Gov. Andrew Cuomo provides updates at his daily briefing on the coronavirus pandemic in New York.
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#NewYork #Quarantine #Cuomo
I am so proud of this governor. Some may have criticized him but he is the epitome what a leader should be. He understands it’s not about the politics instead it’s about the people. I concur it’s not about the mismanagement. Everyone knows that NY, New Jersey,
Connecticut, and California pay out to the government more, among the other states.
Among other things the economies of many northeastern states as well as California have been damaged by the 2017 tax reform act which capped the SALT deduction which then resulted in many people getting a tax increase instead of a tax cut.
I agree 100 percent. I
@Ask Me 5000 senor citizen deaths
Cuomo is cautious and honest. You would talk the same way with your family. Now, insisting on false hope can literally kill vulnerable people. We passed only the first 2 months of a one to two year epidemic. He knows that. I know that too, I am a biologist. Being poorer is better than dead family members, at least I choose the former. Don’t you?
Commander…, How then do these Inter-demensional Beings get into our Celestial Sphere??? You must take into “Consideration” that there is a TRUTH in all media and science fiction, but just not as presented with the NASA China Russian French British EMPIRE “Security Counsel” of these INTERNATIONALIST presented… Think about all we have learned from the FLAT EARTH Magical Academy Professors and “Lecturers” whom show what has been, and what is, and what is to be, and then say: If Ether is the “only way” to do INTERSTELLAR Travel from Celestial Sphere to Celestial Sphere, then PORTALS are up there someplace……., and we are not Trapped in this Home World of Purgatory of the Human {Incubus and Succubus} Populations, but there are many species coming and going by way of Unknown “Technological Means” at this time, but to be certain, many from other Celestial Spheres are here among we the Human “Humane” people of Pak-Toe of and for OUR WORLD REPUBLIC CONSTITUTION Coalition against The Racka…….., and in that any nonmason or FREED MASONS many can now Descent from this NEW WORLD ORDER` for to descend means to get down to the point of BETRAYAL to this NEW WORLD ORDER W.H.O. of these U.N. FLAGS that the [U.S. FLAG] /_ is just one of many CONSTITUTIONAL system of Treason, and Sedition, and Treachery, and since we now know all whom PARTICIPATE and Promote this (COVID19) Alien Invasion of REPLACEMENT POPULATIONS “known as” Global Citizens……, we just need to eradicate all FREE MASON Lodge Members “no matter” their age, sex, or skin tone!!! In all this REVELATION we know MADE IN CHINA is just “one more” / * TRICK OR TREAT on we the people and persons to kill and murder “and die” [{**}] in WARS WARS WARS…., so THEY LIVE can feed off our misery, sadness, loss, and any other things these “Maligned” [{*}] Incubus and Succubus PARASITE Pyramid Scheme [AMWAY outsiders] do so desire too PROMOTE on their control of the TV Screens to them Hollow WOOD magazines, and in that, we do not BUY clothing, cars, radio, cell phones, or anything “for we can” LEGALLY make ALL THESE THINGS “local” in our 50 STATES FOR AMERICA Counties and CORPORATION Cities from Atlanta to New York to Warsaw to Frankfurt to Tel Aviv and Jerusalem of PALESTINE!!! We are not to be hunted or kept in OPEN AIR PRISONS “as cattle and sheep” for the slaughter when without OUR PARTICIPATION, no military to police force “can function” +=+ in a LAWLESS SOCIETY where Civilization has been reduced to SELF ISOLATION, STAY AT HOME, and SHELTER IN PLACE “illegal Laws” and Ordinances and Concordances of this UNITED NATIONS “International Mafia” of FREE MASON Lodge Members!!! That said, as a CITIZEN of your Nation – Country – State you have “the right” and A DUTY to arrest all WORLD LEADERS and them that PARTICIPATE in this “Treachery” known as the (COVID19) Alien Invasion of PROJECT BLUE BEAM…
The Commander~
The Write In President actually after reading this you need to seek professional help. A good Psychologist is a great idea.
What if our economy collapses to great depression levels? At that point, the 99.9% of Americans who survived the disease will have to live a horrible life for years.
But let’s not talk about money only, because it definitely sounds greedy. Cuomo announced a 30% increase in domestic abuse, also a rise in child abuse; how will that impact the victim’s lives? What about other healthcare fields being delayed, how many people are missing cancer in their screenings or delaying chemotherapy treatments? How will that impact their lives? What about all the people who lose their businesses and livelihoods? I’m in my 20s and have owned a business for a few months, if I go bankrupt I will be over 1 million in debt; how will that affect the rest of my life and career?
Not saying it’s a simple “Let’s just open” idea, I want to delay it too for safety. But it’s also not a simple “let’s stay locked up” idea either. There’s a heavy cost to BOTH sides.
Hi Robert how are you doing I hope are safely and in good health.
Gov Cuomo what an Awesome plan you’ve implemented to Shut Down and Clean our Subways for our Front Line Workers. May God Bless You for Your Caring Heart and Empathy.
We already had the digital solutions for e-learning and teaching here in Sweden, so it was easy to let the students in the high schools and the universities stay home and do the education from home when the pandemic hit us.
I feel so sorry for the unjust treatment NY State gets from the federal government about the money the Governor is asking for to help the state. Such unfair treatment, which I don’t understand in a democratic country! WHY?? Cuomo is great! A real human being, smart, intelligent, warm, honest, humble, present – a real human being on so many levels. A person I would love to know and be friends with! Kudos!
Every one who dies that stubbed their toe they blame covid. Jokes gonna be on them.
Not six feet apart are we there
And no masks
Same man who signed to abort at full term.What a hypocrite! The value of life
incorrect. check your facts. he refused becvause no one cared about the life of MOTHERS. LIke your mom. YOu are the hypocrite. extremism is the problem. Please learn the facts.
Odin Fawer He is wrong 100 percent and a hypocrite period,
Literally the only politician to listen to for real and honest news about COVID-19. The voices coming out of Washington are a joke.
I love this man! He does not sugar coat the truth and he says what he means and means what he says!! Awesome man!
just like trump
God let us all overcome this and all of us win our battle together social distancing and go back to taking care of our family
Are you serious! You’re THE BEST communicator out there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
directly responsible for 5000 senor citizen deaths
Mix the red and blue and color us all purple. We stand as one.

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Ya world I knew that how can isolation ever be healthy us I was right I said it earlier in the week that being outdoors is the best thing for a person and getting exercise and that science would back me up and 3 days later i am right pay attention world
I am Canadian and watch his briefings every day because he is smart, concise, eloquent, kind and honest. I am proud of our Canadian government, Ontario government and proud of this man. What a massive responsibility and he continues to do it with compassion and strength
5000 senor citizen deaths
Tyrants are Bad for the Country.
NYC will at best reopen in 3mos