Ohio Senate candidate J.D. Vance is once again being called out for making controversial comments. In today’s episode of The Point, CNN’s Chris Cillizza breaks down whether the Republican could be dropping the ball in his campaign. #CNN #Cillizza #jdvance
GOP Senate candidate argues ‘violent’, ‘unhappy’ marriages shouldn’t end in divorce

Who do you think will win the Ohio Senate race? – Chris
@Belly Dancer Em 👈. I’m just here for the entertainment belly button. You never fail to entertain. 🤡
@M Hall Here to Gop losing big now and in the future
@Callum nathan troll.
Chris Mangina with the poor ratings.
Unhappy – No, figure out a couple times more b4 divorce
yes im a man
Jesus is coming to rapture His believers before the antichrist and hell on earth is unleashed. Get on the ark now! Time’s almost up!
✝️For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord Jesus shall be saved.
(Romans 10:13 KJV)
For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
(Ephesians 2:8)
@NBA1 Yeah, people change? Do they? Coming from a male perspective? Have you transformed your marriage conforming to JD Vance the (official therapist credentials)? You, I am a Bengals fan and one thing I have learned from the GOPos side of the fence is… If I say it enough times the Bengals did beat the Rams in February’s Super Bowl.
@Ultimate fact Yeah, people change? Do they? Coming from a male perspective? Have you transformed your marriage conforming to JD Vance the (official therapist credentials)? You, I am a Bengals fan and one thing I have learned from the GOPos side of the fence is… If I say it enough times the Bengals did beat the Rams in February’s Super Bowl.
‘violent’, ‘unhappy’ marriages shouldn’t end in divorce..i agree…..”shouldn’t” but its better than the possible alternative of one of them going to prison when one of them snaps and realizes he or she is a human with rights and deserves better.
If it’s not your marriage, it’s not your business
@Thou shalt not suffer a fascist to live so someone marrying your sister and teaching her the value of not speaking with a quick lesson of how Iron mike dominated boxing is perfectly OK with you?..do you have your women “in her place” ?..
@Thou shalt not suffer a fascist to live If your neighbors got into “it”, you would just let it go? Darwinism at work? Yeah, people change? Do they? Coming from a male perspective? Have you transformed your marriage conforming to JD Vance the (official therapist credentials)? You, I am a Bengals fan and one thing I have learned from the GOPos side of the fence is… If I say it enough times the Bengals did beat the Rams in February’s Super Bowl.
The right likes the question “what is a woman?”
Maybe we should start asking them something like “are women property or people?”
@Election Defense Fund sorry to say but you definitely are. Animal definition:
a living organism that feeds on organic matter, typically having specialized sense organs and nervous system and able to respond rapidly to stimuli.
@Election Defense Fund no, you are. Just one that is intelligent and self-aware. It’s seen in some case studies, this self awareness, though for the most part it is distinctly human. The issue is, this self awareness conflicts with natural instinct. Those who rely on mind and ear over heart and body will aways be unhappy.
@Mama Moosa can pretty much ignore everything after your first sentence
@Mama Moosa Yes, we tend to. Does that mean expressing yourself any other way is somehow wrong?
@Zeff T. F not necessarily but it’s important to avoid extremes to leave room for compromise. If everyone is stonewalled, it’s impossible to see eye to eye.
Nothing like women being killed or their children. He is crazy.
I’m glad my divorce went through in 2000.
5 police reports of spousal abuse and he cheated on me too!
5 years of that was *more* than enough. My daughter remembers some of it too. 10 years of therapy for me. She’s still in therapy. My ex never got any.
Inside Michigan, USA 🇺🇸
@I Love Jesus Reigns Forever
Amen! I know God hates divorce. I tried my best to save it.
My new husband noticed I wrote scripture on the fridge for my now ex.
My ex never bothered reading it and complained that his grandparents always went to church.
My ex eventually abandoned me and the cops couldn’t find him.
He left no note, no phone number and no address of his where abouts (this was prior to the internet being big).
I had no money, no food and just lost my job too.
I’ll just write it all out cuz God is judging me anyway.
My ex kept telling me, during those 5 years, that I was not to keep my baby. He insisted on adopting her to a family whom loved weapons.
He also wanted more than 1 woman at a time. Oh it was terrible!
He was fine before he went into boot camp to the Navy. He told me only *after* he married me that he went in only to avoid paying child support to his other 2 kids with another woman.
Idiot! I told him. They have your social security number on the clothes and towels they issue you.
It was ugly from the get go.
@Lex Ruptor
For the record. He filed for divorce and my dad and sister even knew the things he did. My dad passed away that summer so it’s a bit difficult to have him testify.
I ran away to my sister’s for a few weeks because of it. Do not judge others for what you don’t know.
Oh and um. I should mention my ex’s mother went through the abuse too. She had to run away and be brave as well. Nobody knew her whereabouts for 6 months! She reestablished herself and remarried.
I guess it ran in the family too cuz we found out *after 20 + years* his grandmother was physically abused too! She hid it well and his mom had to cunningly find a way to get her out of the house to get permanent help away from him.
It was absolutely horrifying!
The man I’m married to now is a gentleman and doesn’t believe in divorce. He is VERY loyal. My dad wished I met him first.
Good for you!
It was pretty shocking. The first word he used about marriage was “maybe even violent”. When questioned later, he of course said he didn’t say what he actually said. What he was trying to say was…
In other words, he’s a liar
You know whats worse for a kid than seeing their parents get divorced? having to witness their mom or dad getting beaten or berated on a regular basis with no hope for escape.
Exactly this
Your point?
I used to wish I was deaf
Donald Trump is definitely batting 1.000 when it comes to elevating the worst possible candidates. He very well might have cost the Republicans the Senate.
Take it from someone who grew up with divorced parents: as hard as it was for me to accept the change, I’m happy they chose what was best for them rather than enduring an unhappy relationship for my sake
It’s always the violent people with compulsive patterns of abusing people who think they always deserve another chance.
Cheer for Vance’s idiocy: He’s going to get Tim Ryan elected to the Senate 👍
Staying in a bad marriage teaches children how to be miserable. I don’t see how witnessing violence in the home or verbal abuse can promote a healthy childhood. JD must be a real peach to be married to. 🙄
He’s headed for a loss. Winning a primary doesn’t mean you’ll win the general. Tim Ryan has blue-collar appeal.
Kids learn what they see. To constantly watch mom and dad arguing and fighting or being physical against a spouse , the kids quite often end up doing the same later in life.
Can’t imagine how his wife has been treated.
The so-called “War on Families” in fact was waged largely by WW2, when it became acceptable for women to work outside the home. And the increased cost of everything following the war meant she couldn’t afford to stay home, whether she wanted to or not.
If the citizens actually elect him, the country is in more trouble than I thought.
As an adult child of divorce who is now in his 50’s I can say a few things. 1) It is NEVER better for the kids that a violent marriage continue. 2) Children of divorce are not necessarily prone to divorce. I am now in the third decade of my first marriage and we’re quite happy, thank you very much.
I believe too many marriages are dissolved before the partners have even tried to put in the work to fix things. Most long term successful marriages require occasional tune-ups.
I also believe that marrying too young is very common and that many early marriages are simply between people who were never compatible but got married because they didn’t know themselves or each other yet..
HOWEVER, I think the mere idea that marriage should continue just for the sake of the kids is ignoring the fact that the kids are ALSO living in an unhappy family environment and would very likely benefit from the divorce as much as the parents – ESPECIALLY if they later get to witness a happy marriage in their household.
All that said, Vance should know better than to even suggest people remain in violent marriages just to avoid divorce. Women and kids get beaten and sometimes killed by abusive men, and no religious zealotry about the sanctity of marriage can ever bring them back or heal the lifelong emotional and sometimes physical scars.
And finally, mind your own damn business Vance. Adult humans get to make their own choices about their marriages. You worry about your marriage and stop telling everybody else what to think and do.
Seeing first hand the effect of violence and neglect in a marriage, I know that children being removed from that situation is far better than having to witness it constantly in a violent marriage, and the lifelong trauma it brings. To suggest otherwise is insane! It suggests that the abusive spouse should get rewarded for their behavior rather than protecting the abused spouse and the children. I know JD Vance had a messed up childhood, so maybe this seems like it should be normalized to him, but it simply cannot be.
Ohio deserves someone who actually cares about families. Tim Ryan will be a good Senator for Ohio families.