GOP Falls In Line As Trump And McConnell Push To Fill SCOTUS Seat | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

Before Trump has even named who he'll nominate to the Supreme Court, Lindsey Graham is bragging that he has the votes to pass the nominee. We discuss that with Neil Katyal and Robert Costa. Aired on 09/22/2020.
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GOP Falls In Line As Trump And McConnell Push To Fill SCOTUS Seat | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

GOP Falls In Line As Trump And McConnell Push To Fill SCOTUS Seat | The 11th Hour | MSNBC


  1. Nearly all presidents have occasionally engaged in hyperbole, lying, corner-cutting, or press-bashing, though none have done so daily, if not hourly. One lie does not undermine democracy, but 30,000+ lies can. One governmental reversal in court is not tyranny, but scores of such defeats reveal an administration at odds with the constitutional injunction to “faithfully execute  the laws.”

    If we added up the anti-democracy maneuvers of the prior 10 presidents over the past 60 years, they wouldn’t equal Trump alone in under four years—indeed, if you compare the eight close associates of Trump convicted or indicted in his almost-one term of office, that would again exceed those of all presidents combined (excepting Watergate felons) from Kennedy to Obama..

    • Replacing the rule of law with the law of rule—courtesy of Bill Barr—as accused allies receive pardons and praise while enemies are threatened with arbitrary prosecution.

    • Engaging in multiple obstructions of justice, such as firing FBI director James Comey and urging White House counsel Don McGahn to lie to Mueller.

    • Basing an entire convention on himself—no platform, Trumps proliferating like Borgias—and on the daily violation of the anti-monarchical Hatch Act because “no one cares,” according to his apologist Mark Meadows.

    • Worsening economic inequality by shifting trillions through tax breaks to “American Oligarchs,” in Andrea Bernstein’s useful phrase, who then gratefully support his assaults on environmental and consumer laws to make even more money.

    • Inciting violence by hyperbolic attacks on opponents, embracing neo-nazi5 while ignoring warnings from the FBI about the number-one domestic threat, right-wing violence.

    • Enthusiastically embracing many of the world’s leading dictators—Putin, Xi, Bolsonaro, Kim Jung Un, Sisi, Duterte, Erdogan.

    • Repeating Covid-19 falsehoods in order to pressure Republican governors to prematurely reopen the economy and schools, causing the avoidable deaths of over 100,000 Americans so far.

    • Attempting to stymie postal delivery to, in effect, steal millions of mail-in ballots… and the election.

    • Erupting with a lava of lies—now up to an average of 22 a day, to bury rivals and reality (Goebbels in 1941 said, “There are so many lies that truth and swindle can scarcely be distinguished.”

    • Attempting to delegitimize the Fourth Estate as “enemies of the people,” using Stalin’s odious phrase.

    • Bullying neutral sources of information—the CDC, DNI, FDA, regulatory agencies—to bend their expected integrity to his political needs.

    • Milking public office for private gain by treating “his” federal government like he treated the Trump Organization.

    • Attempting to criminally extort the president of Ukraine in order to smear Joe Biden.

    • Fiiring career professionals and “independent” inspectors general for doing their job, increasingly having a government of cronies, cranks, multimillionaires, relatives, and unconfirmable third-raters.

    • Ignoring all congressional subpoenas (when Nixon ignored eight of them, it became the third article in his impeachment, “Contempt of Congress”).

    • Saying things such as “I alone can fix it” and “with Article II, I can do whatever I want,” as well as praising Xi Jinping and his Chinese Communist party, when it changed the country’s constitution, making Xi Jinping ruler for life.

    If you add it all up, What do you see?  It all has one purpose,” said Sally Yates, former acting attorney general, “to remove any check on his abuse of power.”  It is deviant despotism.

    1. David J You really do have major TDS. Go take your pill left turd. Save your money, you’re going to need it for therapy come November. Everything you wrote above is exactly what the dildocrats are guilty of.

    1. Trump is fulfilling his duty as president of the USA he is doing exactly what every president has done through out the history of the USA, Ginsberg didn’t give a crap about the US constitution and she attempted to change it every chance she was given. you would have to be a moron to think that the democrats if put in his position would act any differently!

    1. Dems talk about voter suppression and yet they get Green party kicked off the ballot in some swing states. Hypocrites as well.

    1. @andrew chambers ” dems can,t find some woman to make sexual accusations ”
      Oh, you think the Mormon magic silver underwear protects Mitt? Think again.

    1. @J.V. R’s won him over? Um…isn’t he a Republican? Didn’t he run against the Communist-Democrat obama?? IMO, he’s not a true Conservative, but at least he doesn’t have a “D” after his name.

    2. @Ellen Peba Except, he was a legitimate president that wasn’t tearing our country apart at the ethnic seams…

      At this point, I don’t know what kind of person still thinks Trump is good for this country. He doesn’t care about you, he doesn’t care about anyone but himself and his money. The 40% or so of the electorate that still support him need to wake up. He’s terrible for America on every level.

    1. @zero g templar Trump party dont even make a effort in their lies anymore (alot on tape). Right now it´s all or nothing, but if democrats lose, there is still something left, unlike in trump party. If Trump loses… republicans will go down with him for doing nothing

    2. @Miguel Amaral once again you continue to listen to the fake new that lies and fabricates lies, just like the anonymous sources they say they have are constantly being proven fake! they said that Trump called the military looser with anonymous sources yet dozens have come out who were their and said that the accusation is a fabricated lie! you have been sold a bill of goods but when has any thing that the democrats done made the US better?

    3. “A president is elected for four years, not three. The power he has in the first three years continues into the fourth year.” -Ruth Bader Ginsburg

    1. @9Finger-Frodo Baggins You’re a European Communist, so your opinion is both funny and worthless. Yes, through His Blood and Resurrection, we indeed want to bury the godless, abortion-loving democrats. Praise Him!!

    2. @9Finger-Frodo Baggins I think it’s the other way around your party wants to get rid of the electoral college stack the Supreme Court defund our police sorry but I will take Trump and his bad personality

    3. @9Finger-Frodo Baggins I couldn’t agree with you more!! TBH, I believe that Trump knows he’s going to lose this election, he has a vendetta against Obama (for no good reason), therefore Trump has vowed to destroy everything that Obama put into law, including Obama Care! We need to not only win this upcoming election, we need to win by a landslide!!!

  2. Even renegade Mitt Romney, who backed out of Trump’s inner circle because of ideological
    conflicts, is falling in line to support the unethical nomination. Republicans are a sad lot.

    1. Son of Man Whenever leftists lose or something happens they just don’t like, it’s “unethical” or “racist” or whatever phrase they think will benefit them the most.

    1. “A president is elected for four years, not three. The power he has in the first three years continues into the fourth year.” -Ruth Bader Ginsburg

    1. Romney dislikes Trump on a personal bases not on a political bases Romney is a conservatives to believe that he would act against his own conservative beliefs just because he dislikes Trump is frankly stupid. Unlike the TDS democrats who are so blinded by their insane unwarranted hatred for trump they would vote for Hitler or a sock puppet just to get Trump out of office.

  3. God will send his wrath, soon.
    And that wrath shall be the voters.
    Republican party will have no excuse, God is shuning their evil hypocrisy..

    1. Thanks allah akbar but god aint doing anything for the election. its the people of the USA who want Trump elected again. he does great things unlike the leftist commie democrats that Burn Loot Murder (BLM) their own communities to steal free things because they (you included) are to lazy to get a job and actually provide for your community. thug!

  4. There was a crooked man who led a crooked life.
    He was a crooked husband with a somewhat crooked wife.
    He had some crooked children and son-in-law–a louse.
    And they divided this great nation from their White and crooked House… Yo Semite yourself

  5. What little back bone Romney had is not gone. Trump, Graham, and the little Turtle man all need to be removed form office. They are all lying hypocrites, it’s so pathetic. Vote! Vote Vote!

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