GOP strategist says Tennessee Republicans expelling Justin Jones and Justin Pearson is a mistake

GOP strategist Alice Stewart and CNN political commentator Bakari Sellers discuss the move by Tennessee Republicans to oust state representatives Justin Jones and Justin Pearson for their participation in a gun control protest in the state house.

#alicestewart #BakariSellers #CNN

GOP strategist says Tennessee Republicans expelling Justin Jones and Justin Pearson is a mistake


  1. That first take from the GOP strategist was so tone deaf. They should have tried to legislate normally and it would’ve worked? Ma’am the reason the protest happened was because they’ve been trying to legislate for MONTHS and have been completely ignored. Gloria Johnson put her hand up for 45 minutes without being called on, Justin Jones’ voting machine was turned off, Justin Pearson was literally assaulted on camera. They tried to make their voices heard. When they were silenced, they got a megaphone.

    1. Repent. Believe in Jesus Christ and become a new person in this life.
      John 3:16 KJV For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Matthew 4:17 KJV From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.
      2 Corinthians 5:17 KJV – Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.

    2. @Siam heck even imagine you let that many people into McDonald’s, it’s legal but you getting removed asap I bet🤣

  2. Alice is seriously making a “norms and good order” argument? Unbelievable… Snow blindness.

    1. It’s interesting that Alice Stewart found criticism for this situation, but had little to nothing to say about a “representative” of the Republican party that was clearly over the line in their behavior. It speaks volumes, but she didn’t manage to say the quiet part out loud, because she knows she would have been called out.

  3. Bacari !!! Thank you fir standing up….even tho she tried to reel you in her world by saying ” bacari agrees with me on this ” ….Good on you my brotha!!

    1. Either Charles Blow or Angela Rye would have gave a much better response to that question then Bakari they are always unapologetic and truthful.

  4. Does she know whether these 3 lawmakers attempted to have a discussion with the others before the protest? I’d be curious to know, since it appears attempted discussions had been going on for a while.

    1. This is true and every story about The Tennessee Three, should include this fact. Every time they tried to speak on any matter their microphones were shut off. The Republicans would ramble on for the full 5 minutes for any of their questions regarding bills. And they couldn’t reclaim their time. Gloria Johnson herself said this.

    2. She’s damned if she knows and she’s damned if she doesn’t.

      As a representative of the Republican side of this issue, she has no business spouting bs on the behavior of the Tennessee 3 on national television if she’s not fully versed in the who, what, when, why, and how of this situation.

      And, yes their mics were cut, Justin Jones’s ability to vote was cut off, he was also confronted in a threatening manor by one of his Republican “colleagues” in an elevator. Jones had to use his cell phone to defend himself by asking the Republican, do you want to repeat what you just said on video? Of course, dude backed down.

      Another Republican knock Jones’s phone out of his hand on the House floor.

      Please, spare me with the “they didn’t follow the rules” drivel.

  5. Wow she really is in deep .. conversations !! How when they were spoken to as children ? Meaningful ? How when they did even follow there own rules for expelling them ??

    1. @Derezzed 666 Aug 22, 2019 The Tennessean
      Tennessee legislature: Inside the House GOP fight over an …

    1. Spin? I think you should check the like stats on all these videos regarding this topic.
      The majority of sane Americans have voted whether YT allows you to see them or not.

    2. Conservatives are in the minority. Most citizens are sane and of at least average intelligence instead.

  6. I love how she said that they were more “aggressive” and “inciting the crowd”….. first of all the crowd was already on 1000 when they got there…they didn’t incite nothing!! And we know how to fix the situation!!!

  7. If they expelled the loser who pissed on other members seats, OR the member (Byrd) who had sexually assaulted three women and actually confessed his guilt to one of his victims, OR the member (Casada) who as house speaker was a participant in sexual harassment in the house AND was under federal investigation and charged with money laundering, wire fraud, bribery and kickbacks concerning federal funds, OR the member (Sherrell) who in February gleefully asked if “hanging from a tree” could be added to the state’s execution methods, then there really wouldn’t be any reason for debate over this. But the loser who pissed on his colleagues seats is still there…and none of the Republicans who were guilty of truly reprehensible behaviors and actions were even censured is proof that the expulsion of the Tennessee Three was purely racist.

  8. In listening to Alice Stewart, I feel like Benjamin Franklin when he entered the cockpit in London England (where he was to get some form of concessions from the British Parliament ) – I began this newscast as a moderate Republican; I ended the newscast as a Democrat!

  9. Victim blaming? Wow…..she is essentially silencing those gentlemen as well. Decorum?? When people have stated their mics were shut off when trying to speak….they were not allowed to do anything. Yet she’s blaming them

  10. How can you have meaningful conversation when their microphones is being turned off when they spoke is why they went outside and joined the peaceful protest to express their opinion on what students are pushing thru.

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