Sen. Mike Bruan (R-IN) explains why he doesn't want to hear from former White House natural security adviser John Bolton at President Trump's impeachment trial.
#CNN #News
Sen. Mike Bruan (R-IN) explains why he doesn't want to hear from former White House natural security adviser John Bolton at President Trump's impeachment trial.
#CNN #News
” gop ” aka garbage old party.
Dems = tax, control, cheat
@Simple Waze
See what i mean.
I find it funny how he admitted the Clinton impeachment was partisan
Do yu hear anyone saying that’s a good thing? Why is it someone who is against the impeachment of Trump must be for the impeachment for Clinton? Can’t someone be against both?
J V he wasn’t against it moron. They hate the Clintons.
@Bill Prueter Wrong
Well according to Ken Star (the special Counsel in the Clinton impeachment) and Trump’s lawyers, Bill Clinton’s impeachment should be reversed and cleared from history.
You okay with that Republicans?
none none
Democrat on trial…”Bring on ALL witnesses, and evidence.”
Republican on Trial…”We refuse to call any witnesses or release any evidence!”
Republicans are Traitors to America, as well as Law and Order.
This is truly a sad day for America’s integrity.
How Dumb Can You Be…Democrats Already Had Their Witnesses…It Is The Republicans Turn…If They Do…It Will Make Them Look Even Worse…Republicans Will Be Able To Get Who Ever They Want…It Is Their Turn Not The Democrats.
@Agador Spartacus really now. Then you’ll have no difficulty citing examples.
Dems need to ask themselves is there anybody we don’t want talking. Dems don’t get to choose who doesnt talk. If Bolton comes in so do the Biden’s. Republicans will summon in every democrat that they think might be crooked.
@Bo Shepherd, actually, the Republicans will try to drag in anyone to distract from the matter at hand. And that absof’nlutely is what the Bidens are. The narrative that Trump was actually just fighting corruption has not only been (to any sentient being) disproven; the accompanying narrative about the firing of the prosecutor is a bald-faced lie that’s been definitively shredded.
In other words, “I’m afraid the testimonies of witnesses might convince me and others to convict the president.”
Nah, nothing will convince him to vote to convict the president. He doesn’t want to hear the tesitmony from witnesses so he doesn’t have to worry about angering his constituents when he voted to acquit the president. The difference is he and the other Republicans are going to vote to acquit either way but refusing to hear from the witnesses will allow him some cover regarding his vote of acquittal.
GOP has fingers firmly in ears singing “la-la-la-la” . . .TRAITORS!!!

these senators needs to be charged with obstruction. they are all involved in a cover up
Josh Gollakner anybody who defends Trump after all this is hiding something
Let them acquit him.
He’ll be impeached again.
Now that new evidence is found and they don’t want to hear it.
So he’ll be impeached again next month lol.
Would be so cool to have him twice impeached lol!
I am a Hoosier, he just lost my vote and all of my friends.
Stop lying. You never voted for him.
@Verum illic I’m not debating you on what socialism means you think its this beautiful program that takes care of the entire world. The Democratic party is badly divided. You have the old school democrats and then you have the socialist. There is no such thing as a democrat socialist. It doesnt exist. You either pick one or the other. Bernie wants to call himself democratic socialist. But he is a fool. He is a socialist plain and simple. Go back to 1940 and call a democrat a socialist. You probably get punched in the face. Hell forget about 1940 go back to 1980 and try that. Im trying to figure out what year the socialist officially entered the dem party.
You basically said in your own comment since the country is fucked up let’s just make it worse. Debating socialism is like debating whether a dog turd stinks or not.
@Bo Shepherd And that’s twice you’ve proven that you fail to understand the concept. 0-2. Be careful. You’re also leaning toward assuming something about me for which I’ve not given you evidence. I’m not trying to debate you but I am curious — where did you learn about socioeconomic systems?
You’re from Indiana?
Just call his office or write a mail to it and tell them, that you want to hear from witnesses!
Frank TheTank he only won his senate race last year because the Koch brothers donated 5 million to his campaign
“GOP: Witnesses in a trial? What do you think we are,… America?”
So “he did it. We just don’t care.” As a Hoosier, I’m embarrassed.
@Pitbull Romans 5:8 I’m. From Evansville IN and we will Vote him out
I’m embarrassed you’re a hoosier.
@Pitbull Romans 5:8 we voted him in 2016 and I’m very, very, VERY sure that we’ll vote him in again on November 3, 2020, quite possibly in a landslide if the Democrats nominate Crazy Bernie or Pocahontas
@Johnny Johnstone I did not Vote for him
“I don’t want to hear the facts and evidence because then I can’t feign ignorance when I vote to protect this obviously corrupt impeached president.” – another republican who lied in their oath to be impartial.
“I’m not for this because it was partisan in origin and was served to disrupt an election.”
Being partisan doesn’t itself make the truth any less truthful and on of the benefits of a multi-party system is that one keeps the other in check. And if it does disrupt the election it will have been because our president is corrupt and used the us govt for his own personal campaign which in and of itself is disrupting an election.
This is the adult equivalent of a child covering its ears and closing its eyes while yelling “blah blah blah blah blah”
“Why are you acting like a stupid person?”
“There are other people like me”
Ok thanks.
yes, and apparently and confusingly they are the minority as they lost the popular vote . . . and yet, somehow, here we are
@James Ladd you idiot the presidency is decided by the electoral college stop fabricating popular vote garbage it is irrelevant
CNN, the court finds you guilty, of asking questions, with answers that lead to reason and truth!
That’s why Republic -cons go on Faux News truth not necessary…
Abuse of power with no particular crime?!?! WTF?! “TAKE HER OUT!” Regarding a US Ambassador!! What part of that is everyone missing here?!
If Trump didn’t block witnesses in the house inquiry, this “trial” could have been over sooner.
My question, is if he’s so innocent why are the lies? If he didn’t do anything wrong, and all these people that are needed to testify could exonerate him, why not let them?
Those who don’t want to hear about the truth will be remembered as cowards in History books !
AKA – every single Republican. Let’s just stop voting for them.
Problem is, these cowards don’t care about history. They won’t be alive to care what history says.
History can be re written. They know that
she set that up really well. Very politely put him on the plank.
Response – even if it’s true… it’s partisan,. What a pathetic argument by a pathetic, spineless guy
Once a cheater, *ALWAYS A CHEATER,*
Once impeached, *ALWAYS IMPEACHED.*
*Impeachment is the stain not even an acquittal can remove.*