Google is sharing its Canadian users’ location data to help politicians and public health officials in their response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
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Well seems like the common breach of our rights under the privacy act and our rights and freedoms but
lol freedom….. you /we only “think” we have freedom.
and that’s how “they” like it
“They are the ones that provide a stable baseline to our lives free healthcare pave our roads create public schools parks order in society, safe living in canada, clean water, Overseeing on munincipal provincial and federal levels that a society maintaines their order following specific procedures, and providing funding to peoples with disabilities, & many other things we take for granted. So who cares this Data will be invaluable to the study of human behaviour to epidemics and keeps you anonymous at the personal level. youl just be a dot along with 30 million other dots.
Ppl Always bitchin about rights go live in a 3rd world country for 60 days and when you come back you will be so appreciative of society and realize how many things you may have taken for granted.
As Siri would say…”couldn’t have said it better myself “
@H Josh Who is “They are the ones…” providing free healthcare…” plus a dozen other services you listed? Are you suggesting Google? BTW…you are NOT just a dot along with 30 mil other dots. That dot has all the information “they” need to identify you. SMH But do answer the question.
@H Josh Who is “They are the ones…” providing free healthcare…” plus a dozen other services you listed? Are you suggesting Google? BTW…you are NOT just a dot along with 30 mil other dots. That dot has all the information “they” need to identify you. SMH But do answer the question.
Who needs to be inserted with a chip when you have a phone,throw the phone out the window I dare you
Creepy and wrong.
This cannot be allowed. It breaches our Charter freedoms.
Deleting google app now.
Keeping tabs on anti Trudeau canadians would overwhelm the system
Oh how I smell class action lawsuit.
Elites to The Pit.
Welcome to the NWO…
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Somehow I expect the next time I leave the house, Siri is going to come on & say: “Where tf do you think your going?”
That’s hilarious
Do what I do: Turn Location off on all Google services and on your phone too.
They still have your general location base on cell towers connected/in range.
That doesnt do anything.
Lol… no, just leave the phone at home; trade with a friend, all sorts of stuff you can do to mess with their so-called ‘tracking’ system.
Another excuse for the elites to invade your privacy or find you when you become non essential.
Don’t worry. You can totally trust them.
Move along nothing to see here folks lol we’re the government we’re here to help lmao funny how they slide this in under the radar during a pandemic lol speaking of here goes even more of OUR rights !! Smh
Looks like Ill be suing them
Oh my goodness I’m blown away by the lack of my rights thrown aside by a company we’ve all trusted for years We’ll have to go back to the basic old land line style absolutely no google technology of anykind
I’ve never had a cell phone and never carry anything electronic on me ever.
What makes anyone think they werent doing this all along? And how exactly is my privacy secure when you are watching and documenting our every move?
so, if you do go out. leave your phone at home streaming music. happy music so they don’t get suspicious.