Republican senators including Lindsey Graham, Chuck Grassley and Mitch McConnell have weighed in on why they won't be watching this week's impeachment hearings. Aired on 11/13/19.
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GOP Senators Explain Why They Aren't Watching The Hearings | Morning Joe | MSNBC
How is Lindsey Graham allowed to be a military officer…and a lawyer at that…when he won’t even uphold his most basic responsibilities to uphold the Constitution. How can this man be in any position of authority holding others accountable. He’s a treasonous coward.
@Dickum N Lickum the V: Emperor Of YouTube. and a president. How history repeats itself.
Spineless cyst with no internal digestive tract
Being a lawyer got him that through Judge Advocate General’s Corps. Wonder if he was worthless then to?
In 2016, the campaign of the Republican nominee for president was approached multiple times by representatives of the Russian government offering to help them win the election. These offers were welcomed with enthusiasm. The campaign was also led for a time by a political consultant with deep financial and personal ties to a Russian oligarch and a Kremlin puppet in Ukraine.
Multiple members of the Trump team had contacts with the Russian government that they later lied to conceal.
As part of its attack on the American electoral system, Russian intelligence hacked into Democratic Party systems. Some of the information it found there was released publicly and promoted gleefully by Republicans at all levels in order to help the Trump campaign; information relating to down-ballot campaigns was passed to Republicans, who used it in order to maintain their hold on the House of Representatives.
Amid the insistence from the intelligence community that in 2018 Russia will likely attempt to once again penetrate the computer systems of state election agencies, Republicans this week killed an effort to provide funding to states to bolster the security of their election systems.
As part of a lengthy effort to infiltrate the National Rifle Association, an important Republican interest group, an alleged Russian spy began a romance with a Republican activist, met multiple Republican leaders and fostered a relationship between American gun advocates and Russians. On the night of Trump’s victory, she messaged “I am ready for further orders” to her handler, a Russian banker named Alexander Torshin who is close to Putin.
The NRA dramatically increased its spending on the 2016 presidential campaign from past years, pouring $30 million into their effort to elect Trump. The FBI is investigating whether that money may have illegally come from Russia, funneled to the organization by Torshin.
The Trump administration has announced a change to IRS rules so that groups like the NRA will no longer have to identify their donors on their tax forms, making such money almost impossible to trace in the future.
Over the last few years, the Christian right, another key part of the GOP coalition, has grown increasingly close to Putin, whom they see as an ally in a global clash of civilizations between Christianity and Islam.
In Congress, Republicans have undertaken an aggressive campaign to discredit and, many of them plainly hope, shut down the probe into the Russian attack on America. Though they mounted seven separate investigations of Benghazi, they are nearly united in their position that no further investigation into a hostile foreign power’s attempt to manipulate the American electoral system is necessary.
Fox News, which functions as the propaganda arm of the Republican Party, has aired relentless attacks on the Russia investigation and calls for it to be shut down.
Despite the mountain of unambiguous evidence of the Russian attack in 2016, the overwhelming majority of Republican voters continue to say no such attack occurred.
Hard-core Trump supporters are beginning to argue that even if Russia did attack the American electoral system, it was actually a good thing because it helped Donald Trump get elected.
GOP “This is not legitimate since there is no transparency”
Democrats “Ok we’ll have public hearings”
GOP “We’re not going to watch”
@Neal Vasco we have biden in quid pro on tape.
@James K. Boyle put it forward. Let’s see it.
@Neal Vasco if I post it for 1,000 time will you vote for Trump?
@James K. Boyle Hahaha!
They don’t have to “dirty up trump”, NO one is as dirty as trump!
@Denis Logan I bet you voted for Hillary. Ha Ha Ha.
@Denis Logan I’d be satisfied with a political execution. Just make sure not one of Trump’s sycophants ever holds public office again.
With Nixon there were a few misguided and corrupt people, but with Fat Donny, it is much worse. The entire Republican party has sold out the United States for a handful of magic beans. Trump has exposed a few very big flaws in the US system, we can thank him for that at least, the electoral college being just one such flaw. The United States must close those gaps and never allow a fascist friendly regime to ever again control the greatest force for good the world has ever known. And we must also never forget that the Republicans are fascist friendly. I know we don’t like to talk like that, impolite, but it happens to be true.
What happened America? My God, what happened to you?
You aren’t even pretending to be an honorable nation anymore at this point. Seems like we are seeing an inherent crisis within your 2 party system. No one realized that eventually someone would come along who is just evil and corrupt enough to use the distrust between the two parties, actively pushing the center to the farthest perimeter and creating a situation where some Americans think it is OK to dehumanize fellow citizens with obscene conspiracy theories. A situation where the commander in chief attacks anyone not loyal to the dear leader personally rather than to the country he swore to serve. It is as if he has no clue about the position he finds himself in or even has the slightest regard for the dignity of the office.
Now, Trump’s followers actively support and praise evil dictators like Putin and Erdogan, while trashing allies and friends, all for the glory and enrichment of one man and one family. I mean it is literally as if they are trying to live up to the lies they tell themselves about the “deep state” or the “Illuminati” or whatever else they think about Democrats. And no one on the Right seems to be able to recognize what’s going on. So complete is their Brain Washing.
Anyone else having trouble recognizing America since Trump took control? The racism and hatred is like everything else in Trump’s world, it is a suit he puts on to get what he wants from people he believes are idiotic yokels. He hates them and they have no idea whatsoever. How easily they are led away from their beliefs, values and loyalties.
So, as hard as it is to understand, you have a country ruled by a man who has one goal, enriching himself and his family and making sure everyone knows what he has always known. That Donald J Trump is the smartest, strongest, bravest and wisest of any man who has ever lived. Better than any president before him. And this…. THIS, IS WHAT 38% OF AMERICANS REALLY THINK WILL MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN?
Michelle Richardson, you took the words out of my mouth! I don’t think democrats will have to try to bribe another country in order to dig up dirt on POTUS. He just blurts it out on tv
Those who shun their eyes from the truth are complicit.
That means we’re all guilty (2014 US State Dept)
“Do this the way we did with Clinton and Nixon”? Your guys changed the rules of the impeachment proceedings when Obama was in charge! You wanted to get him out of office and didn’t expect for your own rules to be used against you! Wake up!
Congress is allowed to change or make up their own rules AS THE CONSTITUTION SAYS.
@Rebecca Sorensen I do realize and respect that, but the fact that Republicans are whining over and over about the process being different from those gone through with the other 2 when their own party changed the rules. The Democrats, so far, have been shown to be following those rules set forth by Republicans. I never said that they weren’t allowed to change or make up their own rules. I’m sorry if I gave you that impression.
You didn’t give the wrong impression. Rebecca is a troll.
@Rebecca Sorensen You mean the phony constitution? that’s what dump called it. Spare us your BS defense
They are cowards, that’s why
Not watching because they’re scared of the facts.
They know the facts very well. They just don’t like the shame that they have to bear!!
They got more important things to do….
Laundry, taking out the trash…..
When is this gonna rise above the mundane, and become important ?…..
The Republicans over the next weeks will be dished up several spoonfuls of the truth . . . they have no choice to accept it.
The Fat Man can’t be dirtied any more than he already is!
RaeAnn Uria corrupter in chief has whittled away the gop scums last few scruples
Are you high? Trump will always find a way to get dirtier lol
These are the same senators that were howling about transparency. They held a sit in for transparency!! Now they say they are not going to watch! So which is it?!
“Lalalalalalala I don’t hear it… I’m not watching it. Lalalalalalala.”
GOPs, 2019.
JC the Republicans is so full of it and it time for people to hold then accountable for not doing there job and vote then out of office.
At what point does the GOP just resort to “I know you are, but what am I?”
@net punk) The GOPers defending Donald aren’t very bright and might just use that line. Remember Jim Jordan during Cohen’s testimony used the childish “liar, liar pants on fire” line?
On the other hand…..
The net result of Mueller, was that he got pounded into submission, making you dweebs look pathetic…..
You gonna need something better than this, to wipe away that memory…..
Cause that’s what people remember…..
Mueller conned into testifying by schifty…..
Mueller rep ruined forever….
Repubs partying after….
This is ineffective so far…..
” Why bother “.
You don’t say…. Gee, none of us would have ever figured that out…thanks for letting us know.
And Trump will continue the damage until he is STOPPED.
Well, Jim Jordan is too busy protecting perverts.
Well, Lindsey is trying to get her panties out of the twist they are in.
@Montez Nonyabusiness an insult to women and panties
cha1aka2 – I hope Lindsey remembers the time in 2016 when he said: “if we nominate Trump we will get destroyed….and we will deserve it”. Turns out Miss Lindsey was correct. The GOP is helping Trump burn the party to ashes.
@christopher weise
So true.
@christopher weise True. Now, ms. lindsey is showing just how easily he can be bought. Phuckwit.
It’s not the panties that are the problem… it’s the photographs they have of her wearing them.
The most dangerous part of this administration is Moscow Mitch and Spineless Lindsay graham.
People need to start demanding republicans refusing to do their jobs be fined and removed!!!!!!!
removed please
I have never seen such ignorance . Grown men acting so stupid. Seriously.
Willful Ignorance.
Angele Figueira …they are NOT grown, they privledged cultist with an alligience to an un-qualified proven LIAR.
Trump and Putin have promised Permanent Ascendancy. THAT trumps democracy, the Constitution, and the Republican party.
Clinton was impeached for far less than than what Trump is guilty of.
Republicans are gonna be out of a job when this is all over.
I’m pessimistic. I fear the Deplorables will go into full-on tribal-warfare mode and pull through for Trump and the GOP in 2020. Welcome to Dumbfuckistan.