After the president tweeted about the Buffalo protestor, GOP senators refuse to comment on the conspiracy-theory tweet. Aired on 6/9/2020.
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GOP Senators Refuse To Respond To A Conspiracy-Theory Tweet From The President | MTP Daily | MSNBC
Republican silence is complicity. They have become the party of lunacy.
@R Thomas Biden dont have a chance. He is too racist. He has too many racist rants. You racists vote for a racist but we educated respectful people overwhelm you brainless racist useless lib tards. Its over for the racist party they should of been abolished 50 years ago after there 140 year regn of terror of racism. Slavery. White supremacy, the KKK and jim crow even into the 70s. They are the cause of all problems today !!
#j G you seem to forget that Joseph Biden was Vice President for 8 years with the only African American president…once again projection from a Trumpturd… Bunker boy has been a racist since the 1970’s and his daddy before that
@R Thomas When Biden joined the team of racism the DNC in 1972 he said as soon he took seat Bl acks dont know how to raise there children, just last sept 42 years later he was asked about reparations and the first thing he said was Bl acks dont know how to raise there children. He had a huge library of racism in fact i have a massive library of racist rants by the democrats many to horrible to post. You will not find this on the right. Racism is in your blood !!!
@R Thomas Nothing has changed the KKK assisted the democrst party until the early 70s to keep slavery alive. I watched it. It wasnt that long ago. The democrats created racism, democrat congressmen created white supremacy. All problems today are caused by democrats. All oppression in hollow drug infested cities are caused by democratic rule. You are a blind uneducated moron !!!
@darryl runnels Registered Independent forever. I used to be a registered democrat till I began in business at age 22 or so, grew ever wiser and saw how the world really works. You? Democrat, huh? I knew it. You sound slow.
Spineless cowards!
Banana Republicans are trump enablers.
@randykerr also Byrd made mention how he regret being a Klan member. And like how yall claim Trump was. Byrd was praised for his civil rights work while a politician. So yeah a person did change. However David Duke and King denys their ties when we know they were apart of it.
@Calvin R. Johnson Jr. Trump had no ties to the kkk. if I was ask to give a eulogy at Robert Byrd’s funeral, I would have said no. apology, or not.
Democrats are corrupt and should be brought to justice for trying to overthrow a elected president of the United States. They are sure trying to sweep this under the rug?
@Rocky Comet <---- This guy's wearing the new all-singing, all-dancing *TRUMPOID 2020 VCR HEADSET* Features include: • 1° peripheral vision * 'Hands Free' operation. (Ideal for Twitter and YouTube keyboard warriors) * And that's it " The best, best product ever made in the history of mankind! Would I lie?" (Donald Trump) Buy it now from all your favourite right wing outlets! Special offer price of *35,000 rubles!* (2021 price $1) And there's more! The first 100 customers receive FREE at no extra cost: A 1 gallon bucket of whitewash! A TRUMPOID2020 Spellchecker! A novelty tiny sized MAGA cap! A white stick! *BUY IT NOW!!* (no refunds)
@SPZ Aruba <---- This guy's wearing the new all-singing, all-dancing *TRUMPOID 2020 VCR HEADSET* Features include: • 1° peripheral vision * 'Hands Free' operation. (Ideal for Twitter and YouTube keyboard warriors) * And that's it " The best, best product ever made in the history of mankind! Would I lie?" (Donald Trump) Buy it now from all your favourite right wing outlets! Special offer price of *35,000 rubles!* (2021 price $1) And there's more! The first 100 customers receive FREE at no extra cost: A 1 gallon bucket of whitewash! A TRUMPOID2020 Spellchecker! A novelty tiny sized MAGA cap! A white stick! *BUY IT NOW!!* (no refunds)
What’s the difference between the GOP and a jellyfish?
The jellyfish has more spine.
David Drake uhh they don’t have a brain.
DR X cute,ha ha
Michigan Wolverine ah that’s a lie or you’re just spinning,it was a conservative nut.
Michigan Wolverine boys always lie,how old are you.
PoliticiansRcons what dummy,just got dummy don.
Yellow Bellied Cowards.
Time to vote them out,
Hahaaa Corinne was like “yoink… im outta here!”
Them not speaking speaks volumes
@Cliff Medina They were respecting the black community- How fkn horrible..we must vote the Democrats out..
Next we must go after the My Pillow guy for wearing a cross to sell his pillows
Elmosweed ya ain’t happy when he speaks. Ya ain’t happy when they don’t speak soooooo
Elmosweed don’t touch cops. You’d think, being an old activist as he was, he’d know not to. Gets what he gets.
@Elmosweed that old man was attempting to use his phone to scan (skim) the officer’s communication belts. Then Antifa can track police locations or even hack into their communications. Thus Antifa useful idiots can burn and loot; one step ahead of the police. Trump was right
@Tom McDermott communication belts ?
They SEE every GOD DAMNED thing else tho
Cue a funeral dirge when the repubs walk by. Perhaps that might sink in.
Atgolf Twitler continues to debase the office of the President. Hang in there people Trumps going to get a lot more chaotic and divisive before this is over.
Atgolf lmaoo
Atgolf Twitler sound like a joke of a Dictator

@Satya Richburg Ju I agree it covers Trumps full time jobs playing golf and tweeting.
It’s amazing that everyone see’s it except for the one’s WE PAY TO SEE IT !!!!!!
Great point.
McConnell always walk like he has a bathroom emergency
That’s one way to describe this president!!!
He has a clutch of eggs to lay
The tortoise does not want to soil its russian flag decorated shell.
He has!
@Big Dbo 49

“I won’t dignify it with any further comment.” Tremendous statement.
Walter White
And here’s you, with only rolls and rolls of tin foil.
Walter Wight Any proof ? If you are not a fascist, then you are antifa too. So i suppose you are very well organised and dangerous… and love high tech weaponry.
@Michael W What? Any proof first of anything I show you will just say its’ not true. Secondly, I have no affiliation with fascist or Antifa. Lastly, if Antifa was somehow organized enough to use any sort of weaponry it would be old since high tech weapons cost a lot of money and some terrorist group would NOT be able to afford something like that.
Walter White Hiding your middle initials again, hey BS?
Zach Herbert Oh, so you took Walters middle initials…hey, he wants his BS back.
Must have been KFC on the menu, everyone was is a great hurry
I love KFC! Yummy yummy get in my tummy!
They were all heading to the secret room in the basement and did not invite Democrats…how rude
@Elmosweed that’s white privilege for ya!
Antifa are well organized and highly sophisticated. Antifa members are trained like soldiers
and are very dangerous. They are well funded with Hi-Tech State of the Art electronics. Trump
was just trying to protect the police force. Trump 2020!
@Walter White Yummy kool aid eh Easily duped troll!
Goodness they are weak lol. Watching grown men fold like that is cringing.
they are cowards – that’s why they fell in line behind Trump despite not agreeing with his policies. Anything for power I guess

Them MFS are something else. Lmmfao. Thanks Mitt
Read it to them!
They are all liars.
Repuke party
I saw a bunch of cowards. Vote them all out.
@PoliticiansRcons Has a single GOP politician ever mentioned “white ppl”?
@Tom Smyth what about “white ppl”? Im pretty sure they have all talked about white people before.
@PoliticiansRcons You will never hear a politician mention “White people”.
@Tom Smyth why should they be mentioning “white people”?
@PoliticiansRcons Every other demographic is named and catered to. Why not Whites? The US was founded for Whites and Whites make up the largest demographic.
None of them have an ounce of decency, or courage. *Vote them out!*
Mate, I am no Republican and in fact I am not even American but there is at least one Republican left who has a lot of decency left. That’s Mitt Romey. And sure, this man is a religious nut job on many issues, not going to sugar coat it, but please, if we all just lump together everybody we don’t agree with we will end up making more enemies that friends.
MaSOneTwo – I actually do agree with you. I’ve never been a Mitt Romney fan, but he’s been one of the very few to speak up against Trump and I sure wish he had won the Republican primary last time! He would be a much better president than Trump! I also agree about not painting everyone in *any* group with a broad brush, but…. wow… republicans can try the patience of the most conciliatory person on the planet right now! It’s time for everyone, regardless of party, to show courage, empathy, rationality, and the will to resist efforts to degrade democracy in our country. Madeline Albright, Robert Reich, and others with actual experience (unlike Trump and most of his appointees) have long been sounding a warning about where we are headed, but the White House circus has been an effective distraction. Reminds me of the analogy of a frog not noticing that he’s slowly being boiled to death until it’s too late.
Haven’t seen a retreat this pathetic since King Arthur and the Holy Grail
That was one killer rabbit , though…