Gov. Chris Sununu, a Republican who won re-election in New Hampshire, discusses the state of the Republican party. Sununu also talks about GOP candidate Don Bolduc, who lost to Sen. Maggie Hassan after spreading conspiracies. #CNN #News
GOP governor who won in blue state has a message for his own party

I like this guy better than DeSantis, Abbott, etc..
Yea he has a great sense of humor, etc. Seems like a smart person, very likable.
If all Republicans ran with an attitude and message like Chris Sununu, they’d be in a good place. We need to end this whole era of ‘the other side is the enemy’ on both sides. Just come with good ideas, and keep your word.
@Lanuiiohu Sukikiya What election did you watch?
Qqq po
@Lanuiiohu Sukikiya actually neither has been decided yet. It’s PROJECTED that the republicans will win the house but there are still races that haven’t been called yet. The senate is still up in the air and will mist likely come down to the run off in Georgia
@Lanuiiohu Sukikiya take your meds, Russian troll!
@Lanuiiohu Sukikiya Still no objective evidence. What a supprise.
That Republicans tsunami turn into a Republican ripple! Couldn’t have said it any better myself!
Thank YOU! We moderate independents are just looking for good MODERATE (not MAGA crazy conspiracy-minded, big lie supporter, and draconian health dictating) candidates. The GOP had a VERY VERY few candidates like this guy… NONE in my area. Democrats aren’t perfect either…. but they did have more good candidates that were moderate.
You hit the nail on the head…I think most Americans have one political issue they stand on I.E (guns,abortion)..but overall I feel most Americans are middle of the pack whomever is the most charismatic level headed guy usually wins
@Kory Peoples
Democrats top 5 ‘agenda’
1. ‘Abort’ lots of fetuses (especially the little black ones)
2. Take away assault rifles and high capacity magazines for handguns (even though nobody really knows what an assault rifle is, it just sounds so scary)
3. Save the climate (this will require lots of your money, the climate is poor apparently)
4. Raise taxes (the climate ain’t gonna pay for itself, and neither are those college grads)
5. Trans the kids (cut off the little boys genitals, give him estrogen shots and a boob job, put a dress on him, and change his name. He’s magically now a girl -and definitely NOT a boy with fake boobs and mutilated genitals).
Hey bioguy, whatever, if your A moderate, than im the Pope
@ProfCheryl real nice you are calling people maggots. and rallies are suppose to be emotional. You are the one frothing at the mouth
@Jerry Hardee Talk about ignorant. 1) The pipeline still wouldn’t be finished by now… and 2) that pipleline was NOT for crude that can be processed into the kind of fuel that is used in US cars & trucks. It is processed into what is sold to and used in CHINA. Do more research than just talking points on FOX.
“When you are born, you get a free ticket to The Freak Show.
When you are born in America, you get a front row seat.”
George Carlin
Then why are there so many VIP’s ?
A smart man. He also warned us of the “pussification” of America, and that was back in the early 2000s. In honesty today he would not have a job, and couldn’t even score a show at a local bar with how much his warning has come true.
Its so refreshing to see what’s going on in this country. Real rational Republicans are starting to find their voices. People would flock to the Republicans if they had more people like Sununu speaking for them. Let’s hope there’s a move to the middle in this country with both parties.
As long as these kind of Republicans don’t conform to failure or agenda change I’m okay with it.
As a former Independent. This debauchery from the GOP has pushed me away from all Republicans. They have spent the past 9 years cheating and lying with abandon. It would require a cold day in hell before I trusted them ever again. *I am now progressive.*
Your silence and that of the entire GOP for almost a decade has cost you much more than you will likely ever know.
if only the Repubs were actually the party of fiscal conservatism it would be great- but the reality is the party of tax cuts for the 1%, “pro life” but anti child care, corporate sellouts, and support for price gouging from big oil and Pharma
@Farmer Stole My Tank thankfully MTG doesn’t speak for all republicans. So far all the approval for aid has been bipartisan
Wish there were real Republicans to get MTG out of office.
There needs to be more sensible rational republicans like this guy running and they will unite the country
This man could teach his party alot if they would listen.
Agreed Mr Nugent!
He actually sounds quite normal, refreshing to hear.
@Martin Qi’m from asia but biden, pelosi, fetterman from PA and kattie hobs from arizona don’t sound normal to me. They are democrat not republican
From your liberal standpoint.
I just wish more politicians were sensible moderates like this. Like he’s speaking for less than 10 seconds and he already sounds like someone I would be happy with even if I’m a liberal. Would actually have to look at the policies but still.
Indeed, but like he said: policies later, fix the crazies now :V
Remember when Republicans stood for Truth, Justice, and the American Way? Need more people like Chris Sununu and Liz Cheney. May God help the GOP tear away from MAGA and Trump
Don’t forget Larry Hogan too. He was pretty transparent about himself as a person.
That hasn’t been the case since Reagan. You certainly can’t mean WMD in Iraq Bush who started a war for Haliburton.
Chris Sununu is a republican with intelligence and class. His statement that “We must fix the crazies before we can fix policies,” speaks volumes.
Watch out for sleek one-liners. In reality, BOTH are high priorities. It might take more time than expected to get rid of the crazies, as their sticky like chewing gum on the sole of your shoes. Let getting behind the crazies not become an excuse for not fixing the policies too…
Thank you Chris. We need all the voices of reason we can to speak up on our behalf and bring us all away from the brink. You bring hope for the future.
Damn it is good to see this back in our politics.
Mr. Sununu: “voters said ‘we can fix policy later; we’ll fix crazy now’ “. Spot on, sir! Good choice, voters!
Governor Sununu seems like a genuinely nice person. He called New Hampshire a “Purple “ State, it clearly shows that He’s a People Person and that’s refreshing.
Smart guy!
New Hampshire
@Sad to the Bone Thanks for the correction.
Massachusetts is the same, the difference is that we lead the way. Good for the legacy.
“We can fix politics later we need to fix crazy right now”
Prolly one of the best quotes from that camp I’ve heard in say, 6 years….
The left is pretty crazy, don’t just look at the right.
@Seeking Truth the usa is just nuts naI crazy
“Fix policy later, fix crazy right now.” Great quote.
I’m always suspicious about one liners, even if they sound great. I think both should start NOW, not tomorrow, but right NOW.
That should be a bumper sticker
Yes, fix & eliminate GOP crazy however tRump and complicit GOP SEDITIONISTS need to be heading to trials & prison. BAN from all public offices. The other problem Republicans have ZERO good policies. They are all REGRESSIVE under McConnell and the rest of old men in his circle. Have been wrecking US since Reagan and making Middle Class and others poorer. What they want with 2 class system is NOT what most of sane responsible Americans want. NEVER!
6:00 THANK GOD!! A member of the #GOP actually making sense. There is hope for this country

My respect to you!! We need more Republicans like you, that is for sure!
Hello Monica!