GOP senator asked if he supports Rick Scott’s plan for Social Security. Hear his response

Sen. Mike Rounds (R-SD) discusses President Biden's criticism of some Republican plans for Social Security, including one Sen. Rick Scott (R-FL) has proposed. #CNN #News


    1. @Fat Man Honey. It’s OK to troll in YouTube comments for the US legacy media.
      To do it effectively, remember that the structure of English sentences is different and read something on the subject.
      The US Title II program is not what you think it is. It doesn’t work the way you think it works.
      Troll better.

    2. @Bob Cob I strongly suspect “Bob Cob” is coming from the same place as “Fat Man”, so let me help you, comrade.
      Social Security was designed to make sure that expense of caring for their elderly will not crush middle class.

    3. @Fat Man
      Let’s say Ukraine loses this war. It becomes the property of the Kremlin which means Russia shares a border with even more of our NATO allies. The next country Russia invades will be a NATO member and that means US boots on the ground and American soldiers will die. It’s better to give Ukraine whatever they need to defeat Putin. Putin needs stopped.

  1. Rick scott wants to know every 5 years if Social Security is worth keeping??? Well he certainly is NOT worth keeping! Get rid of that clown! ๐Ÿคฌ

    1. @DrunkenSquirrel The 1st time I saw this Rick squawk guyโ€™s face on my tv I thought I was seeing a preview of another Nightmare on Friday the 13th Elm street movie!!!!? } ~ ;,โ€ ???????

  2. When a Republican says they want to make Social Security ‘better’, they mean ‘better’ so they can lower taxes even more for their wealthy donors by cutting benefits to old people trying to live on $1,000 a month.

    1. @AT 1984 Dark red district Iowa here can attest to that. I always refer to it as the N.Korea of the US. No one likes us. No one wants to talk about us. Can’t say I blame them. We produce some of the worst representatives anyone has ever seen. Steve King, Chuck Grassley, “anti-abortion Randy”(Randy Feenstra), and “Covid Kim” Reynolds.

      We also had a very large hand in creating an extremist dictator. Xi Jinping made his first millions here in trade with Muscatine locals that sold us out to make money on the Chinese market. All the bad stuff seems to go down here. Our water is just loaded with nitrogen thanks to the intense farming implements that go fence post to fence post. As for social responsibility, thats an alien language in this state.

    2. @Common Sense you really have no clue … you …..fuel production is being manipulated by corporations to keep production low ……and prices high ……there are 9000 oil drilling permits that are approved ……but not being utilized ……did you pick that up in your studies?….I am amazed and bemused you call yourself common sense …..with a total lack of it.

    3. @Charles L Jones I never said that.
      I asked the other person on this thread why a janitor for example can’t get a tax cut but only the wealthy. He loves trickle-down economics, I don’t.
      I do blame Biden and his massive spending, He spent more than any President in history. In just 2 years Biden has spent trillions of dollars, thus causing the inflation, we’re seeing.
      You can be a conservative or independent and hate trickle-down economics. I do

    4. @Charles L Jones Democrats have historically stopped progress in general by creating more social assistance programs with shitty qualifying processes that guess what? Ainโ€™t Free. (If you need examples, I grew up with plenty that qualified for stuff they did not need or never should have planned for)
      Dems create environmental laws made by environmental special interests groups that have regulated oil production for years have always made us rely on more foreign oil, & guess what? That cost more which makes everything else cost more just like itโ€™s happening today. And also guess what? .. you donโ€™t think any greedy Corps are NOT in those environmental interests groups??
      Now yโ€™all want to sell everybody an electric car we canโ€™t afford that wonโ€™t work..while diesel gets higher & higher for goods to be shipped & fight climate change that a very debatable priority for the time imo.
      Do u understand any of this?

    5. @Carl Talley The Ds were so poor at messaging during the H Clinton campaign. The tax plan they had was far superior to the rs. They indeed were going to cut corporate taxes and remove all loopholes and have a min mandatory tax for the too tier. We would have had more revenue to get infrastructure and do all sorts of good stuff.

    1. @Lynne Anderson you mean the rich and wealthy, it would not benefit the common citizen, you are probably a very wealthy or somewhat rich , no poor or middle class is going to say that, or you are just being contrarian.

    2. @What? They are a collection drawn from “society”. Distributed among “society”. Shared among American “society”. Derives from and extends to all of American society. That is socialism. It’s not a play on words. You can debate wether or not we can do better than social security but it is a social program even if you don’t like calling it that. What’s next, you going to tell us water isn’t wet?

    3. @B@n Gerotocracy a social program is not that same as Socialism.
      Neither is a bad word. It’s just different things.
      There is nothing to debate here

    4. @Bluefallonย  – Either I wasn’t clear or you misread what I said.

      Americans have always been awful to those in straightened circumstances or outright poor.

      One of the very few times the country showed some care to its poor and working-class members was under FDR, HT, even DE, on through LBJ. After LBJ’s Great Society, the country started reverting to type under Nixon and it accelerated under Reagan and hasn’t looked back.

      For African-Americans, Native Americans and other POC, it’s been one insult after another. Sunday’s NYT has an extensive piece on the horrifying Black infant mortality rate in California which is far better than other states.

      If the US can do something to benefit the common person particularly if they’re BIPOC, you can bet your bottom dollar it won’t. If somehow some beneficial programs got through (SS, Medicare, Medicaid, the original GI bill), they will either be temporary or over time they will be weakened or eliminated.

      That’s what the U.S. does. In other words, the destruction of SS would be VERY American.

  3. What made me proudest of President Biden when he made fools of every republican during the SOTU speech. Now not one will say they want to cut SS or Medicare. It was a master stroke.

    1. Oh yeah!? Remember the 74M voters who vote against their own interest even now. It doesn’t look like the goose-stepping party’s base is wising up. How did they take the house after every miserable thing they’ve done to destroy the Libs [fck] Biden, lap top yapity yap… we, the sane majority, are screeeeewed!

    2. Lincoln Project has a clip of the incident! Itโ€™s great !! McConnell wasnโ€™t thrilled and he didnโ€™t clap with everyone !! Lmfao ! Joe Biden is a smart man and he proves it over and over !!!

    3. I wouldn’t count on Republicans to not touch Social Security, any more then a snake not biting you when you turn your back to it.
      They are known to be without morals, ethics, and to lie at every opportunity.

  4. I donโ€™t understand why this is even a discussion when this is clearly coming out of the pockets of the working class. If anything, ask US the people what we want to do about Social Security. And if they do want to get rid of it, they better cut me a check because I want every penny that I paid into it back.

    1. @Jason M Their theories were milder than Senator Biden’s theories on the issue, but so very strange you and LEFTIST media are in the dark on those …. got youtube? use it!
      Very strange …. So you didnt watch the State of the Unions either huh ? well youtube that too and see them call out the liar

    2. @grandma k. Did you watch the state of the Union when Biden said the Repubs want to take away your SS and Medicare?
      Well youtube it and see the Repubs call him out … that would be the majority of them .. almost all of them…Some called him LIAR.
      It takes a majority to PASS A BILL and that will NEVER HAPPEN …. ITs a LIE
      Biden as senatyor proposed a bill to do just that and more … Got youtube … go see his lips move and his voice say it.
      They pull this every year and its getting old

    3. @JOHN Danenberg No I watched the SOTO,apparently you didn’t or had it on mute, and heard the response of near all of them yell back to his characterization of ” the republicans want to take away your SS and Medicare… Some called him LIAR which he was in CHARACTERIZING the repubs for wanting to take away SS and MED. Hes playing with facts of 2 making talk of saving it before money runs out … BUT that isnt going anywhere … It takes a BILL and a MAJORITY vote..
      Got youtube .. watch SENATOR BIDEN propose that himself .. Thats why I have no respect for the liar he is.

    4. @gacj2010 your long winded rant of your misinterpretation of what you heard proves my point. Clean your ears and listen to it again. You might get it right the second time around but it’s doubtful.

  5. So, he wants to cut social security. It does not matter what additional pension or whatever people may have, we all pay for social security and should get the return.

  6. Itโ€™s way past time for Americans to be enjoying universal healthcare. If members of Congress were forced to have the exact same healthcare as us, do you think this would even be an issue?

    1. @R Wags The Run off waste water from military spending is the way to go and plug all tax loop holes . No if nor but not maybe everyone will get old

    2. Nobody ever has “the exact same”๐Ÿ™„ healthcare anywhere.
      With universal coverage or without universal coverage.

    3. @Lisa Wise in what state, what insurance? $6000 is higher than 9.2% of $27,000, so what kind of assistance they are getting through the exchange, and if not, why?

  7. Old people work their entire lives and pay into social security now these monsters plan to take away what folk have already paid for . Do we get a cashier’s check ?

    1. CNN/MSNBC and socialist democrats want to blow this up as EVERY conservative wants to cut SS. Itโ€™s simply not true. As usual, itโ€™s propaganda to keep you ๐Ÿ‘ under control

    2. but old people will die faster if they are cut off from Medicare, so its a win win situation!
      you dont spend money on old people and making money off old people dying faster!

    3. Do your own research do not listen to fake news media and politicians including the President don’t even listen to my comment just do your own research okay. Sunset Social Security is not ending it.

  8. How about if they make a law that Congress CANNOT borrow against Social Security funds for their projects. Nothing else needed!

    1. By law, surpluses in the fund are to be offered as bonds to be used by Congress. It’s the repayment that has become part of the problem.

    2. @li2usย  Over the years greed has become overwhelming the issue for Republicans for they have been the ones in control for so long. Right now wherever Republicans see a surplus they just want to take from it and spend it unwisely (put it in their own pockets). Republicans are even going after the surplus of the Post Office. We the people need to pass a law hands off of these funds.

    1. Yes, the amount of Social Security one gets should be raised as cost of living goes up! A living wage is not the same as minimum wage PEOPLE!

  9. Woah. Heโ€™s actually saying it. Pence even said, โ€œIf youโ€™ve got hair like mine, you donโ€™t have to worry about social security.โ€ To me that also says, if youโ€™re not dead in the next couple decades, youโ€™re screwed.

  10. Amazing the politicians talk about our ss all the while collecting their HUGE pensions! They would sing a different story if they had to live only on social security

    1. @Darren Cervi yep. It’s amazing how many people don’t know healthcare is a business traded in the stock market that our politicians make a bundle on.

    2. @Bob Cobย  It’s also sad that our children aren’t taught any of this in school. They can learn about it when they get into college and is paying for this information. By then they are taught to be employees.

  11. When a politician says “making it better” first thing you need to ask is: what do you mean by “better” and better for WHO.
    It can just as much be better for employers, in that they pay less of it(or none of it), making recipients with a lot less returns.

  12. The answer from him agreeing with Rick Scott is โ€œyesโ€ ๐Ÿ˜ตโ€๐Ÿ’ซ๐Ÿ˜ตโ€๐Ÿ’ซ

    1. Rick Scott, Lee, Ron Johnson and this moron believe they are still in their youth and have not reached retirement age yet. They need to STFU and look in the mirror! ๐Ÿ˜’

  13. Sounds like Billionaires think those of us on social security are hoarding our pittance instead of putting it all back into circulation by spending almost every dime of it

    1. The GOP will continue to try to privitize all government programs to creat more corporate pie for more greedy legislative fingers.

  14. I remember hearing this tune when 401Ks were pushed and pensions pulled. Anyone been through a dip in the market where you’ve lost $$$ and when the market bounced back you only got back to pre-dip but didn’t really get ahead? This is what they want to do to Social Security.

  15. There are 2 very simple things that congress could do to make SS solvent for years to come. First they need to pay back the money that they borrowed from Social Security over the years. Second they need to eliminate the tax limit on Social Security. Currently the Social Security limit on taxable income is $160,200. That means that you only pay SS tax on the first $160,200 of income. This cap should be set at least to $500k.

  16. He absolutely wants to cut SS and Medicaid. He spoke completely around it and said basically the same thing Rick Scott proposed.

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