The backlash from state Republican parties continues against the senators who voted to convict former President Trump in the second impeachment trial. The Morning Joe panel discusses. Aired on 02/16/2021.
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GOP Senators Who Voted To Convict Face Home State Backlash | Morning Joe | MSNBC
Quite crazy people with no identity of their own
Republicans are finding out the hard way how important it is to educate their constituents now they got a mob of angry baboons at home under the names of MAGA, Qanon, and Proud Boys willing to kidnap and execute them they knew all along that Trump was lying to them but they went along with the lies anyway! Unfortunately for them, there is no Republican Party anymore that is Trump’s Party like it or not!
@Vicky P Nobody deserves to have mobs of extremists like MAGA, qanon, and the proud boys at their feet. Sure lots of the republican senate didn’t have the right mind to rightfully convict the obviously guilty Trump of incitement of insurrection, but those extremists and their violence affect everybody and puts everybody at risk of danger. I never thought that one day I would live in this country and feel fearful and unsafe of what the future may hold with these groups out there and not being held accountable, poised to strike again
Ah the cancel culture censorship leftist are crying foul. LMMFAO.
@Mark Yes, you should be proud of the 43 Republican senators that didn’t vote for the impeachment, as they did it for themselves not for you. The small group(s) that spur propaganda and lies will never ever get another Republican voted into office, because the majority don’t agree with their actions. Republicans = White Supremacist Groups + KKK, Proud boys, QAnon, Boogaloo, Don’t Be a Puppet, Dumb and Dumber, etc. Some militia extremists that seek to violently attack or overthrow the U.S. government. Often calling themselves “patriots,” when in fact they are traitors. We don’t need the crazies, so have at it they are all yours. We did win back the House, the Senate and the Presidency without them.
America rejected trumps advances so he assaulted her.
Spit On
@Heather Jordan yes vote blue in 2022
@Mark do you have any words of your own or do you just regurgitate what mama bird Tucker spits down your gullet?
@Cptlsthipi Tucker LMMFAO. I Catch Tucker once every couple weeks if that numbnuts. Nice try though
@Mark all those right wing tardbabies say the same stupid crap. It’s a cult. Try to come up with your own words.
glory to people like senators richard burr. pat toomey and others. basically they are being punished for standing up for the country, people, and the constitution. no great work can be achieved without sacrifices and standing up for principled justice.
We are going to remember,and punish them.
@Mark Yes, you should be proud of the 43 Republican senators that didn’t vote for the impeachment, as they did it for themselves not for you. The small group(s) that spur propaganda and lies will never ever get another Republican voted into office, because the majority don’t agree with their actions. Republicans = White Supremacist Groups + KKK, Proud boys, Boogaloo, Don’t Be a Puppet, Dumb and Dumber, etc. Some militia extremists that seek to violently attack or overthrow the U.S. government. Often calling themselves “patriots,” when in fact they are traitors.
@lyn Goring Yes, you should be proud of the 43 Republican senators that didn’t vote for the impeachment, as they did it for themselves not for you. The small group(s) that spur propaganda and lies will never ever get another Republican voted into office, because the majority don’t agree with their actions. Republicans = White Supremacist Groups + KKK, Proud boys, Boogaloo, Don’t Be a Puppet, Dumb and Dumber, etc. Some militia extremists that seek to violently attack or overthrow the U.S. government. Often calling themselves “patriots,” when in fact they are traitors.
At least they are standing with us instead of on top of us.
That’s all the praise I’ll give.
@SMS ah Demokkkrat party is the party of racism in America. Always has been.
They should wear those censures like a badge of honor !
@omi god in Britain the conservatives created a coalition with the liberal Dems. Coalitions of convenience are usually between parties that are similar, yes, but they don’t always have to be.
And many political parties still means compromise between different ideologies.
The only issue I have with multiple parties is that it won’t work in a first-past-the-post system like America. It would be better for countries like NZ
a badge that say’s china first F America
@omi god darn you caught me. Want another blue ribbon?
I live in a very red state, but not any of the states these 7 republicans represent. If I did I genuinely would vote for all of them. America needs to stop punishing bipartisanship. Democrats should support the seven.
Better than a Congressional Medal of Honor.
The republican cult is showing its true colors.
off white, dingy white, plain white, & pastey white (gop true colors)
Ah the cancel culture censorship leftist are crying foul. LMMFAO. Hypocrites
@Mark lol white racist have a new phrase!! cancel culture!! LOL>. Its the new :” All lives matter…… I guess you cant use Blue lives Matter anymore since youre a pack of cop killers..
@Mark “Cancel culture” doesn’t have a left-right orientation. Every side does it.
@omi god Cancel culture is a progressive leftist mantra.
Thankfully my Senator Pat Toomey did Pennsylvania proud!!!
Republicans don’t care they don’t know what the right thing means time is going to come to vote the ones that are up for re-election to be voted out.
2 of these censured senators are retiring from office so they don’t care what the GOPQ says about them. They did the right thing.
Ah the cancel culture censorship leftist are crying foul. LMMFAO. Hyprocacy
Let’s start with linda graham mcconnell mccarthy and the other republikkkan senators that let trump off the hook.
Money Talks – and when it does, the truth often remains silent.
These people voting to convict spoke the truth for themselves, their colleagues, their family, their real friends, and all of us with minds that reason things out.
I’d like to shake their hands, pat them on the back, and tell them again and again how much I appreciate having them represent honesty and the truth on our behalf.
Unfortunately, instead of being Honored in their home states — now they must be in FEAR from Christian Nationalists!!
Especially Mitt Romney, whose junior Senator from Moron Utah,
Openly Embraces Putin and
your names will be remembered as a true patriot. The ones who came true to their oath and love for the republic.
So you think you look ugly today, eh? Well, guess what? You don’t look ugly to a blind person. Or to me.
Your so right. I’m worried for the
future though. #nojusticsnopeace
Ah the cancel culture censorship leftist are crying foul. LMMFAO.
‘We did not send them there to do the right thing’ wow, wonder if they will say the same thing after the commission Pelosi just announced.. a 9/11 style commission to detail the truth..
@AT 1984 yes we all know, get over it, Bush lied about it as affirmed by Bernie when he said he’s not falling for it.
@Erica Espinosa yup, he completely supported it with his hush hush huge increase of drone strikes and weapons sales.. why bother starting a new war when you can just increase attacks in old ones LOL.
@AT 1984 What is your point? A lot of representatives voted Yes. Bush administration provided the information, based on which the vote was casted.
@Ken Rimmer Get over what? The truth hurts, doesn’t it. You can’t ignore that fact.
@AT 1984 not ignoring anything, its a lame talking point, name a republican who opposed it.
How this political party rounded up so any representatives with so LITTLE consscience who turned their back on their responsibilities and showed their distain for the Constitution, they are an insult to every American.
Ah the cancel culture censorship leftist are crying foul. LMMFAO. Hypocrites
Theory. “Power corrupts.” By all objective standards the country has been going Right for a long time. Helped by Neo liberals like Clinton. Real R congressmen know that with Trump they were close to their ultimate goal —the destruction of big government including agencies like CDC and the post office. Loss of this “REPUBLICAN WET DREAM” thru Trump, a populist must be killing them. No other ‘Pub commands this democracy killing cadre and base. RIP GOP.
@Mark sure sign of a troll. Reoeating the same comment over and over again.
@enigmaticmisfit He is correct, Troll or not.
@Mark America will survive the scolds and nags of the left. They are mostly just a nuisance. But Trump’s cult could utterly destroy this country.
Haha, yes, they should stand proud in their defiance of a party gone full seditionist. Dudes, you never go full seditionist.
the new Republican slogan: We do not elect people to do the right thing.
@PuppetXeno i hope they do
@Simon R Here’s hoping, that it will get easier in the future for everyone eligible to vote more easily and the government represents the majority of people and not money.
What he’s saying screw you voter. People like them forget, they need your vote! Do the the same, don’t vote for him. That just my idea, you don’t have to go with it.
@Spidey Senses 2020 Your fake news
“We did not send him there to do the right thing”. There you go. Disgusting.
@Ryan Edwards Ryan its all about power. I’m an African American veteran and l served with very honorable men and women of all ethnicities. But there will always be men and women who will abuse their power and authority for wealth and greed. That’s what happened on Jan 6. An Insurrection against the equality of the VOTE! Challenging the voices of Conscience and conviction. Racism is just a tool and a distraction to suppress the voices of WE THE PEOPLE who believe in fairness, honesty, intregity, and domestic harmony.
@Laura Holzler Amen my sister. Welcome to the Struggle! The Struggle was never about race but equality and the Constitution. It’s simple uphold the Constitution and personal responsibility. This is what MLK and John Lewis advocated for “getting into good trouble and Civil Disobedience.” Of course you will always have “malefactors” who will take advantage of corruption and chaos. But you can’t let them deter you from rebuilding Democracy and Equality.
Republicans are used to not doing the right thing when they vote.
They should be held up on honour by their States not centured!
The Republican Party is an evil party.
@lyn Goring It is a moribund organization. The GOP really doesn’t exist anymore. It’s lingering painfully and will eventually collapse if the likes of Lindsey Graham, Jim Jordan, Marjorie Taylor Greene and others are allowed to take over.
@sam-online Yes, you should be proud of the 43 Republican senators that didn’t vote for the impeachment, as they did it for themselves not for you. The small group(s) that spur propaganda and lies will never ever get another Republican voted into office, because the majority don’t agree with their actions. Republicans = White Supremacist Groups + KKK, Proud boys, Boogaloo, Don’t Be a Puppet, Dumb and Dumber, etc. Some militia extremists that seek to violently attack or overthrow the U.S. government. Often calling themselves “patriots,” when in fact they are traitors. We don’t need the crazies, so have at it they are all yours. We did win back the House, the Senate and the Presidency without them.
@SMS I don’t think you meant that for me.
@sam-online If your a Democrat then you’d be right. Sorry.
Kind of sounds like the communist party–party first.
@mike briganti Baloney.
“Unless the Senate convicts him, and rids themselves of the Trump cancer, many of us will not be going back to vote for Republican leaders.”
@N N Edwards it splits the GOP vote. In red states and districts, that would give Democrats the plurality and thus the victory in most circumstances.
Ah the cancel culture censorship leftist are crying foul. LMMFAO.
@Mark You were a champion of “Freedom Fries” but now you cry about a “cancel culture”. You wanted to cancel the word “French” from “French Fries”, that’ is how stupid you conservatives are.
@N N Edwards Yes, you should be proud of the 43 Republican senators that didn’t vote for the impeachment, as they did it for themselves not for you. The small group(s) that spur propaganda and lies will never ever get another Republican voted into office, because the majority don’t agree with their actions. Republicans = White Supremacist Groups + KKK, Proud boys, QAnon, Boogaloo, Don’t Be a Puppet, Dumb and Dumber, etc. Some militia extremists that seek to violently attack or overthrow the U.S. government. Often calling themselves “patriots,” when in fact they are traitors. We don’t need the crazies, so have at it they are all yours. We did win back the House, the Senate and the Presidency without them.
@Mark <--- Lying empty troll account. Ignore.
The GOP is so corrupt. They don’t even try to hide it.
@Mark You live with Mikeski Brigantivich so I would also listen for that banging on your door
@Jalen Tiara Cole Your Russian to English translation isn’t working
It’s time to clean them out they became to comfortable and feel they don’t have to do anything to keep there spot except boot licking.
@mike briganti Democrats and Republicans changed sides due to the civil rights bill.
Antifa stands for Antifascists and Hitler wasn’t antifascist.
@Andrew_Owens Yes, it’s out in the open. Trump taught the Republican party to show their hatred in front of the world and don’t be shy about it. His law breaking and beginning crime against humanity i.e.. removing mothers from infants and locking them into cages were the same as Nazi Germany
Loved what the PA GOP county chairman who stated: “We didn’t send him [Toomey] there to vote his conscience or to do the right thing …” WOW!! That said it ALL.