GOP Senate candidate runs ad featuring armed ‘showdown’ with Dems

CNN's Jim Acosta talks to Fred Guttenberg, father of Parkland victim Jaime Guttenberg, about Republican Arizona Senate candidate Jim Lamon's campaign ad depicting him in a gunslinging "showdown" with various Democrats. #CNN #News


    1. To Liberal! maybe you can’t read or unable to comprehend. Yes its murder! When you kill a human being its murder! Not only here on earth but else where also, Gods 6th commandment, Thou shall not kill!. When you kill 24 people because they dont look like you it’s also a hate crime besides the murder!

    2. If anything the right wingers are pushing minorites into a corner for lust of money and white power. They have the big guns wanting a war. They will highly regret it if domestic war breaks out

    1. Kristanne, thanks for expressing your heartfelt and sincere feelings for the families. Your humanity shines through. Many people feel the same way as you.

    1. so were just supposed to hide facts cause someones daughter died? uhhh, NO. its tragic her daughter died, but its also tragic the democrat filth want to get away with everthing. sorry sweetie, laws are laws, ad the constitution is the constitution. dont like it? REALLY DONT CARE! lol. dont watch 🙂

  1. I live in Arizona and was here the day she was shot among many others at that shopping lot! AZ is not the wild west this is 2022 and this is wrong in so many ways. Shame on those people. Ignorant Souls they are. They gotta go!!! I love Gabby and Mark. Such strong individuals.

    1. @Robert Alan you should only have a gun “right” if you show some of the responsibility that comes with such “rights”……ya d**ba**

    2. @Robert Alan Jesus of Nazareth didn’t run around toting a gun. I suppose your intellect went askew and paranoia and delusion took over. Empathy is an alien concept to you. Go read Hebrews 6:19… Something you are not.
      This goes for every wack job who agrees with you.

  2. The stupidity is next level & trans-dimensional. We need to create new words to describe it because any existing words would only serve to normalize it.

    1. Trumpism…

      Until such time when proper words are created to describe the era we are enduring, I’ll go with Lunacy, and Cultism.

  3. Just shows the insanity which is afflicting people who have a duty to know better than to support such dangerous and shameful material.

    1. @William Russell when you stop building a border wall on your first day in office, fly illegals to other states in the dark of night WITHOUT telling them, you send signals to the world, “hey! We’re wide open!”
      Kamala was eventually put in charge and refused to even go to the border.
      What fo you call that? Ask an Arizonan what they call it?

  4. My heart breaks for Mr Guttenberg, but I admire the hell out of him for the way he has spoken out so clearly and passionately about the insane gun fetish in the USA. He is on the right side of history, and it’s great to have someone like him as an activist.

    1. Also for Gabby Giffords, Mark Kelly is her guy and she is lucky to be alive today after a bullet in the head and now has to see people laugh up the idea of her relatively newly elected husband being killed

  5. It’s as if the person who actually had the idea of an old western shootout, had just played Red Dead Redemption. And I concur with the convo here that to shoot people you disagree with, is the underlying issue that needs to be condemned by the adults in the room ASAP.

    1. @Jock Young Yes! @Drive is a Jim jones or david koresh wannabe member. Little people thinking they and they know the truth when they know nothing. X Files idiots.

    2. I do too. The real nightmare about losing a child like this is that the pain of a loss like that never goes away. Sometimes, time doesn’t heal all wounds.

  6. The childish american infatuation with guns and “showdowns” never fail to disappoint.. Vote for a child and get childish tantrums a la MTG..

  7. Fred Guttenberg is incredible. I cannot imagine the pain he suffers each day waking and knowing his beloved daughter is gone. I wish him all the luck in the world in his quest to stop America’s gun violence. As someone who lives in the UK…we look at gun-toting America and wonder how it came to this. It’s as if almost the entire US population has been born brainwashed into thinking that carrying guns is ‘normal’. We despair! 😡😭😡

    1. @Monty Casper yeah no doubt hey, specially after only a year with biden… my God… it’s going to be a long 3 years of biden..

    2. @Thorny Turtle Ranch ima stop you right there. Sure, guns, knives, cars, etc, all can kill people, BUT: the only one of those items invented with the sole intent of killing IS THE GUN!

    3. @#issuesthatmatter there’s nothing normal about being so cowardly that you carry a gun to go buy bread. The only ones who think it’s normal are very deranged, paranoid people.

  8. I have so much respect for Mr. Guttenberg. He could have crawled inside himself because of the terrible loss and grief he experienced, and still experiences. But, instead, this man has channeled his pain and loss and has chosen to be a fighter for all our children. The very least that we can do is support better legislation for smarter gun laws that put the safety of all our children at priority. We need to vote members of Congress in that will actually keep their word, so this may be achieved. And when we elect these members of Congress, we must frequently remind them that they are there because of us. And when they show us that they are not going to keep fighting for us and our children, we vote them out! Much respect to you Mr. Guttenberg. I’ve never forgotten that terrible day, or your daughter. I think of Jaime especially, everytime that I vote. #NeverForget

    1. @Ryan Hawkins What you fail to realize is that people who are “on the edge” could be pushed over said edge by commercials like that. Time to pull your head out of your A**

    2. @Ryan Hawkins and someone dies as a result of these! Yes, families cry when their children die! So, if murder is okay, than you can be on that list. Just saying, you are not immune!

    3. @J K OAN, Fox and the other “conservative news” isn’t news. They can’t state fact and run on emotional upsets since the looser lost in 2020. It’s him that supports hate speech! It’s him that throws the best things in this country away and continues to attack the country. We have the right to bear arms and use it to protect ourselves from him!!

    1. @Sam Iam undocumented immigrants are not any more criminals than American citizens and it has been reported that undocumented immigrants commit less crimes than American Citizens. And American Citizens commit more crimes against undocumented immigrants BUT those crimes are hardly ever reported BUT if there’s an illegal immigrant committing a crime that will surely be all over the place.

    2. @Won’tBeFooledAgain No worse than the mash potato brain in there now. I hope you’re ready for a war with Russia and China cause both Putin and Xi Xin Ping know how much of a wet noodle your hero Biden is. They’ve dealt with his weakness before.

    3. @Mister Meaner So, you are saying they no longer exist…. Sad….. That must be why Trump is still the leader of the GOP….. Yea, the party of Reagan is dead…. RIP….

    4. @Joe Yamaoyaji dont worry, youll get yours after the midterm. the conservatives will win the house and senate. even cnn admits it lol.

    5. @Sam Iam and do you have reports of undocumented immigrants being raped or killed when they are victims of American Citizens? Maybe you should look into those crimes too. And those crimes happen especially to those immigrants here whom are hard working and because American Citizens think they might have money on them they get beaten up or killed so their money gets taken. Like I said before maybe you should also look into those crimes while you’re at it.

  9. We need to give care about how we define “Leadership”. Deadly force does not qualify as leadership. I hope the good people of AZ and the United States search their souls. Disagreement with the existing policies is far different from forcefully harming innocent people. Threatening individuals is not how you make progress for change. If any individual were brought into the emergency room displaying this type of behavior they would admit them as a threat to society and themselves.

    1. Right> They wouldn’t even discuss it. They would find you show up at your door and take you into custody on the spot.

    2. @Rebecca Oliver The only one that thought it to be funny was that comedian herself. I am Independent, and my extended family is mostly democrat, and none of us thought that was funny to be carrying Trumps head like that. Trump is a POS but i don’t wish for him to die!

    3. @Rebecca Oliver That was done in effigy, not really actually shooting someone, or some college kids, high school students or kindergarten kids, you make me sick Rebecca Oliver, and even though you do make me sick I still hope that if you have children that they never have this happen to them!

  10. That commercial is a violent threat against sitting members of our government. He should be held accountable for those violent threats against those members.

  11. Everyone is so shocked because they imagine the violent thugs who call themselves Republicans have some kind of consience. That’s understandable of course because most people do. But there is no lie they will not tell; no rule they will not break; no inaccuracy they will not share; no child they will not accuse; and no death they will not mock, to get into power. The silence from people who should be screaming condemnation, is deafening. My condolences to the Guttenbergs.

  12. I just can’t even imagine losing a child. It makes me sick even thinking about that kind of pain. Extremely strong person

  13. I first became aware of Marjorie Taylor Greene’s existence when she was filmed harassing and chasing after a survivor of an infamous school schooting. I hope the law catches up with her. Big time.

  14. OMG!!! This is so sick! I am so sorry for Mr. Guttenberg’s loss. I also want people to remember Gabby Gifford and Mark Kelley have suffered the consequences of the shooting and have shown tremendous courage and strength everyday since. Every act of gun violence is just the beginning of unimaginable, heartbreaking suffering. The people left behind to grieve and carry on are the true heroes in this world. We need to support them.

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