On the morning of inauguration, President Trump is holding a going away rally. His problem: not many GOP leaders are accepting the invite. Aired on 01/19/2021.
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#GOPLeaders #PresidentTrump #MSNBC
GOP Leaders Cordially Decline Trump's Going Away Party | The ReidOut | MSNBC
What if Trump threw a party and nobody came?
… oh, wait.
@Patty Smet is I highly doubt that considering the fact that he has over 100 million supporters in America alone
@Amethyst Kat Conspiracy theories are the new plague. You’ve now become irrelevant just like trump.
YunYun has some serious competition.
Lil Wayne thought about it, but 8:00am is too early for a rapper
Not even the crooks that he pardon are going to his farewell?
That’s duck up.
@paul dini ugh
Well Perdue is free … well until his indictments!
@paul dini that i can… its kwame i cant
@skylar mccloud its only code for murder in LA
You know you’re a bad president when your own V.P. won’t come to your going away party.
@Lucia Val he had nothing to do with the vaccine. Scientists did, and they had done the work leading up to this new vaccine before the pandemic. The new technology developed was applied here, and that helped speed things up.
@Lucia Val What a sad brain you got. Stop with the Trump coolaid, it’s poisoning you.
@Bubba The Truth Banks party all over the world tomorrow

Do you even know 3 things that Trump did good or bad in his policies? I’ll wait
The going away party is such a bad idea, just like everything else!
It’s too embarrassing even for Trump standards…
Hahahahahahahahaha. Heehehehehehehehehee… ROTFLOL!
When he realizes it’s just a bunch of crazy people with red hats who can’t help him anymore showing up, he’ll probably cancel.
I hate that our tax dollars are paying for this traitor to celebrate himself
@WiseCentaur, writes _”I hate that our tax dollars are paying for this traitor to celebrate himself”_
You must really despise the last four years…
I hope the only people there are federal Marshalls waiting with handcuffs and a warrant.
Not just a warrant. Many warrants, many, many, many.
Epstein pal and adulterer. Time to make him pay
Or process servers to serve civil lawsuit papers.
Handcuffs ? A straightjacket and a taser
That’s my dream! trump taken away in handcuffs.
“The stench from his administration is so foul . . .”
This young lady certainly knows how to turn a phrase! An instant classic . . .
That’s not really what she wanted to say but she has class
@Lucia Val nah..you are smelling the decaying Republican party. Or yourself, possibly.
You wouldn’t want to be next after big mike dropped a duce homeboy reeks
@Tim Kozlowski Well Trump is already rated the worst ever, so you have that.
McConnel and McCarthy should be part of the going away party, not attending it.
@Margot Gulliford especially the horned guy with a red backpack
Cruz and Hawley and Graham should.
I think so too , and all 147 leguslators , Matt Gaits , gym jordan and much more , ted stupid cruz , and jug head Hawely .
And Lindsay, Cruz and hawley too. Good bye
Mitch has one more chance to do good, vote to convict Trump when the senate tries his impeachment case.
“The stench of his administration is so foul” that’s right!
@roger waters Been away for awhile? You have a lot of catching up to do.
Ttis that
oh good
yo momma
Biden is a facist—
If you tards can’t get your fantasies straight I might think you’re all crazy. Well actually that’s
a given. So which is it, commie or facist? Or does that depend on how bad your panties are
twisted up?
You know it’s rough when John Kelly says he’s “Washing his hair.”
Ftis that
oh good
You win the Internet!
He’d say that even if he were bald
The abominable got a send off, they give him the middle finger, he is gone he is done.
You know he is going to claim it was the biggest send off ever, even if only his kids show up.
Ttis that
oh good
Where is he going to proclaim it…he has been put on MUTE…

Media will be there to record the tears.
yup, I’m thinking the same as the other replies, if he does we won’t hear it, cause he no longer has a platform to reach us :)))))))) FINALLY!
Sooo Much JEOLOUSY and hate on here
Lol! GOP leaders are like: “Sorry bruh. I’m going to Biden’s inauguration that day.”
“Hey, sorry I almost murdered you guys and destroy the country. Let’s just forget about it and come to my party”
Griners are winners (Joe). Meanwhile trump cries alone.

“Sorry bruh! We wanna see Lady Gaga, JLo, etc. instead of a bunch of magats.”
@D Woodard na, they’re not even making excuses like that anymore, they saying it’s THEIR choice so as to reinforce to him that he no longer has any power & don’t call them again!
I wonder how many phone numbers will be changing now to stop him calling
@Wattson but he didn’t even say sorry for it! He STILL doesn’t think he did anything wrong or has any reason to say sorry! That’s how sad he is!
His capitol mob buddies would go if they weren’t afraid of being arrested
Ttis that
oh good
If only he pardoned them so they could attend …
They’d come anyway if they were invited, but Trump won’t invite those people. They aren’t elite enough for him to want to actually be around. It’s sad that his supporters don’t realize that he despises them.
Her nose is turning red she’s so excited about lying
The president gave a speech about I ,me, and myself.
A normal trump speech !
I vote we refer to trump as “that one guy” from now on.
What one guy? That orange guy?
That Ho Chi Minh avoider guy.
Or Individual A Hole #1
He Whose Name Shall Not Be Spoken…
more like ”The Orange Turd”…
Trump: “Thanks for coming!”
Them: “Thanks for leaving!”
Well, we actually weren’t so certain he would leave on his own until very recently indeed.
But should be… thankful?
Biden is a racist—
@mtavarez4561 It’s over you lost.
Biden is you’re president.
@mtavarez4561 and you’re stupid & petty….get a life
@dustigenes illegitimate doesn’t count
Why didn’t he invite the Forever Trumpers,like he invited them all to the capitol.
I hear that they’ll be serving “ lame duck l’orange “ at his going away party.
Naw. He cannot eat anything that he cannot pronounce. It will just be “hamberders”.
@RaymondHng lol
Trump’s inauguration was sad and his departure party is even more sadder.