1. I’m not the biggest fan of Nancy in general but I’m sorry I don’t care if you are a Republican and Democrat or something in between as a Irish person who has some respect for both the Republicans and the Democratics this kind of behaviour is quite frankly inhuman and doesn’t show America or it’s people in a positive light with the rest of the world

    1. @Ben neck and neck I’m hearing. Plus poles don’t survey all voters and some won’t answer correctly (though usually that’s those who are a little ashamed of what they’re planning to vote). It will be interesting.

    2. @Save 🇺🇸 I’m aware of strategies yes. And how parties work to show they’re underdogs. Although Biden and Schumer did inadvertently reveal Fetterman has lost a little ground to Oz post debate

    3. @Daniel Pupo remember, remember, vote Red in November. The tsunami is inbound and is days away from sweeping your and your tyranny away.

    1. It’s comedy gold and something Johnny Carson the King of Late Night TV might have done. I’m sure if Trump or a family member was attacked. Colbert and the other late night goons would have joked about it. Democrats want Conservatives attacked and hurt. They encourage it.

    2. You’re so right! This channel should be canceled. I can’t believe the wicked rhetoric and bold lies told here.

    3. But when the left say, Ron Paul deserved it like Nancy’s daughter says, then it’s ok. Or when any republican dies, even those of color, the left mock their, then it’s ok.


  2. We have gone too far down this rabbit hole that it is becoming harder and harder to get out of it. All ethics, morals and values have been thrown out the window. It’s a sad time in the “United” States of America.

    1. @Doodle Bob Not the “socialist” sound bite again. It’s worn out. This country happily is the most capitalist on Earth. Quit living in fear of imaginary bogeymen.

    2. @GiantMeteor2024 Can’t stay out of the news because the leftist media can’t talk about how Biden has this country in the ditch.

  3. Why would anyone think this is someone that should work at the Capitol? As we learn more about how low the Repub Party has gone, we’re not surprised

  4. The more I hear from these clowns the more I’m convinced that the DOJ is trying to protect them from themselves.

    1. @Ellen Faulkner Depape literally has a BLM and gay pride flag outside his camper, and anyone who knows *anything* about forensics [or who just has common sense] knows basic physics… when you break something with a force in one direction, the debris will fall [go with] the force headed in that same direction… Stop swallowing the garbage on these crap propaganda sites and f-ing think for yourself…Also refer to the dispatch link and the Politico article where the dispatcher says (in his OWN WORDS) that Paul refered to his as a “friend”… Ya, these are *facts* you’ll never hear on CNN or MSNBC

    2. The crazed attacker allowed Pelosi into the bathroom in the middle of beating him where Pelosi called the police.
      Pelosi then left the bathroom so the beating could resume. Not suspicious at all.

    1. @Hey No, it’s not.

      You elect these politicians, you deserve them. You tolerate them, you deserve them. There are countries where the politicians are worse, and there are countries where the people don’t tolerate these kinds of politicians. It falls on the people.

    2. @LP Work She (Kari Lake) has that energy/movement behind her that I have not seen since Obama. Very few elected officials have that type of campaign.

  5. The political rhetoric has absolutely caused division and violence in this country. Politicians lit the fire with their words. They know what they’re doing and are not sorry. I do not want to hear another empty apology from any politician.

    1. It would be interesting to see the build up of the political rhetoric from the beginning of this incident. From the best that I can recollect it began with Hillary Clinton

    2. @Roger M The excessive VOLATILE political rhetoric build up began with that mango-faced LYIN CON LOSER TRAITOR RACIST back in 2015 who tried to STEAL Highly Classified Top TOP Secret documents from the white house when he left and claims they belong to him.

    3. Let’s be clear here, these are coming from the Republicans, it has been that way for years now, Let’s not play that both side now!

    1. Even though the assaulter was a gay male prostitute, illegal, criminal, BLM, violent alt left winger? And Pelosi let his gay friend into the house.

  6. Those Republicans who kept silent and some were laugh at the house speaker’s husband those acts are harmful to the democracy sooner or later as the Karma goes around they will revive the true wills come from their acts as our religion had experience in the past… evils will catch those who committed evils even they just think about.

    1. you know he was doing homosexual stuff with the man right, both in underwear at 2am, nancys gone, the guy was allowed in and paul was allowed to call the police in the bathroom and he said to the police that they where friends, theres more to this story

  7. People who say these things are sociopaths. Politicians, it is known, are the worst among us and this is a new low.

    1. @JasonDrvmz oh well I guess there’s nothing wrong then.

      Good thing criminality is the only thing that determines whether something is morally decent. 😂

  8. If something like this had happened to her husband, I highly doubt she would be silent about people joking about it.

  9. I don’t know what makes her think that her husband and children are any safer if a husband of 3rd person in presidential succession isn’t.

    1. Simply stated, they know they are FAR more violent than people on the Left, and therefore far less likely to fall victim to violence. Like trump stated during the J6 riot, “They’re not here to hurt me!”

  10. How does this behavior show leadership, humility, love what’s funny about someone being harmed. Even if you wanted to vote Republican can you imagine someone like this making fun of your family. A party not fit to lead all the people

  11. There are some Americans who love violence and think it’s funny to do harm to those that don’t agree with them.

    1. you know he was doing homosexual stuff with the man right, both in underwear at 2am, nancys gone, the guy was allowed in and paul was allowed to call the police in the bathroom and he said to the police that they where friends, theres more to this story

  12. Where has common decency gone. It seems to be impossible for some in the GOP to have a basic level of deceny. Not everything should be nade fun of…….people who do this just come off in a bad light.

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