CNN's Brynn Gingras reports on the sexual harassment accusations against New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo and what his second accuser said about his statement following the accusations. #CNN #News
Gov. Cuomo accuser says he hasn’t taken responsibility for his actions

We all know people are not perfect. But couldn’t he be a “nose picker” or something?
Yes. Why could he not be a vegan instead of a sexual predator
Reporting on his brothers sexual harassment claims……
Next level
Ffis that
oh good
I had no clue Jake Tapper was related to him lol
I want to see the Cuomo bros on CNN talking about this.
IU Know Chris will stick his nose up and go all preppy on any Republican story.
@Gabriel Macias I was gonna say huge bar of soap, but it’s sad and unlikely he’ll see the inside of a prison
@Mimzy Jinx with hunter obiden in the middle.
And now introducing.. the butcher of brooklyn and his brother vilo
Last Night at CPAC , Trump said Republican is a party of love . I doubt about it … But, one thing obviously for sure , Democrat is a party full of lust and lies
I would like to speak on behalf of the Governor, Fredo, Attack.
*This is Trump’s revenge!*
*You not allowed to be this gillible!*
@Christian Heckmann Engelbrecht gullible**
Tfis that
oh good
But I need that recipe for momma Cuomo’ s sauce.
Hahaha. You going down Joey-bag-of-donuts….
No room for Tyranical Control Agenda liars or sex offenders.

So glad Conald Dump is gone… jail time
CNN reporting what they should have reported 6 months ago.
Yet they “never report things like this” right?
Ffis that
oh good
de Blasio has a huge grudge against Cuomo who overshadowed him. CNN just knows that Cuomo had a real chance of being the next president, and they really want Trump to win, so they’re starting early to smear Cuomo.
25 years old! That’s the same age of his daughters
@Joy Simpson yeah but most actors and musicians don’t have a face that looks like it’s been dragged behind a pickup truck on a chain for 40 miles.
@Cory Allen Oh ! Have you not looked at Mick Jagger and Larry King ..
@Joy Simpson Larry has a good excuse for not looking so youthful now and at least Mick doesn’t look quite as bad as Keith but he’s getting there.
Same age as me
@Cory Allen Larry was never good looking nor was Mick ..
You know what lets make this a truly independent investigation then maybe Fredo could run it?
Ffis that
oh good
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How do you think would be the best to start up with
Does it mean you can trade or money why
investing with her?
So awesome she’s…I’m one of her clients she’s so good and her methods works fine
Last Night at CPAC , Trump said Republican is a party of love . I doubt about it … But, one thing obviously for sure , Democrat is a party full of lust and lies
Andrew “Gold standard” Cuomo
BREAKING NEWS: The “I’m sorry you feel that way” defense…classic.
I want to see Chris covering this.
He was ordered not to, true story.
The new Sesame Street character Tickle Me Cuomo is so lifelike!
This is what evil and wicked people do they never apologize they always turn it back on their accusers and blaming them that they misunderstood
Pay attention! If the Dems eat themselves, what would they do to you!
I can’t believe CNN is actually covering this story.
Damage Control
Why? They tell the news
@Robert Hartford how is reporting the facts “damage control”?
@My Teams Suck laughable.
@Robert Hartford not really it’s their job to tell the news and they do
CNN needs to be investigated for letting him off the hook with his corruption!
“I take full responsibility” said no Demonrat,ever!!!