Rep. Tim Burchett (R-TN) joined CNN’s Jim Acosta to share what he saw unfold on the House floor when Rep. Mike Rogers (R-AL) was restrained by a fellow lawmaker when he confronted Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL). #CNN #News
GOP lawmaker who witnessed House floor confrontation describes scene

I am so embarrassed for this man. McCarthy gave up his dignity and the house for the next two years.
@Leonaza7 GET ‘EM SIS’

@Jerry Marasco Woosh – right over your head. The point. No surprise there.
She lost, cause she stuck to her principles – no matter the cost.
She could have just kissed Man in Floridas ring and kept her job – like the rest of the feeble retrumplicans.


@dan dansen THESE TROLLS

Republicans: “Our government doesn’t work because it’s broken.”
America: “Yes we know, because we watched you break it….repeatedly.”
@Krista Dawson Russia and Ukraine are about as close to one another as possible like two neighboring rival football teams. I bet you couldn’t tell one citizen from another. Why must the U.S. solve their problems? Allow the Donbas to choose sides or their own independence.
@Ed Maphis Pootin approves of all your messages.
@Ed Maphis LOL, the vote for house leader had nothing to do with justice. It was a war between anti-democratic boneheads and anti-American dipsticks all for the sake of who will destroy America first and in what manner. What a clown show. Only one Republican showed up for the capitol honoring the 146 injured and 5 dead capitol police during the Jan 6 insurrection that Republicans started and have no apologies for. Horrible, horrible people, the lot of them. You showed the whole world what you are made of, and it’s soft and brown.
@Ed Maphis Trump negotiates? Hahahaha.
And Pelosi was part of it.
A complete embarrassment. A Party that is fractured and divided
@apathetically lethargic
Sure I do. The GOP got things like woke math, woke Scooby-Doo, and woke Big Bird. All the boogeymen that are hiding in your closet.
@Kosmo Kritikós fascists tend to be more united.
@HemiHead664 you sound like a crazy person. The media has brainwashed you. Just listen to the grateful dead and chill out.
embarrassing to who? the embarrassing part is falling in line because you think you have to.
@apathetically lethargic
I’m not brainwashed. All the GOP’s nonsense are diversion tactics to keep Conservatives from knowing one thing – the GOP cannot legislate.
Being old, grumpy, and missing the blue plate special is no excuse for losing it on the floor. It’s now impossible for these members to remove any more decorum from our democratic process.
@Chuck Rambo , your orange cult leader made a deal with the Saudis to RAISE the price of gasoline; Tucker didn’t tell you about THAT, did he?
> Chip Roy Issues Fiery Warning To Fellow Republicans: ‘How’s That Not Tyranny? How’s It Not Tyranny?’ < 4 minutes 45 second .. for what .. to hang out were ..
@Laura Walker Don’t insult other countries. You Americans are so arrogant that you have to insult others to make yourself feel better. My father worked with Americans in the Middle East and his opinion of them was that their mentality was of the wild west and even in suits they behaved like wild Cowboys
> Chip Roy: This Is ‘The Reason My Democratic Colleagues Focus So Intently On January 6’ < 2 minutes 45 seconds in and 4 mintues 5 seconds in.
Republicons are troglodytes and twatwaffles. We shouldn’t be surprised when they act like it and show us/tell us who they really are.
I figured Rogers had just seen a text from Gaetz on his daughter’s phone.
You my good sir have won the comment of the day award. Congrats lol
That’s probably not true..although then again, it may be.
RED PILL ALERT! “Glenn Greenwald & Jimmy Dore Talk McCarthy Speakership & #ForceTheVote”.
This guy makes excuses, “tired, no Sizler, just lost his cool” l just keep being un impressed with each interview & representative, there is no excuse & No progress being made!
The drawl tuned me out in seconds.
Well, hallelujah! Americans need to demand a LOT more of their reps.
Hold onto your hat because Speaker McCarthy first promise as speaker was to Defund the IRS hired to enforce and audit tax payers both individual and corporate making over $400,000/yearly that Biden’s new tax bill funded.
So Matt got everything he asked for? I would love to hear all the rest of the concessions! So we know that just one person can control Kevin. How much else did he give up? They should have voted for a parrot instead, at least they have a spine and can stand on their own 2 feet!
@Shaheed Harun Kevin could have convinced Democrats to vote for him by conceding power to or making deals with the democrats. Do you really think people are allowed to only vote for “their” side? That is such a BS view. But no surprise coming from the cult left that only knows how to march in lockstep.
@iceshadow625 No I wish those would vote more for the other side, or share more opposing viewpoints.. I really do! I’m just realistic & know the pattern of how they operate. It doesn’t take a genius
Matt is trump’s puppet and yet broke with him when it came to supporting McCarthy who trump supported and somehow Matt thinks this will make him in a better position for president in six years. All it did was make him look ridiculous. I was proud someone j went to school with became famous but now I’m embarrassed.
@rochel hirsch Only now?
The fact he was trafficking underage girls wasn’t embarrassing to you? Yikes 
Last night McCarthy gave up what little soul he didn’t already capitulate to Mango Mussolini.
When McCarthy doesn’t do what is agreed upon, does he tell them he was lying and everyone lies to get what they want.
@hieveryone Yeah except they have the power to recall him with only 3 people so he can’t really do that. He pretty much gave away all his power to get them to vote for him.
YES!!!!!! The MURICAN way!
Donald Trump Is The Master King Of Lies, How Many People Have Died And In Prison From Trump Lies
@Dal Gar ONE person. That was to appease Lauren Boebert and not sure who else.
@hieveryone how’s that going to work? He won his election. Quit whining.
I love how this good ole boys nonchalant attitude is not extended to any other group in this country. Fk that. Those are criminal thugs that don’t deserve those positions.
You’re in a cult. Stop only talking with people who only think like you.
@HappyFace Uh oh looks like a hit dog just hollered..
Stone truth.
A tale of two (very different) Republicans:
Liz Cheney: Hang on to your principles – no matter the cost.
Kevin McCarthy: Hang on to your job – no matter the cost.
When someone is going after Matt…. Stay out of the way . Let that sh!t play out
Gaetz , Cruz, Greene, boebert to name a few
It would have been great to see him get a good smack in the kisser.
But what if they are shot by a Jewish space laser or get windmill cancer… Think about it
Well said
. Agree 100%.
@TayTay Yes. the squad failed the democrat voter on Med 4 all and minimum wage because they fell in line with their crappy party.
There is something VERY WRONG with congress when there is no daily active discussion within the chamber about policies. All congressmen should be able to voice their constituents VOCALLY IN OPEN DISCUSSIONS. How can the public understand other parts of the country without discussion?
They do report each bill and have websites….
We have seen opposing parties talk it out in public but never within a party…this is very odd and messy and strange
Correct. That’s why we needed a speaker and the set of rules governing the discussion.
Meanwhile we had 4 days of public squabbles, behind-the-doors deals
and zero serious discussion on any relevant policy.
Some people honestly think 15 people introducing McCarthy with the same exact set of platitudes
is a “discussion”.
If we listened to all of those 20 or 60 crazies who insist on having their say, we’d be listening to them all damn day long, saying nothing of any value whatsoever. Why do we elect so many dumb and crooked people to represent us? Don’t we know we don’t know much of anything? All we know is what preachers tell us and what highly paid “media” with no journalism credentials tell us on behalf of the Murdochs and other billionaires? Almost nobody fact checks but if one of our rich friends or the preacher amens something, we take it for the God’s truth.
I didn’t realize it was a ‘loyalty’ game on the floor. WTF? That says it all. We don’t care who you are or what you are or have done….if you are on our team; we vote for you. Not the way it is the supposed to work. You don’t give a crap about the people, obviously. He sounds like he is supporting his favorite football team. When will we elect intelligent people with integrity? They scare the crap out of me. When will we get the game of politics? It isn’t about us, it is about them and their tiny, flailing ego’s. This governmental system is in ruins….we need a do over.
Well said,his charming squersh was bugging me badly
A taste of things to come. This is going to be a wild and crazy ride. And once again these politicians doing what they can for themselves, not the American people. They are beyond embarrassing. We all knew about backroom deals but we got to see it live. Truly amazing.
100% agree.
Buckle up… we’re in for a long ridiculously bumpy ride, unless they crash and we all burn along with them.
1850’s, we don’t need that again
It will be a long two years watching the Republicans step all over each other and self destruct
Republicons don’t want to govern and legislate, they want to rule and dictate. They don’t want the USA to be a Constitutional Republic anymore, they want it to be theirs.
no, it doesn’t happen when people are tired. It happens when one person, any person, decides to use anger to solve problems.
Yeah just like trump and his thugs did on January 6th.
Yesssss LORD…
Like Jan 6th?
Like a typical Repugnant Republican. Smh.
So woke ideology and identity politics that are the Democrat parties religion is a good thing you say? Hire people like the Nuclear waste guy who is into doggie fetish play and cross dressing, fired for stealing womens luggage at airports so he could rush back to his motel room to try it all on?
The military cant even get recruitment numbers because Wokeism has infected the armed services. Democrats are the nut jobs, look at Biden and Harris, one can hardly talk properly, the other talks to us like we are children, what a joke. Hey what’s a CNN report without Trump in it, nothing is what it is.
I didn’t vote until Ron Paul came along, not sure how so many of Ron’s supporters so easily transferred their loyalty to Trump. I got the hell outta there.
@Kibs Ismaname there’s one thing I especially despise where this information is being dispensed is someone engaging in blatant false flag operations. You’re not a Democrat you never were a Democrat you’ve always been a poser a plant whatever you want to call it a mole but you are a guy in the wolf far right conservative pretending even half hardly to be anything else is just plain offensive be who you are and stop being such a punk about it.
@S C who cares they are all corrupted Republicans and Democrats
Jefferies was so damn close! I would have loved to see him be Speaker. But McCarthy’s “victory” is extremely tenuous at best.
This is humiliating as a country! Is this how our Congress handles things? This is a global embarrassment
And to think Traitor Trump is still in the mix. Disgraceful, despicable and disgusting.
@Garrett Joe Biden showers with 11 year old girls. Fact checked.
It’s why I became an Independant
Nothings more humiliating than a senile,demented circus monkey as a president.
It’s global entertainment for some.
Last night, while watching Brian Tyler Cohen’s coverage –livestreaming CSPAN’s coverage. I remember hearing at one point after McCarthy approached Gaetz, then McCarthy walked away… Someone loudly yelled, “Violence!”
Why can’t everyone be like this guy? I am sure my political beliefs are totally opposite to his but we could still talk.
Exactly his point. Like he said, Pelosi knew his daughter had an accident & just wanted to ask how she was doing.
The rest of the people on his side of the aisle acted like schoolyard bullies. Not only do they refuse to get along with the other side, but they can’t even get along amongst themselves. The next two years is going to be a shyt show.