Freshman GOP Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia has a past of backing QAnon while questioning 9/11 and school shootings. Tim Miller and Michael Steele react to GOP leadership giving her a spot on the House Education Committee. Aired on 01/28/2021.
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GOP Puts QAnon Booster Taylor Greene On House Education Cmte | The 11th Hour | MSNBC
So McCarthy likes the Qanon cultist. Has he joined Qanon, too?
@Justin yes im sure all that parroting is how she won her seat….actually,smear campains usually only occur when one is campaining,,all the dirty laundry is exsposed..Considering her campaining days were not long ago,guess its that strain of crazy conspiracy syndrom got her too….Yes,nothing was ever implied about this lady,except admirable comments,,,Do the right thing and announce you want tto impeach A shady leader of A iworldwide criminal family,that forgets what he was saying,constantly……and yes,in D.C…..hollywood….the military…..large corporations….you may get smeared……its what they do,seriously,did I need to explain all of this,well hope it installs A higher sense of reality for you……your welcome…
@S Mikell 2 videos YOU and anyone else reading this NEED to Watch: “Former FBI Cheif Ted Gunderson Tells Incredible Story about a SRA Survivor” and then search for “Oprah+Vicki+Devil Worshiper”. Look for the OLD video. We’ve known about these things for quite some time. And I’m guessing YOU DO TOO. Have a nice day.
@Alan Krebs I appreciate your efforts to exspand thoughts to the minority,,Im guilty of the same chore,however some I feel the vision is too deeply programed …Its simply remarkable that they still believe everything that…TELL U OUR VISION….i mean television is programing them to believe ,like just stay tuned…..the following program we are channeling our vision to A broad cast of homes like yours….I mean,its so in their face,yet they dont get it,. Astonishingly,they believe everyone that dissagrees with themselves,are in some sort of cult,and inferior to their intellectual intelligence……..Oh the irony….l
@Alan Krebs So what you’re saying exactly listening to a president or crazy congresswoman should get me mad enough to want to go out and murder other people is that what you’re saying I should be so in raged after watching these videos that I should want to put together a hit list of people that should die in this world is that what I’m hearing because if that’s not what you’re saying please say so there’s no justification whatsoever for the words that come out of Donald Trump’s mouth or this deranged congresswoman I don’t care what their motives are you can’t call yourself a right to life and then call for other people in the same breath to be murdered or executed without trial in other words you can’t have your cake and eat it too and that’s with the Republican Party is hypocrites they want to talk about the rest of America and anybody that does not go along with their agenda they have become the party of violence but then again what else is new
@S Mikell Those are YOUR WORDS not mine. Don’t try and claim I said those things because I didn’t YOU DID. It’ funny how YOU people are thinking of MURDERING people, I’ve always followed the RULE OF LAW. BTW Don’t bother HGHILIGHTING comments. We’ve been on to you for some time. Flags can be used for MANY purposes.
These people have lost it!
@Adam Osak Technically gender can be infinite, since BY DEFINITION gender is based on personal cognition. You’re thinking of biological sexes, of which there are three. Male, Female, and Asexual. (humans can rarely be considered asexual)
Does that help clear it up, or are you still confused?
@Adam Osak Feel free to open a dictionary. They ALL agreed upon the definitions of these words some time ago. If you’re dim enough to say that the dictionaries of the world are wrong, then you’ve already lost. After all, you try to use words from that book often.
@Adam Osak ANY dictionary, brain trust. You remember those things with words called books? Oh right… You’ve never seen one.
@Adam Osak lol @ “cultural marxists”.
Education Committee? America is indeed in BIG MESS!
@Casey Cowley roflmao!
@Nate Stathes yep, sure ya do.
@Steve Ostrowski yes I do
@Steve Ostrowski yes males wrestling little girls is just your style.
Good. Now every US student can learn how to use gun and defend themself.
More proof that being rich and white will get you whatever you want.
Look at her face though. She is loving it and the attention.
MTG and Lauren Bobert are as narcissistic as Trump is.
@Winter Spring Absolutely. politics is becoming personal emotional catharsis therapy for highly damaged people.
@kgs42 l guess it’s cheaper than therapy, which in these cases is gravely needed. Kevin McCarthy could use therapy as well, but therapy doesn’t threats principles.
This just goes to show how separated from reality the GOP is by appointing that woman and her beliefs into the education committee. The woman is a disgrace and should be thrown out of the republican party and office. what is she going to insist that school children have to do in school, the right for 4 year olds to carry concealed guns?
we are litterally watching the downfall in real time.
@Teddy Nahas Haha, are you twelve, or just the biggest clown on the internet? You’ve only used a couple of actual words, and one of them you spelled differently on separate occasions
Well played.
@Peterbilt Pilot Just after trump, and you’re calling someone else a dictator? What’s wrong with you? You can’t possibly be that ignorant. Can you?
You can’t argue with people like these trolls. They have absolutely no idea of what they’re supporting because they’re being lied to constantly. They will only realize it when it’s too late, if then.
Seriously, a person who can’t tell fact from fiction is on an Education Committee?
@Adam Langton hahahahahaha ahahahahahahahahahahahaha bahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahah cry more hahahahahahahahahahaha hahahaha ahahahahahahahahahahah bahahahahahahahahahahahaha
This is a 46 year old woman!! She doesn’t need a taking to! She needs to step down! It’s terrifying she’s on the Education Committee. Smh
I agree, sir- “I just don’t want to understand it.”
Every day I say to myself “Can it get any worse?” and then it does.
The people just recently evicted a dictator from the oval office just to promote a terrorist sympathizer to the education committee in the house of representatives. Is this America. Yes it is. This has always been a faction of america. Trump gave them a voice and the courage to become comfortable with their rhetoric and actions
@James Williams dictator….
Then that means you qualify to be a head administrator….
Good luck.
@OutdoorIndoorVariety You hate what America is and where its headed. You reminisce on the worst parts of pre 1860s America. You offer nothing. Good thing that you are fading. No way around it. No classic American “can do optimism” with you at all. Your original U.S. ancestors would’ve been on the opposite side of you.
@OutdoorIndoorVariety You hate what America is and where its headed. You reminisce on the worst parts of pre 1860s America. You offer nothing. Good thing that you are fading. No way around it. No classic American “can do optimism” with you at all. Your original U.S. ancestors would’ve been on the opposite side of you.

McCarthy will remind Greene to use her inside psychotic voice.
FBI keep an eye on her, Boebert, and Cawthorn
This shows the tail is wagging the dog . Where are the voices of the 80 million people who voted for Biden. It’s time for the public to demand that the Senate impeach 45
It is quite a mass mental illness that has taken hold of the GOP.
America as a whole is insane.
Speaking into a microphone in congress wearing a mask with “censorship” written on it!
Kevin McCarthy, you have no moral integrity.
He has no morals WHATSOEVER !
I am also questioning his intelligence and ability to understand that a person who thinks that a televised mass shooting and a plane flying into the Pentagon never happened belongs in a rubber room, not Congress.
And Taylor Greene She’s Definitely In The Wrong Field ! Republicans Needs To Get A Backbone And Remove Her Asap !
“I can’t believe that nobody has learned anything in the last five years.” Whatever it is that Republican voters have learned in the last five years is utterly terrifying to contemplate.
I think they should allow these people to become their own party: The deranged Lunatic Party,.Where alternate facts are welcome and totalitarianism is their goal.
She has no business having anything to do with our children’s schools.