Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene repeatedly indicated support for executing prominent Democratic politicians in 2018 and 2019 before being elected to Congress, a CNN KFile review of hundreds of posts and comments from Greene's Facebook page shows.
#CNN #News
GOP congresswoman indicated support for executing Democrats before running for Congress

Crazy Karen got elected. It’s going to be crazy in the Congress.
@Nothingseen Sad, but true. Does make one wonder, are we finally seeing the degenerative effects of willful consanguinity on the cognitive functions?
Crazy Maxine has been in congress far longer
She’s beyond a Karen!
@Nothingseen There has always been this backward-looking, somewhat toxic component of conservatism. The conservatism of the current GOP is very much rooted in white identity. Newt Gingrich started it all (swamp), next was the TEA Party then comes DONALD J TRUMP. And the feeling on the part of the most extreme Trump supporters is that you have to overthrow the government if you actually want to have the proper results. So that’s really a dangerous place we’ve arrived at.
Why is she still in office and can’t she be removed?
@Jacob Pintos Thank you for the info! So, she’ll be staying right where she is.
@Dorian Shades of gray Maxine Waters didn’t put a hit out on people or encourage it.
@Dorian Shades of gray you comparing Maxine watters to this nut job ?
@Dorian Shades of gray Why does there have to be a “both sides” attempt at comparison? Also, please provide evidence/proof of Rep. Waters agreeing that members of a political party need to be executed? And if you are going to bring up the tired response of her “telling ppl to get into their state reps faces” (I’m paraphrasing here) That is comparing apples to oranges.
She should be expelled from Congress. Period.
@Cat Castaneda Seems to be plenty of those crazies commenting here.
@Hue Yang You believe everything the MSM telm you. How stupid are you. Shes a threat to the left because she is trying to impeach Biden. That’s why they are trying to smear her.
Along with everyone else!
@G d yes and hold all members to the standard the average american is held to…. What a noble concept.
My argument is always going to be that you can’t have a progressive party or progressive politicians anymore if you just gave them everything they wanted, because they will always cling onto something new to campaign on. And there is always going to be a poor majority to suck up too.
The GOP thinks she is a “valued member of the party”…yea, let that sink in.
GOP are Goons of Putin!
My value system and the GOP value system aren’t even in the same solar system. What hospital for the criminally insane are the getting these people from?
ilhan omar
@CNN NPC You win dumb comment of the day. Aren’t you proud?!!!
Sorry legally voted in get over it
If this happened in Australia they would be ejected from parliament even before it hits the papers.
@Marshathe Fishy in Australia, Asia-Pacific, and any other countries outside US, she will be rejected even before the election begun.
@Marshathe Fishy bahahaha you must watch the ridiculous Sky News,you know they cant get real airtime here ,we learnt from USA, we diverted about 20/30 years ago mate
They kill indigenous people in custordy all the time, the policeman walk free, you must be ashamed for being so ignorant and pass jugment on another country,disgusting .
Same here in Canada.
@CharlyDeamen where the hell did ya hear that, Sky News, were in great shape,.even with the pandemic,all Australians are well looked after, we’ll never make your mistakes,yeap all BS starts somewhere,”I hear” lol
In Canada, a death threat can get you in front of a judge real quick.
The same in Denmark. During a protest the other day somebody set fire to a homemade dummy with the PM’s face on it. 3 people were arrested immediately and are now in jail.
Canadians are just better people. Period.
You all didn’t know some americans were this crazy…. yes, there are a lot lunatics living in americans. It’s actually the standard.
@CharlyDeamen Canadian here and I approve this message!
Joking, many of our American cousins are awesome people, too. I know they can do better than this. The hate in the US needs to be shut down, not coddled or given a pass.
@James Smith The person was an idiot he knew what the consequence were before he uttered the threats. He definitely had some anger management issues. If he does it again , he will definitely would get an extended jail sentence.
she needs to be immediately expelled from Congress and then criminally prosecuted.
@lonny Wcorrection you will be paying for it along with your brother and that are in prison now this is America we do go by the law we don’t just hang people because we disagree with them Lonny
Beautiful woman
@Hoagy Mapleton You are right you just shoot them in the middle of the street in Portland
@lonny W this supports terrorism youtube please remove this like the other commenr and suspen the account. He is all over your site talking about domestic terrorism.
@lonny W too much trump juice in your diet — rotted your brain
If you think she’s crazy,
think about the people that voted for her.
@Max Max is a Russian troll y’all. Pay it no mind. It is here just to cause chaos.
@Max you have no basis for that number, please reevaluate and come back to us with an actual number rooted in fact
@Maloy Audy thank you lol.
Buy an abacus MAX.
She’s encouraging Georgia voters to go vote her out of office
Republicans are dead
I know her district well. She had “Stop Socialism” signs every 10 feet. Q person. She’s just using ignorant people in the district. Why they are not embarrassed about this only they can answer. Pissed off they’re not wealthy.
We will get her out
She lets other people manage her account? How irresponsible and convenient.
I’d be fired from my job and facing jail time. Just saying.
The Repugs don’t have an HR Department, so they have impunity.
It’s beyond me why Americans have so many lunatics in office regardless of party crazy is crazy
And most of these people are Trump supporters and right wing nut jobs.
i Know! hahahah, uhg. I think it has a lot to do with candidates often campaigning using a distorted image of their opponent rather than their own character.
“When stupidity is considered patriotism, it is unsafe to be intelligent.” – Isaac Asimov
And yet people voted for these quasi-fascists. One must really hate everyone to vote for the T…. Party
Who are the fascists?
Republicans always elect all these type of people that want to overthrow democracy.
They should lock her up.She is not fit to be in the government.
“She has an interesting past.” Stop mincing words. Call a nut a nut.
The United States is so lawless. Nothing’s surprising anymore
“Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.” ~ Voltaire
The Lord says;
“The former President will never return & the Presidency of the current will be annulled as though it never happened.”
Amos 3:7