1. Trump is an arsonist. First he burns a house to the ground. Then wants credit for putting the fire out. As he stands amidst the smoldering rubble. He is quite the humanitarian. Brilliant too.

  2. I’m very surprised there wasn’t breaking news that Mulvaney was floating in the Potomac River right now, from that statement on yesterday…

    1. Audley – I would bet everything i own that Trump ordered Epstein “Suicided”. His mentor is Roy Cohn, and all his actions are those of a wanna be mob boss.

    1. @Thomas Faggioni “Bankrupt arguments” it about right. But somehow despite all the bankruptcies, Trump is still solvent. The “king of debt” in business and in politics. One step ahead of his creditors.

    2. @Thomas Faggioni Nice one, Thomas. You saved me answering on your behalf. They can’t hear…it’s a wavelength thing: Tuned in to balalaikas.

    1. @elijah mikle I dont know what part of “I’m not for the troop withdrawal” you virtue signalling losers dont understand.

    2. help fight what? what exactly was the usa doing there? i be waiting for your 2 cents kindergarten cnn brain washing answer. go ahead the stage is yours

    3. @Phon Xieng Me first. Attacks like the Cole, Lebanon, Africa etc. AND 9/11 were all planned from safe places like the middle of friendly Syria, Afghanistan, etc. In this situation, like Afghanistan, America knows where they are. There were no more strikes from Al Qaeda when the hunt was on.
      There are forces in Africa doing the same thing as Syria, even more close to combat with THOSE jihadists.
      When you know where they are you have to go there to kill them because you KNOW it’s there life’s goal to get to an American.
      THAT’S why it is important to fight away from your shores. Take the fight to the enemy. You know who they are and where they are.
      Next, if you don’t understand how warfare works, or what the American military really does, hunting and killing terrorist away from your door, Or the way the world works, I will come back and explain some about honor and duty and leaving the tip of your spear on the battlefield to die. Like cowards.

  3. *HERE’S A GOOD IDEA:* _Vote ALL republicans out of ALL federal and state political offices mercilessly and without remorse in 2020._

    1. @Erin Shuler A comeback ? Do you think this is a game ? Are you a child ? What you are suggesting (debunked theories aside) IS what tyrants do, it was your idea, not any one else. Seems to me calling for the execution of elected persons in public IS treason, making you the traitor to your own country and the will of the people that voted. Now go ahead and tell me how Trump made you do it.

    2. @Rigger Mortis so you needed your ego stroked?? Liking your own comment doesn’t count. LOL. You must live a sad little life if feeling good about yourself has to come from sparring with people in comments on YouTube. Get a girlfriend or a hobby or something dude if you can

    3. @Robert Reaser Two questions for you if you don’t mind. Are you a Christian? Do you hate God and treat him as an enemy?

  4. Trump has violated his oath of office, betrayed this nation, and committed impeachable acts. He _MUST_ be removed from office.

    1. @Patrick Kennedy so will you move out of the US after November 3rd 2020? Democrats like yourself are going to feel painfully miserable. The Border WALL will be completed and the smell of Conservatives will drive Socialists crazy.

    2. Danny P is NOT in the military. Stolen Valour. His claims to represent real serving members and veterans who disagree with his views, do nothing but bring them shame.

    3. Pulling back the troops was literally one of the promises he gave. Now he’s doing it.
      Racists are just mad black unemployment is all time low = Democrats losing minority vote. There’s a reason why zero Demorcats applauded when Black unemployment reached all time low while rest of the congress gave standing ovation. Fuming with rage seeing blacks having jobs and success.

    1. Exactly right after Turkey made threats to seize Trump properties in Turkey. And right after his call with their president. He immediately called for full retreat.

    2. @Charles Ponzi boycott brainwashed Trumptard Cult members. Who support him no matter how criminal or crazy he gets. Like a true Cult

    3. I think someone should take a drone and blow the f****** towers up that would be tit for tat wouldn’t it and I’d love it if that happened

    4. @Tom Jones Seriously, stupid. You girls haven’t realized that no one cares that Warren believed her grandmother and are instead focusing on her policies? You seem like someone who a moron would call an “idiot”…

  5. What’s unbelievable is that America has produced tens of millions of people who are juvenile enough, stupid enough, and immoral enough to vote for and support this juvenile, stupid, and morally repugnant human being.

    1. Americans have ALWAYS worshipped the sleaziest people. Trump, the Kardashians, rappers, actors, etc. Americans can’t seem to be able to look past the superficial. That’s the culture: Sex, money, greed.

    2. @NOT YOU so by trump doing as he promise makes him sleezy? so you like to be lied to like hillary obama bush? idiot

  6. It took a long time for the Nixon White House to finally unravel. This team seems to be approaching it like a pie-eating contest.

    1. Unfortunately Trump is going nowhere, he will even trigger a war somewhere to delay the elections indefinitely. The US is in a very dark and dangerous place at the moment and I don’t think most Americans have fully comprehended this.

    2. Goldclaw837 you’re the Brain F**ked imbecile who still has his lips glued to trump Nut Sack💁🏼‍♀️ #FOH Racist SOB😎

    3. @Britney A H. Crooked Hillary for prison!🖕 President Trump is America’s Winston Churchill! The best President EVER!🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸👍👍

  7. 45, his family & cohorts are draining the American taxpayer dry and laughing everyday on their way to the banks!!!!

    1. @Sebastian Thor The “best president” to idiots, rubes, yokels, morons and halfwits. Trump is supported by the bottom rung of humanity.

    2. Porter Gibson in a country that professes to be Christian above all else ,and a democracy to boot where all men are equal ,and more prosperous than any the world has known there should not exist an underclass . The 1 percent need not exist to the extent that it does . What makes them so smart ,they unjustly took it away from you .

    3. @Gary BEZNER I agree with your statement, they took it away from everyone. The GOP preys on the prejudice and bigotry of that bottom rung of humanity. A segment of society who continually vote against things that will benefit them specifically, just to prevent minorities who they perceive to be inferior from having those things as well.

  8. Mulvaney: we did it! Here’s the gun we used and a taped confession with vid of the act!
    Repubs: hmmm no thanks. Witch hunt!

    1. trump, COMMNADER F UP. trump sold America to putin russia. Check out Oblivion 9 The Unaware channel for Insider – Episode The Blackout

    1. @Chadillac I’m so sorry that you didn’t understand my point, Nancy-boy. Mexico is our ally and has been for a very long time. Tip: If you know literally nothing, best to type nothing in your comment… which you kind of did, I guess…

    2. @flor wast criminal illegal aliens are invading our country on the southern border. Cartels are facilitating sex trafficking, child trafficking and massive amounts of drugs to come into the country because of the open border. Do you think that’s okay or are you just too dumb to understand?

    1. and you believe everything cnn says thats why u think there so much drama. the man kept all his promise. what did your negro president do? oh yeah nothing but race bait for 8 years

    2. You can’t just fire him, you can’t even impeach and remove him unless the majority of the GOP votes in support of it, given the fact they are as corrupted as Trump I can’t see that happening. Trump is going nowhere, prepare for him to trigger a war to delay the elections indefinitely too.

  9. Well, GOP cowards, that’s what you get for catering to Bonespurs Donny!
    He really thinks he knows better than our real generals!

    1. you have no rights in syria u moron. werent u idiots the same idiots that cry anti war now all sudden u r pro war? go over there and fight then u idiot go be a hero

    2. @Phon Xieng Hey dumbass, I didn’t say we should keep fighting.
      It is just stupid to decide, after a phone, to leave our allies behind without enough time for them to plan an exit strategy and they were slaughtered!
      This, even after they had lost 11 thousand people countering our common enemies!
      Trump never asked experts for the consequences of this action because he’s behaving like a damned dictator and not a president!
      Erdogan later gave him time to let people escape before resuming his killing, and Trump calls that a win?

    1. @Danny P
      👄Describing yourself, are you?!! You’re also watching CNN or are you trolling?!! Cult45 is calling your name!!!

    2. @Rene Curry I watch because I love you. Hehe, Lol. I LOVE YOU ❤️😘. and I want 4 more years of CNN just so I can keep watching. Hehe. You know they can’t CNN can’t survive without him. Hehe. Maybe you should come here and that way you can love on me, then maybe you won’t want CNN anymore hehe. You need a big one, and that’s your problem. It’s the problem with all Ugly liberal women who hate their Dady. But don’t worry, I will will force you to call me Daddy. Lol

    3. ignorant is you. did you know your black president VIOLATED syria by sending in troopps no one INVITED THE USA IN THERE U IDIOT

    4. @Danny P Fox news doesn’t even mention half the Trump scandals. Conservatives are to busy talking about what bathroom people are using and god forbid you kneel during the national anthem. Talk about snow flakes.

    5. @Arsmortis7 Ops, you got me Einstein, Lol. “My name is Arsmor, Duu, I’m smart, Duu, CNN is the truth, Duu. I’m afraid of big orange man Duu, Duu.”😂😚.

      Ok Einstein, name one thing? Lol. You are a Dumb dumb. Hehe.

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