GOP Senators Avoid Comments On Trump’s Photo-Op, Use Of Tear Gas On Protestors | MTP Daily | MSNBC

NBC News Capitol Hill correspondent Kasie Hunt asks GOP senators whether there was an abuse of power, after police clear peaceful protestors with tear gas ahead of the president's visit to St. John's in Washington on Monday. Aired on 6/2/2020.
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GOP Senators Avoid Comments On Trump's Photo-Op, Use Of Tear Gas On Protestors | MTP Daily | MSNBC


    1. Well if they’re afraid to comment because they’re ashamed of what Trump did then they have a very good reason to be cowards. They’re even bigger cowards because they never confess up to the fact they think he’s in the wrong.

    2. GOP Senators are a bunch of Donald tDUMP’S LAPDOGS, SYCOPHANTS, BROWN NOSERS AND BUTT LICKERS.They are a bunch of wimps and cowards who lost their integrity and dignity.

  1. EVERYONE remember these people in November and the man they are protecting. They ALL must go!!!!!!

    1. Leslie Boles Thank you for putting it so beautifully. I used to vote for the same way, but I will never vote for a Republican again. And to the people on either extreme before you start with your what about-isms, STFU. Democrats aren’t perfect but they’ve never betrayed our country and its people the way republicans have.

    2. Wascally Wabbit , Donald tDUMP loves the Uneducated the Stupid the Gullible the Suckers and the INBREDS.

    1. They’ve lost the battle already. I’m just not sure I can wait five more months for this crazy man to destroy more of this country

    1. Well, republicans elect cowards because they are cowards. All loud mouths but when cornered, they are like rats on a sinking ship.

    1. King Sameer by avoiding speaking it shows that there is shame, but they have yet to push a fake outrage to project their shame onto someone else.

    2. These gop senators has become Donald tDUMP’S LAPDOGS, SYCOPHANTS AND BROWN NOSERS.The taxpayers are paying their salary to serve the American people but instead they are serving the most corrupt immoral evil racist pathological liar.

    1. OMG … Ithink I just peed myself laughing! That is THE most priceless comment I have read in a very long time.

    1. @Alex S Don’t just hurl baseless insults, propose an alternative to the argument I put forth. Go point by point. Calling me a moron, while not substantiating that you actually are more intelligent than me, shows you’re shallow and lack independent thought. Think for yourself, and come up with an argument that shows mine is inept, and yours is well thought out and crafted coherently.

    2. @Joe Davidson he will not win unless his buddy Putin help him again and the dumb college electorate. We all knew how he got there in 2016 except his 39% base.

    3. @jrmdj23 trump 👄 mouthpiece started the riot and looting. He didn’t stop anything and now he wants to start a war with the protesters who have their amendments right to protest peacefully.

    4. Yvonne Ramsay so if we go by your logic trump’s mouth started the riot then it should be escalating because trumps mouth hasn’t stopped, he just keeps talking louder and louder, therefore rioting and looting should also continue, make sense ? 😅😅 yeah I know it makes about as much sense as your 🇷🇺 Russia collusion illusion hahahhahah

    1. Amen Ruby Behrman….. I concur vote the squalor out!

      And may massacre McDonnell be the first one that we witness being ousted!

    2. GOP Senators are all scared of the Orange Moron who will bully anyone who go against him. Donald tDUMP is the dictator who will bring the USA to the brink of collapse.

    1. Remember a NO vote is a vote for Trump and every other one of the Republicans. VOTE VOTE VOTE

    1. @James Collinsworth — They’re late for a lot of things, like coming up with a healthcare plan, addressing climate change, helping the working-class people who voted for Trump, holding Trump accountable for his lies and mis-administration, etc., etc., etc.

  2. “I’m late for lunch.” That’s not the kind of answer you should give to the people you serve.

    1. There’s no more republican party it’s now called Donald tDUMP’S party. Donald tDUMP has corrupted the republican party for his own good.

    1. GOP Senators have become Donald tDUMP’S LAPDOGS AND SYCOPHANTS.They are willing to do anything including licking Donald tDUMP’S filthy mouth.

    1. Yes. Says this Canadian. You should look at the wide spread protests in solidarity and to correct our own imbalances in so many other countries. For Pete’s sake Syrians drew you a mural on a war rubble wall! Yet US Senators are all Hogan’s Heroes “I see nothing”.

  3. “I’m late for lunch”. Mark who those individuals were and if they are in your state hold them accountable.

  4. The latest to the never-ending list of “What would Republicans have done if Obama did this?”

    1. Exactly! Case proven the scum bag Republicans all looked the other way or remained silent. The proof in the pudding lady’s and gentlemen. USA is Great! DUMP DONALD CHUMP #2020

    2. @kjsieme 1 you are so right and if I may have your permission they are not fit or qualified to represent the people!!!! So let us VOTE them all out and hope they are escorted straight to prison with 45

  5. Senator: “I wasn’t there so i didn’t see exactly what happened”, As the world sees exactly what HAPPENED!

    1. Donald tDUMP and the RepubliCUNT party are an embarrassment to humanity.They are willing to violate the constitution just to re-elect the most corrupt immoral and evil pos.

  6. There’s a reason why ted cruz is know as “el ratto”. Disgusting fascist traitor. Never forget!

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