Gov. Cuomo: Trump Doesn’t Like That I Stand Up To Him | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Gov. Andrew Cuomo, D-NY, pushes back on Trump's comments on withholding a coronavirus vaccine from New York after Gov. Cuomo said he would have experts review a vaccine rather than simply take the word of the Trump WH. Aired on 11/16/2020.
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#AndrewCuomo #Coronavirus #MSNBC

Gov. Cuomo: Trump Doesn't Like That I Stand Up To Him | Morning Joe | MSNBC


    1. I inhale lysol and inject disinfectant and drink bleach…

    1. @simon kentonCod liver oil the pills, turned 52 this year body breaking down trying to help it along. Lol stay safe

    2. I inhale lysol and inject disinfectant and drink bleach…

    1. @Happy every single country opened it’s borders to refugees and every country came up with a covid vaccine because every country is a fabulous socialist paradise just like NY

    2. Commies are busy coming up with myriad excuses why they’ll fail at everything in the future while that creep Biden sniffs girl hair “duh the Russians duh the Trump supporters duh give me welfare duh”

    3. @Tye Jenks Trump is a populist in the same vein as Andrew Jackson andTeddy Roosevelt. He’s the best President we’ve had since Eisenhower, done more for the common guy since Kennedy. He can hold his own candle.

    4. @Newton Membrane I wonder if all the presidents you’ve mentioned was a pathological liar like Trump…and the candle you’re speaking of is melting down to all be damned. You should look at yourself with pity, F((k me right now and wanting to be right how do you respect someone who knew how serious this virus was to Bob Woodward but told us Americans that it would just disappear, he could of told his lost Cult Members to just wear a freakin’ mask, and you would of listened he used us as a political pawns in his show of delusions and you lick it up buttercup, right now are you injecting yourself with disinfectants, we need a unifier not a divider.

    1. @j bird I was sad to see that. I wish it hadn’t. It lowers us to your level.

      However, if we showed up in your city, would we get a warm welcome?

      Nope. You would bring out your guns.

      So you don’t get to lecture me.
      Clean up your own yard. I will police my own.

    2. @A Writer yeah. Real sad. Demoidiots got arrested. One of yours is a child molester.
      Your going to have to police your own, when there’s no police in your state! “Defund the police” your side spews. Your side started murdering first! Portland remember?

    3. @A Writer sure sounded like a threat to me!!!… it’s baffling how they’re so cranky about this particular individual

    1. @John Smith You need to use “you’re” the contraction of “you are” instead of “your”. “Your” is the possessive version of the word. For example “Cuomo you’re a joke but I love your suit!” Insults carry more weight when spelled correctly. Always happy to help. Have a nice day. 🌞

  1. The virus in America is the president, he just loves himself, people are trying to get the virus user control and he wants the glory for it. Before he gets lost in space .

      He’s is the storm and its going to be Biblical
      Trump team will be locking up all the traitors who has been destroying our Nation
      for years and years….Trump been showing the people whats going on.!!!! wake up —

    2. @Max Kammerer You lost the rest of us when you said OAN – the one network that will fluff trump’s stuff when even Fox can’t take his lies anymore.

    3. @Rick Barber Hmmmm. I was a Fox News then just like the rest of the traitors just more lies corruption and treason going on- They called out who was president before it’s called by legal action-!! And to find out the voting machines are designed to change voting- in many other countries and what was found we all should be very mad about the corruption and treason going on-! And yes TRUMP WON-!!!

    1. he did NOTHING about the virus because he did not want his Hotels to lose business !! People, what do you call that ??

    2. I inhale lysol and inject disinfectant and drink bleach…

    3. I’ve made more money with trump president then I did in 8 years with Obama u guys are blind have fun in ur democratic states that are bankrupt with no middle class ur wealthy class is moving out so have fun living in poverty with ur high taxes over regulation an minuscule jobs

    4. Have fun living on food stamps democratics you all are pathetic with poorly ran cities that no one wants to go to filthy rat infested drug infused states

    5. Sayeth the brainwashed slave to the media… So you know Trump personally? Doubt it. So stop spreading lies like CNN.

    1. @The Truth Is Out I’m SHAKING with anticipation to the final fumigation of Bunker Boy from the WH. Just a matter of days now…

    1. That’s True. He was never a PRESIDENT and certainly never PRESIDENTIAL. He has been a bully, a liar, uneducated, rude, befriends dictator, he’s a MALICIOUS MAN who deserves the devil’s share that is coming for him.

    2. Crying you can live with but dying not so much! Prediction the country is going to get a whole lot worst and it will be impossible to deal with the people sick and dying. Covid, Covid, Covid Trump says we are not going to hear that anymore because dead people don’t talk.

  2. Trump, & the base, doesn’t like ANYONE who questions, disagrees with, or stands up to Trump. It’s how cults operate. There’s no questioning the leader in any way or YOUR the problem.

    1. Blm/antifa, who’ve been sponsored by the democrats and Soros have followed the exact pattern of the Nazis, who were a socialist organization just like they are. The liberals control media including news, sports, art, theatre, film and war propaganda (yes, the war-hungry generals are on the democrats’ side). At every turn, the President’s been politically ambushed, while creating policies that focused on the People of this country (including every income class, soldiers & People of color) having a brighter future. The foreign and domestic “powers” who’ve helped oppose President Trump stand to financially benefit from a leader who sells off our resources instead of becoming energy independent.

    2. @Maurice O’Ray II don’t forget the lizard people and extra dimensional beings that live under ground waiting to rise up to take over earth

    1. @Maurice O’Ray II and now he becomes the first president to lose to “Sleepy Joe” Biden… how Hilarious is that 😄

    2. @Maurice O’Ray II GET it TOGETHER Joe Biden and KAMALA HARRIS on there Way into the white House. Get over it. . you just well to LOL 😂😝 SEE AMERICAN people got on the Joe Biden and HARRIS TRAIN. Now you on it HE Joe Biden is the president

    3. @Maurice O’Ray II Here are some facts for you of how he outdid the previous presidents without any effort in less than 3 four years. Feel free to copy and paste:
      1.- Highest numbers on our national debt.
      2,- Highest numbers on our national deficit.
      3.- Highest numbers on credit debt.
      4.- Highest numbers on homelessness.
      5.- Highest numbers on evictions.
      6.- Highest numbers on riots.
      7.- Highest numbers on deaths.
      8.- The highest record of proven lies a president has said (more than the 10 previous combined)
      9.- Unemployment worse than 4 years ago.
      10.-Our GDP still worse than 2018
      11.- Only president separating children from families to put them in cages (how Christian of him)
      12.- The only president who bombed peaceful protesters for just a photo op. (yes very Christian)
      13.- The most racist president who did nothing for the communities of color but came up with the big lies of
      doing something good for them.
      14. Worse revenue farmers loss due to his failed tariffs.
      15.- More Auto industry moving jobs overseas.
      Gush, I think I should leave it here. I can keep going but it will be too much for you to read. Get your head out of the orange hole to see reality. Attempts are not = accomplishments. Mexico did not pay for the wall the way he promised more than 100 times. His 5 miles of wall has been the easiest for illegal immigrants to walk across, under, over and around (his own words), and it’s so weak that even a draft of air can bring them down.
      He didn’t bring the miners jobs back and they are still suffering with black lung disease. He not only didn’t bring jobs from overseas (including his and Ivanka’s) but loss more than the previous president. No infrastructure work. He did watch 9 hours of TV every day. Showed up to “pretend work” closed to noon. Refused to read or get briefings and started to give national classified information, part of our nation and our soldiers heads to his lover Putin. He is a scam and a criminal waiting for trials soon.

    1. Yes, Gov. Andrew Cuomo is a great man in American history. He is very intelligent. I had watched him in his talk shows. I really like him. He is cool.

    1. ……… I inhale lysol and inject disinfectant and drink bleach…

    2. @The Truth Is Out Sounds like you are talking about yourself … oh wait you have a brain ….. a Maggot infested one that is.

    3. @The Truth Is Out Sounds like you are talking about yourself! oh wait you have a Brain … a maggot infested one that is.

    1. Coumo mishandled the pandemic In NY.
      Through his sheet incompetence he killed thousands of nursing home residents.

  3. When Biden won Americans were dancing in the friggin streets. The whole world rejoiced at trumps defeat. We trust govenor Cuomo ten times more than this catastrophic impeached one term failed president.

    1. @Ross Rainsure and pigs fly, but if it makes you sleep better, keep telling yourself that, bud. And define marxist

    1. Yes, could we be done with seeing and hearing him? I think he is staying there to milk his base and the govt of as much money as possible to pay off some of his massive debts before he limps out the back door.

    2. You’re right. Cuomo is a pathetic character. THIS is the guy who boasted NYS had the best healthcare system in the world and the virus wouldn’t hit the state as it did Europe. He was right. NYS became the epicenter of the world pandemic.

      And he’s a shameless liar. The rollout of the vaccine will be coordinated by the CDC and the Department of defense in an unprecedented manner. Temporary clinics will be set up in underprivileged areas— the projects, low-income areas etc.

      His cherry-picking the stat about people not trusting the FDC is irrelevant.

      Even before the pandemic, public health agencies around the world were struggling to counter increasingly sophisticated efforts to turn people against vaccines. With vaccination rates against measles and other infectious diseases falling in some locations, the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2019 listed “vaccine hesitancy” as one of 10 major global health threats.

      Not surprisingly, this fraud mentions blacks may be deprived of the vaccine but fails to mention only 25% said they would get it.

      This is the deviant who signed an executive order to send convalescing seniors back to long-term care facilities, cesspools of infection, which some watchdogs claim was an order may have been responsible for 11,000 deaths and he has the despicable arrogance to suggest his task force should be the ultimate arbiter of whether the vaccine is safe?

      More blatantly, this scientific illiterate failed to mention that more than 100 top scientists including 15 Nobel laureates have written an open letter calling for volunteers to be exposed to the coronavirus to assist with vaccine development, which is what Phizer has done.

      They said so-called “human challenge trials” or “controlled infection trials” were of “vast importance” in speeding up the testing of the vaccines in development around the world.

      “If challenge trials can safely and effectively speed the vaccine development process, there is a formidable presumption in favor of their use, which would require a very compelling ethical justification to overcome

      Cuomo lacks any ethical justification to deny New Yorkers who want the vaccine ASAP because allegedly 50% of the population does not trust the FDA.

      Do what you do best, Governor: make another absurd, childish poster.

    3. @Bloozegirl Hansen About donnie’s base, Det Joe Friday: “Hardest thing working bunko is getting the mark to complain.” (Paraphrased)

    4. @Mark W No, actually I’m talking about Individual One, who “played” Covid19 down which killed over 230,000 Americans.

  4. The Bully can’t stand up to Governor so his go to punish the people of New York. He will always be known for a cruel dumb animal.

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