CNN's Jake Tapper speaks with Republican Senate candidate Joe O'Dea about his decision to criticize former President Donald Trump despite needing the support of Trump's base in a close Senate race in Colorado. #CNN #News
GOP Senate candidate doubles down on distancing from Trump

Deflect deflect deflect, can’t answer a single question.
Another politician that won’t answer a question truthfully. He avoids being questioned.
Letting him off without giving a single answer to your questions – not one – is truly pathetic. I normally like your interviews but this one was a train wreck.
@Gearóid T evidently in yours too. Say hello to your boo thang when you go to his next kkk rally.
CNN and MSNBC are both terrible news networks. Corporate shills reporting only what they are told to report.
@Joboygbp Edwards I don’t watch fox or any other racist nonsense news and I’m a better person for it. Stick to what you know, vile white supremacist news. I’m sure you’re going to get all the real facts you need.
@hotboy757 I guess you missed this.
I agree with my wife 98% of the time. We are an effective team. I feel like he’s being disingenuous.
“Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.” Voltaire
CNN is the ENEMY of We the People
Yeah, but that was CENTURIES ago. We’ve advanced a lot since then. Today, people go looking for someone to make them believe absurdities, in order to justify the atrocities they’re already eager to commit.
well that was very graphically displayed by the Orange Cult followers on Jan 6 021
@Stephen Kizlik the right wing noise machine has been filling people’s head with absurdities for a ling time, and now they want to reap,in the atrocities
Do these people remember we had a WORLDWIDE pandemic we are coming out of?
@Gearóid T such a tired cliche. Right wing rhetoric is boring now. Back to the script for another less stale phrase?
Plandemic is more like it. Have you heard the latest from Fauci and the “Science?” They were wrong about so much.
@Joboygbp Edwards o this is SO outdated. If you could have some better why o why did you not give them the benefit of your experience? Otherwise you sound like a cynic, trying to feel clever by criticising experts who did the best with what they knew. The paranoid misinformation minions have moved on to new conspiracy theories. You’re out of step
@Robyn Shiels Not much substance in your reply. Typical of a troll/bot.
@Joboygbp Edwards aren’t you the comedian. So funny given what you don’t know. Keep up the lazy ad hominems. You might do yourself some damage if you suddenly try active critical thinking. Now in case you are paid per reply- bye.
Even if he distances himself from trump and his MAGA, he will still vote the GOP party line.
He’s not answering questions he’s given excuse after excuse because he doesn’t want to tell the truth
Mo has not yet decided whether to run for president

Trump lives rent free 24/7 in CNN’s head
How could anyone in their right mind vote for this person? More police is not the answer to reduce murders by shooting. Gun ownership should be more difficult to obtain them. If it was, there would not have been twelve shootings in Colorado last weekend!
Why doesn’t he just say I’m not going to answer any questions?
HMO is not the first to offer a plan to help patients with chronic

Or plead the fifth..
He’s saying that he’s going to do things he and everyone else knows he’ll never be able to get done. His own Party blocks it every time
@David Cat This troll posted that same copy/paste comment in several replies. They came in here, solely to post how everyone is obsessed with Trump, with absolutely no other ambition. Ironic.
@Gearóid T and CNN Alice’s rent free in your head
@Belly Dancer Em

The next Democrat President should win! solely?, by the electoral college. Just like? recent Republican presidents do!? How would that be for rigging elections!?
@Gearóid T Trump is not living rent free, he is not even president and he is costing this country tens of millions of dollars every month.
All he had was talking points. He couldn’t answer anything without just repeating his talking points.
This guy spins like crazy Lol!!! I’m surprised he didn’t fall to the ground after being so dizzy

But I have a question
do we know how 

Com I am going on my lunch
and I’m 

“Yeah, well, all I know is I’m not going to admit that my party is a bunch of obstructionist horse’s asses. Checked his stand on the issues. His truth/lie ration is better than a lot of Republicans, but he is still a Republican. He blows a lot about genuinely good things to do, but then gets a little dodgy about funding. Cut taxes, lower the debt, and build up infrastructure, spend more on police and border security — all at the same time.
Here’s my political agenda if I was running.
Strong parental rights
Strong border security
A strong robust economy
That’s it. In those three are summed up what people really care about. You can’t argue against them without looking like a subversive.
Tappa sucks with letting him get away with not answering one damn question straightforward.
hang on..since when do Republicans ever answer questions directly..even when pressed to? So blaming Tapper holds no merit
@Hank Gutter Hey lame brain. No one mentioned anything about a republican. Blaming Tappa, and every interviewing journalist that doesn’t make the interviewee answer a question, Republican or Democrat, sucks. End of discussion.
“GOP Senate candidate doubles down on distancing from Trump” so let’s “Convince It Forward” and Laus DEO
Is so sad how the ethics in a person can be so easily overridden by selfish interest. This candidate could not “lie” straight in bed.
At this point, he’s basically the GoP’s embarrassing uncle.
“Thanks for having me on, Jack.” “Jack” not “Jake” – as in Jake Tapper. Well, I think this guy was sure flustered by that direct question as to why kids are able to buy automatic weapons.