Former ambassador Gordon Sondland has filed a lawsuit against former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and the federal government for $1.8 million to pay for legal fees from probe into the first impeachment of former President Trump.
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Gordon Sondland Sues Pompeo For Legal Fees From Trump Impeachment Probe
‘Hope he got that ‘promise’ in writing.
@bones007able LOL, you are exactly right.
@Petit Ben The vast majority of directors appointed by both parties were never case officers, agents or employees.
It can be a break against the inevitable institutional corruption that happens in organizations, especially ones with ability to manipulate “secret”.
get behind the goon Rudy !!?!?? ther’s a line buddy
@john regan political appointee are not better either. I don’t know about your country but in Canada, the process called patronage is riddled with corruption, where by ruling party cadre and donor are rewarded to plum crown appointment in Canada or overseas. I would rather deal with compétent career officials than those loyal to their party first instead of the country. Btw, my home province of Quebec is not better. Ils sont tous des incompétents malhonnêtes.
Like that would matter. It was the Trump admin and that man stiffed so many regular contractors and they all had contracts.
Yeah checks in the mail Gordy but it will take a little longer to get there because we have a corrupt Post Master General.
Wtf even the post offices is screwed too smh america
it’s going on Pony Express. They have the riderl but can’t get the pony!
From what I remember that is called Bribery and illegal!
Dine with crooks, get double crossed
The only thing Sondland is gonna get from pompeo is the cold shoulder and “who is sondland again?” Once you try to ‘back door’ the mob you’re on the outs.
Maybe even ‘out of a 10th floor window’.
Nice parties by Mrs
Pompeo for the donors!.is he running in 2024!
lie down w fleas and you get dogs!
Sleep with Dogs you wake up with Ticks
Wanted to brown nose Donnie and it cost him over a million dollars to do so. What did he think would happen.
@LK Oooh! Fat shaming, eh? So much for the party of “inclusive”, right? What did you say about Stacey Abrams? crickets….
St. Louis’ murder rate, already highest in US, soared last year; mayor vows to defund the police
@mike briganti Totally. The people commenting that Sondland “brown nosed” Trump never saw the testimony that he provided AGAINST Trump. Useful Idiots.
@EC Stanton The adults (call us what you like – whatever helps you) watched his testimony and saw the exact opposite of brown-nosing.
But hey, why am I trying to argue with a follower of the “individual truth” mantra. Enjoy your reality, just know it’s not actually real.
Everything Trump touches, dies.
Gordon sondland was there a quid -pro-quo? Yes there was!

If sondland didn’t get it in writing, and witnessed, certified, you’re in a world of hurt there buddy!!
@kathy weis That’s good to know,how long have you been living there now.?
@Hartmann Thorsten all my life and I am 61 now…the surfing is great here, I love it.
Trump is rumored to not pay his own legal fees; good luck with that, ask kooky Rudy!
@kathy weis Oh,you must really like it there

I am of a dual nationality paternal Hamburg Germany
maternal Native Texan
I have lived in FL
for 22yrs now and I really like it here…
It’s nice connecting with you on here,I would like if we can get to message each other on here and get to talk better if you don’t mind..
I guess when you have dinner with the crooks you can expect to get stiffed for the check.
The crooks being the US government.
The crooks include a former CIA director … something like Putin?
Get in line, buddy. The people who donated to We Build the Wall were here first. Maybe there’s a place after Dominion and Smartech.
Dominion voting machines had potential to be connected to Verizon.
which is a violated of election laws.
also convenient how all this election data keeps getting deleted
@Ben Shapyro Ben go find a real job and stop collection unemployment from Biden
@James Staten Jr. “stop collection unemployment”
is English really that difficult?
This is one of lesser important lawsuits but there’s fursure a list. This may have the largest political implications. Now Pompeo is gettint sued god knows what’s going to come out from those cases. Honestly can’t wait lol
@Ben Shapyro At least you done something with your time off collecting unemployment.
“Come on. When I paid for that ambassadorship I was supposed to make money not lose it.”
@Gigi Arocha £££lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
They definitely like to eat their own don’t they.
Sondland has buyer’s remorse. Cry me a river.
1.8m for what..he pretty much told us everything?
The rats are eating each other. Interesting, but not surprising.
2 – million Dollars to show up for a few hours? Who is his Lawyer Rudy Giuliani?
They would never learn…. There’s no honor between grifters.
smart 101; If you’re a criminal, don’t run for office.
Sondland never got the “You go under the bus” memo. Donator turned ambassador turned poorer; yeah, that checks out.
Sadly, not poor enough to satisfy Karma…….when you play both sides against the middle, you usually end up being the cheese.
“Given assurances…” yeah, but did you get the left pinky-double tug secret handshake? I didn’t think so. See. There’s where you went wrong.
He should have done so much earlier, and all those former officials that were “used” to help Trump “achieve his own greedy goals” should do they same, too.
Sounds like Attorney’s padded that bill thinking tax payers will be paying. Time to look at lawyers attorneys.
Layers charge obnoxious fees $500.00+ / hr. is not uncommon.
No, time to look closer at Sundland
The Vindman brothers should sue as well! Disgraceful they way they were treated!
Two combat vets who served with honor.the orange turd and his crew abused these honorable men.
This is like watching a shittier version of the Soprano’s.