House Republicans voted that Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) should keep her post in House GOP leadership after she defended her support for impeachment as a vote of conscience during a contentious closed-door GOP conference meeting, a source with knowledge of the process told CNN. #CNN #News
GOP votes to keep Liz Cheney in House leadership

I never thought I’d be cheering for Liz Cheney, but here we are.
You said it!! Damn idiots made me agree and use her as a bar to hold OTHERS too! Dillholes!!
Remember when you blew that sploodge on that Clairol add in jo mammas cosmopolitan magazine?
I think you’re being a bit optimistic here… to me it feels more like she had to make a deal with the devils to keep that position. It feels more like her giving in to the dark side than the dark side allowing a flicker of light to exist.
@Brooke K
Wow, huh, and the democratic party is the serpent left antichrist network which is the devils legion as you perish into brimstone eternal
They act like they still in power is fascinating to me
Not in power, but still very powerful.
You can see the BS in his face
@Susanne Nigro Well done, Susanne. I see you
Fascinating is one word for it, I guess.
When a Republican opens their mouth nothing but lies come out!
And people dont die on their watch
@John Lyons Cope harder.
@S B lib tool
@Sharon Azevedo If that is so, why did Biden cut 11, 000 jobs out from under the Unions “WHO VOTED FOR HIM”, on his first day in office, GET REAL, in my area gas was $1.84 but soon as Biden was called President elect, less than a month, its now $2.40 , if thats a Democrat party that cares, your in for the shock of your life. WAKE UP WOMAN !!
@John Lyons F**king COPE.
This guy is not fit to be the leader of anything.
@Mr. Wonderful Sure he does…hes pays trump a monthly fee to get them back in increments lol
Little League coach vibes
Do you think Trump keeps McCarthys testicles in a jar on the shelf, or do you think he just tossed them away?
@Polydynamix Individual #1 : I need your help in getting people to talk about something other than convicting me.
Congressman : How about I appoint a loon to some committees, you give me a million in cash if I do ?
Individual #1 : You appoint her and then fly down here for a “photo op” and we can work on “policy”.
Aww c’mon man. Give him a break! How about Kamikaze squadron leader?
If, at this point, you proclaim to not know what Qanon is, then you’re either a huge liar, or too out of touch to represent we citizens that are having to deal with y’all’s mess- get it together
Well said
I’ve heard of Qanon, but I can’t came to know much about it. Why should we? We don’t have to keep up with everything on the lunatic fringe
Republican Party is the party of FREAK SHOW PARTY (aka Twilight Zone Party). Republican Party was DEAD on the day of Trumps inauguration. Period!
Guys, when engaging with Q-ANON supporters, just bring up that the Deep State compromised Q-ANON; it would be hilarious for them to compute the information.
@Peoplelie Freethemen Copy and paste bullsh**
“She said she was wrong”
Then APOLOGIZE. Oh wait, maga cult will not allow it.
Boy that’s ironic.
BS damage control..
Greene, in her best Sgt. Schultz accent, ” I know nuthunnning “, yeah right….
@peaceandllov Here you are on yet another video.
Your comment history is just full of gems. You’re trash.
Yep, they’re so gutless they’re afraid if she publicly apologises the kooks will flee them. You’d think that if lunatics are your base & you’d just lost everything in 4yrs perhaps it’s time to rethink your position? Not this lot. They’re dumb as rocks.
So if Cheney is OK with impeaching Trump. The Republicans in the Senate better convict Trump
That will never happen they are the dumbest brainwashed people ever
That won’t be a secret ballot, so no….
What universe do you live in? If you rely on either side of your government to do the right thing, why haven’t you given up long ago?
Has much as I hate to say it I don’t think Trump will be convicted the GOP has sold its soul to Trump and Satan a long time ago.
She was getting kicked off for voting TO IMPEACH TRUMP!
The Republican party is dead and gone.
That means the Serpent left antichrist network ignited the 7 Trumpets of Revalation, their extinction
Yes, your destiny is brimstone, shitwalker
@Climate Fascism

@Make Elections Honest Again The womp womp is on you.
@Make Elections Honest Again Bot/paid troll.
America is headed for a dark place. And it’s down to greed and power hungry self serving individuals.
Kevin McCarthy is defending a person who emphatically said on a video to QAnon members to take over Congress.
He seems to think that was _before_ she got to Congress!
He’s as every bit of spineless as we knew him to be
I agree. How is reality now subjective?
Maybe the threats of being executed might change his mind oh wait you actually have to have one first. Pathetic!! I’m sure Nancy Pelosi family along with pence family was not amused by the threats of thier love one being hunted down by a bunch of crazy people.
The GOP doesn’t seem fussy who they have in their family.. i wouldn’t have her in mine.
LMAO he said he doesn’t know what Qanon is. McCarthy is nothing but a liar, he absolutely knows who Qanon is!!!!
I just don’t know who voted for him in California. I never saw his name on a ballot in California. Maybe not in my district but how is he winning in California.
@JustSayNoToTV No Idea, but I am positive he knows what QAnon is and just told a blatant lie like Trump when he said he didn’t know these groups either.
These people follow the news like us and there is not a person in America who hasn’t heard of Qanon it is just pathetic when they think we are all idiots.
“Denouncing Q-ON don’t know if I said it right, don’t even know what it is” Kevin, don’t act like you don’t know what Qanon is when your party is filled with them.
These “republicans” are really disappointing. Zero credibility.
This doesn’t sound like people defending the Constitution.
Trumpists aren’t there to defend the constitution.
Defending unpopular speech is practically the raison d’être of the Constitution.
Sad can’t even admit when any of them are wrong.
Seriously, who can believe anything that comes out of their lying backflipping mouths
He took a page out of Trump’s book. “I dont even know what it is.”
So that’s what paid off looks like = McCarthy