Missouri Republican Sen. Josh Hawley said he will object when Congress counts the Electoral College votes next week, which will force lawmakers in both the House and Senate to vote on whether to accept the results of President-elect Joe Biden's victory.
Hawley is the first senator to announce plans to object to the results, which is significant because both a House member and senator are required to mount an objection when Congress counts the Electoral College votes on January 6.
The objection will not change the outcome of the election, only delaying the inevitable affirmation of Biden's victory in November over President Donald Trump. Democrats will reject any objections in the House, and multiple Republican senators have argued against an objection that will provide a platform for Trump's baseless conspiracy theories claiming the election was stolen from him.
Hawley's objection, which other senators may still join, will also put many of his Senate Republican colleagues in a difficult political position, forcing them to vote on whether to side with Trump or with the popular will of the voters.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has privately urged Senate Republicans not to join the group of House members who are planning to object. Senate Majority Whip John Thune argued against it publicly, prompting a rebuke from Trump on Twitter and the threat of a primary challenge.
Trump has been pushing for Congress to try to overturn the election result as his campaign's attempts to overturn the election through the courts have been repeatedly rejected.
#TheSituationRoom #KaitlinCollins #CNN #News
that money is not borrowed mitch,it was given to you.by us.and now we need some back
@big e you so cringe 2 week old russki troll. You just want your guy in charge of the Senate.
@Capricious yes
@Weedz420 Oh yeah nice take dumbass everyone pays nothing in taxes except for the 20% of the country that agrees with Mitch. Nice logic.
That’s RIGHT.
@Capricious Yah i pay in, a way higher percentage of my income than they do mind you. Stuck losing 25% of my 25k a year income to these scumbags and get sh*t in return while the rich pay damn near nothing after all the cuts and write offs they get. Now we need some help and instead of sharing the funds back with us they horde them and pocket them. Pretend they need them for other things… We know exactly how this scam works ever since we started paying taxes. Do you?
Why are politicians looking out for their political future when they should be looking out for the American people
@Jacqueline Forrest
I know how hard it is for Democrats to win without cheating. That is why you are nervous the fraud will die in congress.
Cuz they’re politicians lmao.
These “politicians” do not have a future when they act like that. And if they have, then the voters deserve to be grifted, disenfranchised and suppressed…
Because they are rich rRepublicans and want to stay in power at the cost of democracy and the American people….remember that next time you vote….I will never forever vote for another Pub the rest of my damn life
They treat your taxes like it’s theirs. OUCH.
@Rob Van Gessel What you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this comment section is now dumber for having read it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
Hoh wow
oh yes
The U.S. Mob will continue doing what it has always done.
@Rob Van Gessel that tax cut allowed employers to hire more employees and increase their wages. The employees are the middle class.
@hvymettle Republicans only care about debt when they don’t have the presidency. Look it up.
Evil people win, when good people do nothing, vote out these traitors!!
@Cesilia duarte nope,… vote out the Republicans! Bye bye David Perdue! Bye bye Kelly Loeffler!
Dominion voting machines would like a word with you

@P Ags hear ! Hear !

@Mike Dugan hear ! Hear !

You have to be good people first! That makes you in the other side!
At this point why do we even need politicians…i dont understand why we need politics at all.
we can do away with the word “representative” from representative democracy. everyone and their mother has a cellphone now, there is no good reason to have representatives anymore. we should be able to appoint and fire people with our fucking cellphones from our sofa nowadays. i rather have a herd of stupid well intended people appointing experts than a small number of very qualified crooks appointing one another. just preferences.
You sound as uneducated as they come…
@Jill Featherman man you really don’t know anyting. My first step WAS taking money out of politics by repealing citizens united my second step WAD removing the revolving door where government officials become lobbyists. I could go on but what’s the point.
@Skankhunt36 You were focusing on a conservative super-PAC and congress/lobbyists then skipping over other HUGE areas to get to district maps. In the scheme of things, it’s only a small % of what’s wrong with DC.
It’s funny how people react when they have Sh#t on their shoes and have go insider trading.
Hoh wow
oh yes
Just another reason for the state of Georgia to vote democratic on Jan 5th
@SuperThunderGoodGuy Yup
sounds like joshie wants to pursue a different career path.
The constitution allows it
Goh wow
oh yes
These idiots are like psychotic hamsters running endless circles on the exercise wheel to nowhere….
Aka: “I want to be on the Republican voters good sides so I can get re-elected”
@Alex Najera the counting has nothing to do with registered voters. 6.7 million people voted. 6.9 million ballots were counted.
@Alex Najera No judge has looked at any evidence. All cases were dismissed over procedures.
Why don’t you want to see the evidence.
CNN said there was no evidence.
@Alex Najera China and Iran see it as Biden’s victory.
@JohnnyD 67 voting “stopped” because mail ins weren’t in yet. There is even video of mail trucks delivering ballots
Poll watchers werent “kicked out” they left because their shift was up. Same with the Georgia video. They werent forced out.
Counting started up again once the rest of the ballots were in
Biden won because people knew what would happen with 4 more years of Trump. More division, more ignorance, and more for the corporations other than the people
Do you really think *EVERY SINGLE JUDGE GIVEN A CASE* was under influence? Not even Trumps own judges?
@JohnnyD 67 how does that statement make sense? 6.7 million voted but 6.9 million ballots counted? You know one vote is one person right? They are synonymous
2020 going down in the history books that will probably not end up in the history books of schools
gotta hide the truth that’s why hahahahahahahahaha
oh wow
oh yes
Mitch McConnell’s father in law is a CHINESE BILLIONAIRE, he needs to be checked out for TREASON.
C Khan Trump is a second
Generation immigrant hisself. They really mean “no brown people allowed.”
kissmyaass1 You describes Trump & Russia.
and that is why he IS “Mitch the China-B..ch McCONnell.”
@Kara Hayes Or maybe we should do that before they’re elected!
@kissmyaass1 Bulls..t!
These are the type of people that you cant elect THEM ANYMORE
Another day when all I can do is blink and try not to have a mental break realizing this is yet again happening in my country and it isn’t a joke.
Selaina Broderick the evil of the left knows no bounds.
Selaina Broderick Don’t despair, this reality show is nearing its final episode. Remember, there are more good decent people in the world and in America than you see through social media and the news channels. America is a young country and still evolving its politics and laws. These old farts come and go and will be dead soon and the up and coming generations, because of the ineptness and corruption of 45 and the GOP’s desperate and selfish behaviour are more aware and invested in progressing America.
Looks like time for UBI
@Rob H Joe and his corrupt party deprived themselves of his win. They were busted today. IT specialists easily hacked into a Dominion voting machine set up for Senate runoffs in a county in Georgia while the Georgia election hearing was going on today. It was done in Real time and reported on and entered into the record at the hearing. They did it via WiFi and the internet which was supposedly impossible according to Dominion and Election officials….The cat is out of the bag and Joe is going down in flames…. I’m sure Jake Tapper didn’t bother to let you know…Happy New Year!
@Rob H Biden is so goddamn stupid he doesn’t even know where he is.
Tapper you are done… Down in flames with cnn. Project veritas destroyed you the rest of the way …
@SuperThunderGoodGuy based yang for NYC mayor
I’ll save them a billion dollars and foresee what’ll happen. They’ll investigate and “find nothing.”
Doh wow
oh yes
I hope Bernie Sanders filibusters and makes them stay there for the holiday
Joe Biden will never be President of the United States of America. Josh Hawley is an American patriot.
Lincoln must be spinning in his grave, now we see how far from the truth his party has strayed….
Trump won Democrats cheated media lies
That’s not the Lincoln Party. The Lincoln Party would have respected the democratic process, not work against it.
Who keeps voting for Mitch McConnell! Seriously, wtf.
Kentucky knuckedraggers that’s who. They’ll step over a dollar to pick up a quarter.
He represents Kentucky. He’ll never lose an election.
Massive election fraud!
Ky. Race needs to be investigated. So does South Carolina.