During Tuesday's hearing, Steve Castor, the Republican lead counsel, Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman had dual loyalty to Ukraine. The panel discusses. Aired on 11/20/19.
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GOP Reaches New Low In Questioning Vindman's Loyalty | Morning Joe | MSNBC
The GOP will find a way to debase themselves even further. They’re the party of Trump, he fails everything.
they fail daily and show the public their shameful disprect of the truth
@Sam Brenna Because they have no defense, they have to attack the messengers, so many messengers.
Well he did manage to cheat to win the 2016 election and has got away with that scot free!
No the low is that they support and rally around this illegal, immoral, injust, unconstitutional President and WH!
they show their ingornance daily shaming them selves in public and we see how incoptant they are
@Claudia Nuss Schulte – *incompetent*
Republicans just keep getting worse and worse. Anything to appease their orange king.
You need all them Holes filled
At least they’re not robbing the country looking for a handout
they are speaking for trump who is speaking to putin
Get ready for the Grand announcement in 2020!!! Hahahahaahahah Trump’s in 2020!!
Lt. Col. Vindman was credible, the GOP doesn’t have any answers apart from waffling on about stories from Disneyland
Hey, don’,. Go hating on Disney
. Seriously the GOP is so pathetic and desperate they are resorting in foil hat alt right debunked conspiracy theories. It is so so sickening, tepulsive, unamerican, and unpatriotic. Truly hope 2020 will make the 2018 blue wave look like a tiny ripple in comparison. If you love America, our constitution, our veterans and our freedoms, vote blue to cleanse thiese disgraceful party first Trumpublicans out of office. Especially, Moscow Mitch McConnell, Lickspittle Lindsey Graham, and any other of these Cowardly, disgraceful Trumpublicans who are up for reelection in 2020.
Umm, I hate Disney…
@Rick C ,
Understood. I don’t agree, but then I may be remembering/holding onto the Disney of my youth. Though I can recognise how people may feel today’s Disney is or has already turned into a corporate monster.
They’re not Republicans, there trumpublicans
Cult 45s
@Mighty Mouse Not on your life.
The focus is Dirt for aid. Bribery. Quid pro quo.
Let the chips fall where they may. Watch the inquiry and try to comprehend something. If the POTUS was a Democrat , it would still be horrendous behavior and chain of evidence. If you are just trolling! Welcome but your stream of choice is probably Youtube Fox news .#thatsall
@Fred A you’re a genius Fred. now I think I hear Mommy calling you for dinner
Gop trying to smear true patriots to defend the most unpatriotic human to ever walk this earth.
You accidentally called tRump a human
a shame on themselves for trump
Did you say Human… I thought he was a Rotting Orange
in a fast food wrapper.
We all know the GOP have lost their credibility as soon as they engaged in ad hominem arguments.
@Mighty Mouse sorry the congress its a two party may be you should learn first beforing making a redilous statment
@Claudia Nuss Schulte Yes I understand we have a two party system. What are you rambling about
Mighty mouse < Anonymous Rat
@Mighty Mouse so you admit Trump is corrupt.
Case closed.
Corruption is not allowed under the Contstitution.
Just cos Mulvaney says we do quid quo pro all the time, we do not have to get over it.
So, if everyone is corrupt, then Trumps made up claims about Biden are pointless?
You must be running round with your hair on fire, with so many Trump morons contradicting themselves and him.
@Colin Cleveland I didnt admit anythinf. My opinion is that every president since WWII has commited war crimes. Its the way it is
Castor couldn’t even bother to keep a straight face when asking the question repeatedly, he full well knows this whole line of questioning is a load of bull.
The questioning is for a reason: Trump & his regime (Including William Barr) has committed treason…
Its disgusting
More proof the republicans and their base care about nothing except power. That is fascism.
Welcome to the Fascist States of America.
@Donee Stoner , the *Land of Deceit* would fit more accurately.
And money.
@Paul Snelling Donald trump deceit fits more accurately we are not fools duh
It doesn’t get more Trump than that. Absolutely disgusting.
@crazybongo5 you know what the real joke is?? All of those trump supporters believing all of his lies…all 16000 plus lies…and those broken promises..37% of the US population back the liar and cheater of the US government!!! I guess lack of education is part and parcel of that!!
There are big questions surrounding this guy. His testimony was predicated on an overtly political statement, and politicised interpretation of events. Completely inappropriate for a civil servant.
@Mighty Mouse get your self to Fox, you can find hundreds of similar threats.
You’d have so much money, Trump would sell you an ambassadorship.
And then claim you were a never Trumper and a traitor.
@Colin Cleveland lol what? Thats confusing. You think I should be on FOX news? No one would want that
Most of the Republicans are traitors.
Complete silence. Complete lack of morals. The GOP is a complete two-faced hypocritical party that is no longer the party of “law and order” and more the party of “lawless disorder”. Remember that picture of Pelosi point her finger down at trump, with the generals and the cabinet members hanging their heads in shame. This is the Republican Party. Hang your heads in shame deplorable.
Just drag a dollar bill through the Congress…
Dopey’s decorating the WH Christmas tree using GOP balls for ornaments.
That’s funny
Obama tried the same but could nt find any balls in his administration.
Adam Schiff,, lying garbage and a coward
Trump was just keeping his campaign promise – he vowed not to be presidential. What’s odd is how anyone thinks he’s anything more than a con artist. His book was originally titled “The Con Art of the Deal.”
He’s up there that’s for sure
Colin Cleveland Yes, Reagan did negotiate with the Iranians before becoming President. Reagan said that if Iran didn’t release the hostages he would bomb the crap out of Iran…he said it publicly.
I’m so ashamed….this is such an embarrassment
Embarrassment for Pelosi and Schiff. They’re sick!!
patetic idots disprecting a hero shows what low lifes they are wosses for trump also a woos he caused this all by himself
@Debbie Kennon your page has prayer vids? What do YOU pray for? How about enlightenment & love for others?
Trump and his republican sycophants have no honor.
*Everyone is saying Trump is Disgusting, I get it but I find These Republicans more disgusting defending Trump*
love seeing them daily shaming themselves for trumps viewing
Wow !!! 100%
Cyka blyad !
Schiff: were gonna need more hoaxes!
@elo o Agreed. A puppet with a lot of pull!
Odd that none in the GOP question Trumps loyalty to this country.
Trump is loyal to Russia.
@LardGreystoke – and we may even be wrong about Trump’s loyalty to Russia and Putin – he only loves money and himself.
his only loyalty is trump trump trump trump
Those very MORONS that is protecting that criminal would get the Trump treatment of tire marks if they were to decide he deserves impeachment.
Actually par for the course.
Republiklan’s “counsel” is a total joke. He’s using innuendo and red herrings to diminish and disparage Lt Col Vindman, a decorated purple heart recipient. Disgraceful
What’s worst is there is a veteran there doubting a decorated hero wearing a
Now you love those who wear the uniform. He s just a willing pawn and the uniform is just window dressing.
A man who is cheating on his wife questioning someone else’s ethics.
A man who is the very essence of each of the 7 deadly sins supported by a base who claims he was chosen by God.
People tend to use the words “ethics” and “morals” interchangeably, but they do have different meanings. Fidelity (or lack thereof) to one’s spouse isn’t an ethical issue.
Purple Heart being attacked to defend a draft dodger, disgusting.
Absolutely pathetic!!
patetic shaming of them selves disprecting a true patriot we see his bravery and his need for justice he is a hero today lt cr vladman god bless you for your courage for coming forward and speaking truth to the public
@Claudia Nuss Schulte Guess English is nt your first language.
@quietman356 123455 – guess your just a corrupt trump loving POS.