Sen. Kevin Cramer (R-ND) discusses the "brutal" decision-making process around tomorrow's Electoral College vote certification. He says he won't object to the Electoral College votes because, in his view on the Constitution, "there is no role for the Congress to object to the electors." Aired on 01/05/2021.
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#KevinCramer #ElectoralCollege #MSNBC
GOP Sen. Cramer: Decision To Certify Electoral College Votes A Matter Of Conscience & Constitution
Nobody who takes part in seditious acts should be allowed to hold any elected office.
@Joachim K why? Because they got caught this time and confronted? It’s a known fact they have cheated for years but Zuckerberg millions took it to a whole higher level.
@Lisa Lassetter … ZZZZZZZZZZ…
So….you’re calling for Nadler and Pelosi to lose their jobs?
Or only patriots who object in good faith?
Then No Democrats would be able to hold office
It’s like you never heard of the american revolution.
Meanwhile Ted Cruz is endorsing the man who called his wife fat and ugly..
Ted Cruz sold his soul years and years ago…as did small hands Marco Rubio who according to Trump had ties to Lee Harvard Oswald
Cruz would throw his mother under the bus…..
He’s a spineless snail who dreams of replacing T**** one day and he really needs the cult votes.
I’m surprised that Senator Cramer’s decision didn’t come easily to him. The correct decision is a no-brainer for people of conventional intelligence. tRump LOST! Game, Set, Match. Enough said!!
@L Carp country before party. Wish more thought that way.
Especially after his whole constitutional speech he gives here. It sounds like he’s suffering more from constipational pains than constitutional ones.
I still cannot believe he supports Trump and says so out loud…
And China won. Game, Set, Match. Enough said.
‘Trump 2020’ is not a slogan. It’s an expiration date.
Love tht!!! Lmao!! Just love it!!
and Biden is not my president!!!
@Football Nerd
nerd go home Trumps gonna clean house . 
Only because it’s 2021. TRUMP 2021
@Desiree RL m.j
Sooo has your conscious not been working for the past 4 years oooorrr??
Lol…thanks for the laugh…more than 4 years of tears and sleepless nights…I’m ready for a real American President
I agree
Melania to her divorce lawyers: *Stand Back And Stand By*
Please, she’s not divorcing that clown. I wouldn’t be surprised if it turns out that she’s not in his will. And he probably made her sign a prenup.
@Annie wow you are a loser with a lot of opinions about somone else’s personal matters. Lol. Let me gues, your husband is broke. Or you’re single. Which would not be surprising.
Eric Jerome dicky
@New World Berean – New World Berean = Eric Trump’s Youtube name
I am sure she is held by an NDA from Trump…write a book and you will be broke, and perhaps knee capped
The decision doesn’t come easy? Give me a break, the decision is a no brainer.
@WiseCentaur Which he is now failing to do
He has two responsibilities that are in conflict: representing the will of his constituents and performing his Constitutional duties. That makes the decision hard because he should care what the people of his state want. Instead of attacking a reasonable person who chose the Constitution over their voters, you should ask how we got so polarized that this conflict even exists.
@Seth Thompson Trump and Biden both are totally owned and controlled by the same handlers.
Most of them put party over country. So, accepting a loss ‘doesn’t come easy.’
@Tupac Shakur That’s why were in this mess. The Democrats never accepted 2016.
wow he finally found a line he wouldn’t cross for political expedience, I didn’t think he had it in him
How can you admit a rigged election and we all know it has fraud. Is this still America? As long as this guy also is controlled by the gang party.
@Lilly Chow Go cry into your MAGA hat. Donnie LOST. Get over it.
@Kevin Moore new boss , same as the old boss.
Yoh yes
oh good
Dems objected to certification in 2001, 2005, and 2017 because they (wait for it!) didn’t like losing. The GOP is doing it here because states blatantly violated their state constitution’s AND at least 10% of the votes in swing states can’t be verified for various reasons (no address, fake address, fake signatures, fake ballots filled out by machines)
anyone else BOTHERED by the fact that they want to go after a SPECIFIC county that is predominately MINORITY votes
@Jeremy Backup yep and now its time for a new party…because the republican party of trump is a disgrace
Because every eligible American should be allowed to vote…they’re made to pay taxes (unless top 1%)
I’m bothered that they targeted my county and tried to take my vote away. And not only that, and the predominantly minority votes, Trump tried to take votes away from the elderly, sick, and disabled confined to home, care facilities, and hospice.
@Marci LK I know and its unconstitutional! Ones skin pigmentation says more about the judgemental pigs then the person wearing the skin…what one says, does their character is who they are
@Susan We should all be mindful of what we say and how that reflects our own character. There is a quote in my religion that says it well:
“O COMPANION OF MY THRONE! Hear no evil, and see no evil, abase not thyself, neither sigh and weep. Speak no evil, that thou mayest not hear it spoken unto thee, and magnify not the faults of others that thine own faults may not appear great; and wish not the abasement of anyone, that thine own abasement be not exposed. Live then the days of thy life, that are less than a fleeting moment, with thy mind stainless, thy heart unsullied, thy thoughts pure, and thy nature sanctified, so that, free and content, thou mayest put away this mortal frame, and repair unto the mystic paradise and abide in the eternal kingdom for evermore.”
You’re no hero Cramer: you’re not even doing the minimum requirements of your job. If you had, Trump wouldn’t have even been on the ballot.
@Education is key Your username is tremendously ironic.
True, he’s a chicken. But a somewhat decent chicken. Let’s count our blessings.
@Education is key How is it that every time I see some ridiculous trumpificated comment. That user has no content, no history, and joined 2017 or 2018. Thank you for your opinion comrade!
@Education is key you sound like complete moron.
He brings god into his decision. LMAO.
Yeah…let’s see PROOF of their GOD!! ZERO!!!
@Forserious so what? Bigot,
@Separation of Church and state. Tax the zealots LOL
@Forserious are you laughing at Biden’s catholic faith or Trump’s lack there of?
Yes I agree, nobody should trust Donald Trump for any reason whatsoever.
Who would have thought that a Senator announcing that he will be doing his job would be headline news!
@it’s me, Georgina it’s not ok to disenfranchise his voters but perfectly fine to disenfranchise the majority of American citizens. It’s disgusting.
@JoAnne Middaugh

Horrible moral compass on this dude… Senator Cramer
Sad when the right thing has become such a rarity in the GOP.
Senators aren’t paid to do things.
They’re paid *not* to do things.
That’s why McConnell keeps getting re-elected.
Like an American husband bragging that he takes good care of his family
Constitution works, when leaders follow it.
Toh yes
oh good
It’s not a conscience. It’s a duty for your country and the constitution of the United of America
A lack of conscience is what allows some to fail to live up to their obligations, and break their oaths.
@ftbuddy and just do their job
@Cee Koutsos very true
The Le the right thing would have been to look at the very extensive evidence… but he doesn’t want to go there because he could just be trying to cover it up and let it slide asap…..and may not want to discuss anything that might help shine the light on what took place in the night of the elections…not doing so shows a bias against trump……
Why emotional? You took an oath to uphold the Constitution!! Your emotions shouldn’t be involved!!
Its just political grandstanding .Pelosi shouldn’t even seat them.
@Seth Thompson dude maybe you do wasnt freaking talking about senate. Where in what i said i was talking about the senate and yes she chould off not sat them as house speaker.Article 1, Section 5 of the Constitution which “gives each chamber of Congress the ultimate authority to decide their membership.”
@Seth Thompson and its a dual session off congress so maybe you should do your own research….
@Karl Todd Also, section 3 of the 14th Amendment strictly prohibits those who engage in insurrection or rebellion from being elected representatives. This was clearly designed to make it so that those who engaged in war against the United States would not be elected. If it meant resisting politically instead of actual war, it means that a party could refuse to seat literally anyone of the other party. If you’re in favor of that, then I’d say that’s pretty Trumpian.
@WiseCentaur Exactly!!!!
@WiseCentaur All of the cases haven’t been brought up yet, and not all the judges were appointed by the potus. If you can’t see the evidence you are far from greek god status and need to change your name to “headupmyass”.
he is a big waste of time he needs to go his money got him elected
Where is Giuliani?
Tucking in his shirt while lying down?
he is working diligently for the american people. Not that you know what work is as you are a democrat. lol lol
Wheres hunter? Molesting and smoking crack. Or as Joe would say.. “Hes the smartest guy I know”
Remember when the crime rate went down in NY during Rudy’s tenure. Pepperidge Farm remembers
Giuliani lost his marbles 10 years ago but doesn’t know…
Toh yes
oh good
Without the rabbit holes of deception propagated by right-wing media even all their cheating wouldn’t get these overpaid shill’s into power.
so what he’s actually saying: “My colleagues objecting don’t have a conscious and are trying to screw the constitution and the democracy”
Yes, and yet he’ll stick with his colleagues on every other decision. Hilarious.
Well that’s what is happening
@Tim Yes. Policy matters, moron. But don’t worry, we’re going to primary him.
And your owners objected to certification in 2001, 2005, 2017 – yet you BLINDLY follow them and regurgitate their talking points like a good, low-information bootlick.
It is mindboggling that there are STILL so MANY GOP Sens that are going with that LUNATIC