1. If you want to ban abortion, but ask your mistress to get one, you might be a republican congressman

    1. “So the best way to get things done uh that you hold near and dear uh you’d like to be able to uh.. ah nevermind.” Joe Biden.

    2. @Ukrainian Patriot how about incorporating responsibility into people rather than giving them a poorly ruled “right” to kill their baby?

    3. @Wayne ALLARD Why would that matter? Most Democrats don’t claim to be against abortion. The point was the hypocrisy, not that most politicians in general are shitty people.

  2. Save that clip of Jennings saying he “would be stunned if these rulings lead to banning contraception”. You’ll probably need to play that for him in a few years.

    1. @MyNeriah just because they are more likely to doesn’t make it ok, that’s just an excuse not to mature and take responsibility for your own decisions

    2. @MyNeriah that’s because that’s a very circumstantial situation where it’s rape and I don’t know the answer to that. But rape is such a small percentage

    3. If they don’t know how to then you are proving my point they need to be taught to have self discipline

    4. @Flaming Chimp Yes, abortions for rape is a small percentage of the number of abortions performed. But those numbers don’t reflect how many use emergency contraception following a rape as emergency contraception does not cause pregnancy termination. I’ve seen a few people using that excuse so as not to address the subject at issue – that it’s a small percentage. Who cares?! It’s still a percentage that represents individuals who’ve suffered through a horrendous crime being committed against them. They shouldn’t have to then go through pregnancy and birth their rapist’s baby! Currently most rape crisis centres offer emergency contraception to prevent ovulation and thus fertilisation from occurring. I think that practice should be available everywhere for free and it should be up to the individual woman if they want to take it or not. You’ve thought out why you think contraception being banned would be ok because people can and should practice abstinence. You’ve taken that stand and you’re entitled to that opinion. I’m asking now for your opinion not on rape victims being able to access abortion but to have access to emergency contraception that does not cause abortion (as is a common misconception).

    5. @MyNeriah I can see your point and I don’t know if I have a definitive stance on contraceptives to stop the pregnancy before, but I’d be completely fine with permitting it especially in cases of rape. But that’s the only case that I see it warranted. Ultimately I think it should just be up to the people in a state and what they want rather than the current top down authoritarian forcing of permitted abortion

  3. Here’s something else Mitch McConnell should know that’s possible he can be held accountable and he knows exactly what for. That’s what he’s scared of. Just come on now he hasn’t earned a nickname Moscow Mitch for no particular reason there’s a reason behind that.

  4. So, Scott Jennings, you ask what the position is and then *continue* to misrepresent it anyway.
    The other day you were saying the US does military strikes on drug cartels all the time, but refused to say that we did so *in coordination with those countries*. DERP.
    Jennings sucks. If you want to have a conversation about something, don’t invite someone on that intentionally sets up strawmen, constantly, because that’s all he can argue against.

    1. He is a despicable individual. Why do they even have him on. It’s not reasoned debate just lies and more lies.

  5. This makes me want to cry. The fact an ohio (FEMALE) lawmaker was asked what about 13 yr old rape victim, she said they still should have to have the child. She said it would be an “opportunity” for them. Ya an opportunity to ruin their life, they’re not even in high school! You can’t expect a ptsd victim to raise a baby when they’re still a child themselves too. It’s absolutely disgusting how these people have no logical thinking skills. Abortion was made to reduce poverty, incest babies, and help rape victims (mainly unfortunately children 🥺) How about we ban PERMANENTLY rape, have paid maternity leave, decrease maternal mortality rate, and higher punishments for sexual abuse then we can talk about banning abortion

    1. @6-D Pegasus It shouldn’t be a topic to debate. Abortion always involve more than one life. Why can’t we value both lives? Moreover, the baby may be more beneficial to society. Who knows, maybe he/she may be the one to put a stop to coronavirus.

    2. @Michael Merchant Poverty will always be in society on different levels just like disabled people. There is nothing wrong with their existence in this society. At least they give us a chance to show love toward each other and teach us to be selfless.

    3. @Geoffrey K if it shouldn’t be a topic to debate, it wouldn’t still be up there debated; it’s not a black-and-white issue

    4. @Geoffrey K What if we had paid maternity leave, decreased the maternity mortality rate to what you deem acceptable and had higher punishment for sexual abuse then you would support a ban on abortion?

      Or are you just saying this to hopefully end the conversation so we don’t have to discuss it?

  6. They’re going to have to define “danger to mother’s life.” Some people commit suicide if they’re forced to carry through a pregnancy. In that case, having the child is a danger to the mother’s life and would be better off having an abortion. That wording is pretty ambiguous. Also, if the mother tried dangerous forms of abortion, that’s also a danger to their life.

    1. @Abortion is Murder The reason I asked about rape and incest was in direct reply to an assertion that women has to take responsibility for their own actions and “keep their legs closed”. My personal view is that abortion must be legal in ALL cases. I don’t agree with your assessment that 98 % of abortions are out of “convenience”. The women I’ve talked to who have had abortions have told me that there wasn’t anything convenient at all about having those abortions. For the vast majority of women, abortion is a necessity, a last ditch effort to make a bad situation better. Not a “convenience”.

    2. @Larry K Actually, in the UK, before they did the right thing, and made all abortions legal, mental distress was a valid reason to grant a woman the right to terminate a pregnancy.

    3. @greatest dad do you support mandatory vasectomies for men until they’re deemed to be fit and ready to have a child? Why or why not?

  7. The GOP wants to talk about it too……so they can also do nothing for the American worker.

  8. So much for “state’s rights”. The purpose of overturning Roe v. Wade has never been to allow people within each state to make their own laws as many conservatives in the comment sections have tried to convince me of. I wonder how many of them would be outraged by “federal overreach” if Republicans on the federal level manage to do a national ban. I would guess very few.

    1. @Clownwrld No, not yet. But I was referring to McConnell’s statements that a federal ban is on the table if the political opportunity to get it passed arises.

    2. @Johan Nilsson Ok well guess what? Illegal immigration is federally illegal yet there are “sanctuary cities”. Marijuania is federally illegal and many states have it legalized. The Fed tries bans on guns all the time and there are 2nd amendment sanctuary states/cities/counties. It literally does not matter.

    1. @TJ Wallis Vote him out, next time he is up for Election, if you live in Kentucky.
      If you don’t live in Kentucky, I would highly suggest, you do nothing to him.

  9. The released SC draft were it to become law explicitly states that the right to regulate abortion lies with the state… So therefore how can any federal mandate become superseding when it is explicitly stated in the decision that it is a power reserved to the state? Agree or disagree I don’t see how a federal statute can be upheld.

    1. The framing of the debate will change to a human rights issue; recognizing the inalienable rights of a child in the womb.

    2. Because there is no federal law passed or Constitutional Amendment. What was Federal overreach was the Roe v Wade ruling itself. As it stated all states had to allow abortion up to the end of the 2nd trimester and arguably throughout all of pregnancy, without consulting any existing Federal Law on the books and just made up a Right to abortion based on a shaky foundation at best.

  10. YEAH GREAT….let’s go back in time about 50 to 60 years! This shows how wel educated the nation is…dumb GOV., dumb citizens leads to dumb actions. Me as a FOREINGNER from The Netherlands never heard of this idiocrasy!! But in the meantime keep shouting to the world how great you are… pffff laughable!

  11. I don’t think it should be up to anyone but the woman making the choice. That being said, if it is going to be decided by lawmakers, male law makers shouldn’t have a say.

  12. McConnell is right
    Legislation and public policy is the Constitutional duty of the Congress …
    not some conservative activists in the Judicial

  13. It can be looked at many ways.
    One has to ask themselves questions even if, as I am, they are not particularly fond of abortion.
    1. What about rape? Do I really have the audacity to tell a rape victim that she cannot remove a clump of cells she was abused with?
    2. The age of the female. Is a 12-year-old suited to be a mother? Is a 9-year-old? How far do I want to take the nonsense?
    3. Contraceptives don’t always work. I know. It happened to me.
    4. The life of the woman if the fetus is a hazard to the mother.
    5. A fetus is a clump of cells without sentience for quite some time. It has no consciousness. Do I agonize over removing a wart? It’s the same thing whether I or anyone else protests. No matter how many people may stomp their feet or jump up and down, a non-conscious clump of cells is no different from a wart.
    18-25 weeks is considered the earliest stage at which the lower boundary of sentience can be placed upon a fetus. Perhaps I should ponder this.
    6. If I care about “potential”, should I be against masturbation for men?
    7. Should I really be making decisions for other people regarding reproduction?
    8. If I’m a man, should I be telling women what to do in all matters regarding reproduction, given all the factors one has to take into consideration?
    9. Have I gotten this far down the list, or do I have a short attention span?
    10. Am I pushing my voodoo on people who have a different voodoo?
    10a. Am I pushing my superstition on people who are more scientific and reasonable than I am? Maybe I shouldn’t do stuff like that. I certainly wouldn’t want them to tell me I can’t believe in an all powerful fairy in the sky and that I shouldn’t ask said magical being for advice.
    11. Will making fairy signs in the air help?
    12. And many, many more…

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