GOP senator resigns chairmanship amid stock probe

Republican Sen. Richard Burr of North Carolina is stepping aside as chairman of the influential Senate Intelligence Committee while he's under investigation for stock trades he made ahead of the market downturn sparked by the coronavirus pandemic.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said in a statement that Burr "contacted me this morning to inform me of his decision to step aside as Chairman of the Intelligence Committee during the pendency of the investigation." McConnell said Burr's resignation as chairman will be effective at the end of the day on Friday.
Burr's decision to step down as chairman is a stunning development for the North Carolina Republican, who has led the Senate Intelligence Committee through its three-year investigation into Russian election interference that's nearing completion and affirmed the intelligence community's conclusion Russia was trying to help President Donald Trump's candidacy.
Shortly after McConnell's announcement, Burr told reporters he was resigning as intelligence chair because "this is a distraction to the hard work of the committee and the members and I think the security of the country is too important to have any distractions."
Burr said he has been cooperating with investigators "since the beginning" and will let the investigation play out. Burr has given no thought to resigning from the Senate, he said, and he does not believe he exercised poor judgment with his stock trades. He'll remain a member of the Intelligence Committee.
#Burr #CNN #News

GOP senator resigns chairmanship amid stock probe


    1. He’s still a senator but resigned from being lead chairman. He should completely resign and go to jail along with all the ones involved and his brother he gave the same info too.

    2. Facts trump prejudice what are you talking about??? Distraction? You probably don’t even know what the stock market is.

    1. @Miller Man I feel you… But please don’t discourage these idiots from wearing masks right now! They already are convinced they are “smarter” then any of the experts. 🙄

    1. @Steve Flynn I’m sure Trump’s pissed off he isn’t going to have Biden to run against. He beats Biden hands down no problem. There’s no way they will give Biden the nomination. Now he has to deal with that. CNN got Hillary Clinton beat with thier fake in house polls. Had Hillary’s campaign known the truth that UCLA Harvard Yale Princeton and other polls not so public predicted only a very narrow lead for Hillary Clinton or a narrow victory for trump that Hillary would have done more in those states and turned it around. Now CNN doing it again claiming Bidens winning in all polls and basically a news blackout on Biden is only killing Joe Biden quickly most people know lies when they hear them.. the ratings for cable news networks is a factual number because of cable. The fact that CNNs ratings are that bad so low in fact arguing about any lies coming from CNN is a waste of time.

    2. @James Stewart Are you on Trump’s payroll? Tell us, why did Trump set up a fake “Charity” Foundation and then “misappropriate” 2 million? Do you just regurgitate whatever he says, even though he’s a proven compulsive liar and a con man? Did you go to the scam Trump “University” too? Did you invest in his pyramid scheme too?

    3. @Penny Liqueur in America it’s also deaf, dumb and accepts bribes so don’t get your hopes up

    1. Hopefully someone falsely accuses you of murder and then tries to throw you in jail for an outstanding library book they found in your car when they arrested you for no reason. I’m sure you would have a different opinion on the matter. You would fight against it but all the Mediots on TV and your political rivals would just say you’re obstructing. See how that works? The hoax was to use the fake Russian Collusion hoax to get the Obstruction charge so Democrats could get Trump Impeached but it failed miserably and will end in Treason huh? What a beautiful ending to the story of the Democrats demise.

    2. @Randy Sanders Sure, but when they take me in for questioning I’m not gonna keep giving them different false alibis until I run outta lies then cry witch hunt as if being a total bullshitter wasn’t my own fault.
      Also, outstanding library books? How old are you?

    3. @The Great RedroverDid FUSION GPS develop the fake Steele dossier? Mueller didn’t speak on that did he? How about Bruce and Nellie Ohr? Bruce was 4th up in the Obama DOJ and his wife worked for Fusion GPS huh? Go check your “reading materials” or maybe watch the failed performance all of the Democrat Celebrities roflmao

  1. All senators who did insider trading should be held accountable. Regardless of party.

    1. @OceanFragments I didn’t see any children. I did however see a bunch of adults who entered the country illegally.

    2. @OceanFragments The clip is literally where the media pulled the photos to demonstrate that Trump put kids in cages.

    3. @OceanFragments Yes you told me that you were trained in the subject there I should appeal to the expert authority that you claim to possess and yes you specifically pointed the finger claiming that my understanding of the subject was an appeal to authority. That is yet another common trait of the modern progressive liberal, Just outright lie about what was said or done. Here is another example of dishonesty on your part. You sent me a video of an adult detention center as proof that Trump put kids in cages. You can not give one example of proof that Trump put kids in cages outside the media’s edited clips from 2014.That takes the whole argument back to square one which is ,” So called modern liberals act like children. You accused me of doing the very thing you were doing [logical fallacy, appeal to authority]. You demonstrated that you have fallen prey to propaganda [Trump put kids in cages] ,which is not true. I showed you the original footage from 2014 that the media used as anti Trump propaganda. You then lied in order to save face and claimed your evidence was video of an adult detention facility. You are completely childlike and delusional.

    1. @Josh Edmonds Well… I just looked to make sure and it appears you are right about that one. They need to get on it. I agree

    2. @Cropper Copper oh they wont…you won’t hear a thing about it..I mean we have Democrats going..Flynn pleaded.guilty case closed….and Republicans going..but he was blackmailed…100% concrete evidence paperwork emails text…and Democrats go well he should’ve never plead guilty

    3. @Josh Edmonds And everyone just needs to shut the hell up and do their damned jobs on both sides. I agree! It’s an absolute mess… I can’t believe anyone was even surprised that we became the epicenter of the pandemic. Most days they all can’t get together long enough to decide what to order for lunch, let alone figuring out how to deal with something as big as a worldwide pandemic.

    4. @Cropper Copper you seem honest a question for you…bc I’m dying laughing right now at the media..did you agree or see…when trump use to brag about our low numbers and the Democrats and media went off on him that we have low numbers idiot bc our testing failure and the fact we havent tested anyone….do you remember all of those videos and stories?

    1. @T M do you have proof of Nancy giving illegal immigrants checks. Because that’s taxpayers’ money. Trump was impeached by the house.

    2. @Bovine One
      He’s losing badly in 171 days, then he’ll squeal that it was rigged.🤣🤣🤣🤣

  2. GOP will claim that it is a “witch hunt” and that it wouldn’t have happened to a Democrat.


    1. @David Butler Feinstein definitely dumped stocks before scope of pandemic was made public. It was Burr, Laughler, Feinstein and a third republican.

      Don’t be a partisan.

    2. @David Butler just Google “Diane Feinstein” the only news thats coming up is about her is about insider trading from EVERY news station. CNN, NBC, Reuters, Fox, BBC, politico, the hill, tyt, Yahoo, aljezera.

    3. Atcar Lumsy : Do the Trumpophiles, “believe,” in the FBI now? There’s a switch? What happened? 🤔

  3. I wanna make millions knowing the viruses is coming not tell anyone then just resign. 🤣🤣🤣

    1. @A Team just another bunch of crooks who are smarter than the populations like the 1800pandemics🤣

    1. @WAKE UP JEFF Can you do anything other then call people Boo Boo Heads, like your 3 years old? How old are you?

    2. @WAKE UP JEFF Yeah… That’s gonna be you still. You’re the one who thinks an adult form of political discourse is name calling. Or did you not get the metaphor either? 😂

    3. @Cropper Copper : Get Ready For 4 More Years Of The Greatest President In History DONALD J TRUMP . Or Does Your Major TDS Not Allow It ???

  4. He didn’t turn it over They confiscated his phone. So this stock after a house meeting on the coronavirus before the crash.

    1. Ash Roskell Trumpkins believe whatever their Cheeto deity tells them, they are robots following
      A narcissistic, pathological, liar oblivious to the destruction he’s doing to the country.
      All to own the so called libs.

    1. @Red Man Yes. Any and all who put our people last.. There’s no reason so many had to die.

    2. @Ash Roskell I cannot speak for them. I do believe in the FBI and that they will pursue justice for lives lost. No one should be able to stomach this. No one.

    3. Patriotic Revolution : I lost the contents of my stomach back in 2016. Haven’t held anything down since. So, I take your point, although it feels like a convenient revenge kick for the Donster. Barr signed off on this, which can only mean it helps Donny Deep State. But, let the chips fall where they may. I suspect he’ll prove his innocence? But, that’s only because my instinct tells me that what Donny wants, is usually something criminal, unless it’s just his lunch?

    1. Eric Ryan : Do the Trumpophiles, “believe,” in the FBI now? There’s a switch? What happened? 🤔


    1. Monique Augustine I don’t know what part of NC you live in but the area I live in is a nice beautiful place to live.

    2. Doesn’t matter if it’s NC or Oregon or Kansas…there all crooks in every party in every state

    3. Cry much? So when Barr goes after them are you going to correct your dumbass statement? Of course not, you are a dumbacrat

    4. @Gary Conner you do know dems did it to right dumbass?? Diane Feinstein?? You are an idiot.

    1. @mitch103178 Fox news is the inly place to hear the truth. Your networks are being sued for defamation, basically lying about someone. That’s a shocker huh? Lmao cnn already settled to libtard. Lmao

    2. @Chris DiDomenico you know I hear that the more you type lmao the less obvious it is you’re crying

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