.
@S R Dont forget your DISINFECTANT.
Fabiola Dereppe no worries, I use it all the time to clean my house.
Governor DeSantis Want Florida People to Take Hurricane Isaias Seriously But Not Coronavirus Hoax Outbreak Seriously
Wigg Picker Wow, you really are brainwashed….
@Wigg Picker Into the rum bottle again?
@Scott Baxendale
The democrats are demon rats, serpent bloodline and all their AI and bots.. You’re just a noob, a wee little noobie clown, squeek for us noobster, squeek squeek squeek..
@Dianna Wilson That’s what happens when you mix Trump and “Dr” Stella Immanuel together. It’s a whole new level of crazy.
@Wigg Picker – *Been into Uncle Jed’s shine stash, Harpo?*
DeSantis has ZERO credibility after his disastrous response to the coronavirus.
“Our numbers are just a blip” Ron DeSantis, July 14th
Why does DeSantis act like he cares when he really doesn’t. His bottom line is how can he please Trump.
And with that in mind, the voters of Flori-duh will re-elect him.
desantis must surely know that hurricanes are a “hoax”. what a piece of garbage governor i hate that he narrowly won and is soooo incompetent for the job and his role as a “leader”
It looks gorgeous, so the hurricane is FAKE news! Beach party, woo hooo!!!!
Yes, DeSantis proves it . . . . Stupid is as stupid does:
His opponent turned out to have a drug problem, he still would have done a better job than DeSantis
Ron DeSantis is blaming the spread of coronavirus in Florida on young people.
Erm, you were the one who told them it was safe to go out! You were the one who reopened the bars too early! You are the one who’s responsible for your state having 256 deaths yesterday, more than the whole of the EU combined!
The hurricane is a hoax ask gas mask wearing Matt Gaetz who mocked the corona virus and its severity. No need to protect yourself in Florida from any danger, just make sure you keep those bars and restaurants open.
Also my sharpie says the hurricane hits Colorado and not Florida … crying about wolf when there is non , when there really is one , no one will listen to you Ron DeRacist .
my German state got 8 million citizens, 14.000 got infected since Feb.
Football Nerd And refused to close the beaches before/during spring break.
Too bad DeSantis never told anyone to take COVID 45 seriously.
@Wigg Picker ahahahahahahaha, hilarious… a covidiot speaking in the mirror
@Walter Bo
You cant even get around Michelle Obamas 10 inch chalupa, flyboy, you’re a tragic embarrassment
@Walter Bo The Covidiot is another Fair description of our Maniac President.