The top Republican on the House Judiciary Committee apologized after he made an unfounded claim that accused Democrats of being "in love with terrorists."
Collins had made the incendiary remark in an interview with Fox News' Lou Dobbs in response to a question about Democrats' efforts to limit President Donald Trump's war powers in the aftermath of a US airstrike that killed Iranian commander Qasem Soleimani. #CNN #News
tRump…is the who is “in love” with the dictator from n korea
Don’t forget about his bromance with Putin.
@Glenda Brown they would have a 3 way in a heart beat

North Korea has not killed hundreds of American soldiers like Iran has, your Obama love for Iran proves he does indeed love terrorists who kill our soldiers and many innocent people…you Democrats can talk til you run out of breath about President Trump but he has done more for America than any other President and you don’t like it, suck it up and move to a Commie country or better yet you bleeding hearts for Iran, go stake a claim in their country….good luck with that….maybe your terrorist loving Obama can get you in safe..
Who cares what doug Collins says or thinks he is a right wing snowflake
They’re all a bunch of crybaby’s.
get lost said the refukntard boi with a pussi
MrHackerman 001 he’s hurt cause his Trump man milk mustache is getting crusty and he can’t lick his lips fast enough to keep it moist!
GodSon fuk him and his ministry!
@Randall Bryant I can’t believe that he is a pastor. He has came on TV and lied every single time. I wonder what his followers think about him. Don’t he know that Trump actions I indirectly led to the death of 176 people. God please bless and watch over their families.
Liz Cheney has no credibility what so ever. Can’t believe how a daughter of a war criminal gets elected in America.
@Cool Hand Mark all 157 of them spread across the states. A real threat?!
same way Hillary and all the other democrat scum does
But, weapons of mass destruction…and nepotism.
Liz Cheney: when Lucifer is your father.
ynotttt , your point is mute
Your Mr Collins just apologize for making such incendiary comment with out facts , and said it was stupid of him to have said it “we are all Americans promoting American principal just different ways to get there . “ so if he says he wasn’t right , neither are you .
ynotttt , advisedly you think
they don’t , his not a king
Democracy’s debate
Rod Robbins ,

Haha what a weiner. He should’ve owned up to his words.
You’re a loser
Collins hasn’t apologised; he’s slipped a mealy-mouthed ‘oops’, on a Postit note, under the door and the hypocrite is clearly hoping that God didn’t notice.
He apologized on Twitter. Can you not read English?
@Dave Schultz You have a little orange jizz on your chin there bud.
@Marco A Not what a man would do. The anology of shoving a quickly scribbled message on a postit under a door is perfect. Do it on air you mealy-mouthed coward.
None of them seriously believe any of that judgement day/afterlife twaddle or they wouldn’t behave they way they do … Collins is an actual pastor which says something about the state of Christianity
Dave Schultz your mom does too
When the Democrat lady said “I left my body parts in Iraq”, it really got me.
She lost both her legs (google).
. Omg.
Dammmmm. My respect to her for still being strong and moving on with a smile and love for life and for America.
#FuckDonaldChump #ImpeachTheFucker
@Not my President bless you sir bless you a thousand times
no one — NO ONE — is dividing the country more than trump himself.
vman armand the media
vman armand ,
Stupid angry semi-educated hillbilly. Let’s get this straight. Collins is “sorry” this has been given so much attention. That’s the true apology.
@Annie Warbux
There are no hillbillies in Georgia you moron… LOL !!!
@Dicky Jones
They call ’em red clay firetruck chasers. HEE HAW !
@Jeffrey Hagelin a few of you are responding to @getlost and I don’t see “getlost’s” comments..
“Neat” thing about blatant political lies–it takes seconds to make them, sometimes years to prove they were a lie. Damage done.
Trump deserves prison
@Larrygilbertreyes Reyes yeah I’d do anything to see him locked away!
I don’t believe anything this so called pastor says.
Tigh Evans lol, I didn’t know he is a pastor
You can’t believe anything that any pastor says… any person who preaches a religion is either ignorant or a willing liar.
@Alexander CanellaAnd anyone who denies God is denying their own existence or a willing liar.
Alexander Canella Lol Wait until you go to hell
You will surfer
@Pit well at least I’ll have the knowledge of knowing I didnt worship a psychopath
The occupant of the WH professed his love for Kim Jong Un.No condemnation from Collins then.
America, your “president” now has the blood of innocent civilians on his hands. When will you stand up and stop this madness?
Cheney is walking manure … her stench, her family’s stench just can’t be tolerated!
So how did she gain a senator seat ?
Larrygilbertreyes Reyes :She’s a Representative – not Senate.
@Maija Liepa oopsy
Republicans are natural morons that don’t think before they speak.
@Not my President not mine either, lock them both up for all the conspiracy theories, all the money spent when our poor could use

Why would he say that when Donald admits to falling in love with Kim.
never read the ‘beautiful letters’
Hillary Obama have you not had ENOUGH BULLSHIT already. STOP SMOKING meth and crack you LIBERALS need help. Go to REHAB SOON. PLEASE DEMOCRATS.

And Putin, and Duterte, and Erdogan, and Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia and any other dictator in the known World.
Trump’s a loser
Doug Carter Actually, the meth and opioid epidemics have hit rural America and red states the hardest. Stick with the facts, please.
“The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those who speak it.” – George Orwell.
Collins deserves no credit for anything. He made his statement in front of the cameras for the whole world to see. He apologized in a tweet. He’s a damn coward.
He’s a pastor, of course it’s unfounded.
That’s the woman who turned on her own sister