US Ambassador to the EU Gordon Sondland, a key impeachment witness, says he is being recalled from his post.
#CNN #News
Gordon Sondland to be recalled from his position

US Ambassador to the EU Gordon Sondland, a key impeachment witness, says he is being recalled from his post.
#CNN #News
Wow I ever seen something like this before, the truth is bitter
I hope he can get a refund on his million dollar donation

The EU ambassador is the reward for his million dollars, what do you expect?
LMAO!!! Well there goes his million dollar donation. The ORANGE CON-man gave him a PAY FOR LOYALTY POST and now he is kicking him out. LOL!
Les Saleh
Trump donation non refundable
In the Netherlands this is called Axe Day, and its no good
@Chris Nenshati If he can run
President Nixon did this exact same thing too.
Do you reward incompetence and disloyalty in the Netherlands
@tony simon They value Patriotism and integrity.
@Tavernum There’s over 3 thousand people work at the white house that have Patriotism and integrity”, yet these 3 got fired. 15 other testified against Trump but these 3 got fired. They were fired because they value garbage which is about their value.
Where is Sondlands million dollars going to in 2020?? Tell the truth and you are fired!!
LOL! The news should ask Sondland A.K.A. “EGG-HEAD” from the 60’s BATMAN Series TV show) if he is going to vote for TRIMP 2020 and donate more money to TRIMP’s campaign.
Make for a nice lawsuit for retaliation.
more tax payers money.
Like a Phoenix , is America going to rise from the ashes ? We have now entered a dictatorship !
It been rising for 3 years now. you’re a bit late
This is what Corrupt Republican Senator Susan Collins meant when she said “Trump will change for the better now”
Sheldon Moleton-Rosenblum people are happy actually. Best week since election
GOP is quiet because they’re happy with the result. When you have nothing to complain about, you shut up. Your Dems on the other hand have been crying for 3 years. They’ve got to deal with this until 2024. I don’t think they are all going to survive it.
tony simon the gop is happy with the corrupt president. It’s disturbing to anyone with a brain. Having a trial without witnesses just proves that the republicans are covering for trump. Also several gop senators have admitted to trumps wrongdoing.
There’s truth in the adage “when you lie down with dogs you get up with fleas”.
Hush money from campaign funds?

Who would of thunk, power in the hands of an insecure, dimwitted demagogue wasn’t such a great idea?
Straight out of Putin’s playbook..
Yes, but Putin’s playbook is partly plagiarized from Stalin’s playbook.
Not a “housecleaning.,” a PURGE. This is what dictators do. Expect more.
Bernie bros should kill trump. Do something useful for a change
@Bovine One or start an armed insurrection and behead trump
@Red Door he should watch how kings are beheaded
@CHARLIE o Sorry Charlie, he was appointed not elected. But still the guy gave testimony and was punished for it. Very mafia ,yes?
Land of the free? Your country has gone. The US WAS a great country, but it is over now.
Trump is cleaning house because he is going to break more laws behind the white House walls
Exactly. He want more loyal cronies
@BASED ᛋᛋ good luck with that, cat.
BASED ᛋᛋ yep
Republicans have Created A MONSTER so I hope that they can Deal with HIM
They CAN’T “deal with him” because he has them ALL shook and scared to death. NYC CON-man TRIMP has PUNKED all the senators and has many sycophants as his minions.
Idiots acted to keep him because they were scared of him, they didn’t need to keep him, they had the power to eliminate the cause of their fear and they bottled it
All this for & from a man that refuses to go under oath.
Is ANYONE really surprised by THIS ?!! THIS is the ROT in the WHITE HOUSE they voted for !! THIS was seen coming a mile away !!!

Sounds like the purges Hitler carried out in the 1930’s. Dictator in the making?
Certainly a wanna-be.
@Brian K I heard a loser….
Oh wait, it’s just you…
Boooo hoooo cry
Stalin would be proud! Putin wonders, “What took so long?!?”
artos1955 this Putin bs is so yesterday don’t you think you should jump on that Ukraine train instead? Oh nevermind; that train derailed too. Lmao
@Red Door Nope, not over Door. More coming. lots more. Dementia 45 is the gift that keeps on giving. In his nature to muck up.
“The most devastating testimony.” Is that so? Exactly how devastating, considering there was no penalty, whatsoever.
To Republickkklans truth doesn’t matter. No evidence could make them vote him out, fear of the Führer is greater.
Devastating only if you believe that a US President should be held accountable for misusing the power of his office, which Mr. Trump was clearly shown to have done. The GOP Senate, except for Senator Romney, evidently does not believe that this is important. Therefore, no consequences – at least not immediately.
Booooo hooo hooo
CRY byatch