Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google, tells CNN's Poppy Harlow what the company is doing to support India. He says, getting "the right information on the ground has been a big focus for us." #CNN #News #Business
Google CEO on India’s Covid crisis: The worst is yet to come

Just as we thought 2020 was the worst year in living memory, here’s the true color of 2021
@NANI GAMES And no matter what political party you belong to, if you put your politics ahead of other lives then your political party is a selfish one. END OF STORY
@Nuclear Christian bruh I am not from the States. And I have never been to any political rallies. Lol
It’s not over by a long way. This could take several years to get fully under control worldwide.
@Drew P Ballsak You think this is a prank?

ahh don’t think like that, I don’t care if it is actually true
Everyone who reads this, we don’t know each other and probably never will but I wish you all the best in life and all the luck in the world Stay safe!
@Ecureuil Superheros Stop Hating or KARMA WILL GET YOU

@Nwo Nwo
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
a b c d e f g h i
j k l m n o p q r
s t u v w x y z
Look under the number 6
666 = fox
@NANI GAMES “Well it’s sad but it’s the fault of those people who put religion ahead of other lives” – look in America, you’ve got Pastors such as Kenneth Copeland saying to not listen to science and people should be without masks and gathering together to pray etc etc
Thanks for asking the right kind of questions Poppy! Though Sundar was super careful with his answers, it helps much to put these thoughts out there, especially with people of great influence.
Love from India.
“Super careful” is the impression I got.
Prayer from Malaysia . Nearly 2 in 10 Malaysians have relatives in India . May God has mercy on the souls that had departed earlier than us . God loves all of us .
Praying won’t help. Doing helps
@Timm loo lol, you are funny!
@Bernard Leger don’t u think thats the case. Dear
@Bernard Leger don’t u think thats the case. Dear
Well it’s sad but it’s the fault of those people who put religion ahead of other lives. Aka the huge religious gathering in India
No matter what religion it is, if you put your religion ahead of other lives then your religion is a selfish one. End of story
Pray for these people ♡ love and light to all of India
Please pray
Prayers frm pak. Allah sb ko hifz o aman me rkhe. Humanity comes first
@HESTHER BROUGHTON such a weirdo name of your so called god.
We belive in the original message of Jesus, however, only his Lord can save anyone.. Call upon the Lord of Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad.. We call that Lord Allah.
I worry pakistan is a couple weeks behind India
@A Manzella don’t scare Muslims from death. Its our believe that we will die on the time it comes, when we will die its already written. We face it bravely. This life is not eternal but a few days show.
@A Manzella our believe is on our God is very high. What ever comes will face it with open hearth and will fight it and God will protect us only no one else.
And the worst part that people outside of india won’t recognize is that there is underreporting as much as 10x the actual number and there has been constant underreporting since the start of the pandemic imagine the compounded numbers india has been number 1 from the start
To our brothers and sisters in India, sending
we are all in this together
@justice radha ravaan lol what bullshit are u speaking?
@Timm loo What if Musk just says ‘no’ and leaves the country (taking all that wealth and jobs with him)? The only way your suggestion would work would be if it was enforced by all of the countries. Also, why not tax the Rich in India, Russia, China etc to pay for it? Why only Western elites? At the end of the day, India is in the position it’s in because they didn’t take the virus seriously. This is India two weeks ago:
You cannot help stupid I’m afraid.
@Bob Saunders Before he leaves, The government can simply freeze his assets and make sure he pays his fair share. There are many ways to skin a cat. It’s time to use the power to deal with big corporations and the real deep states
i don’t know this lady but Kudos for the best interview. Send my prayers for Indian

Some of my colleagues are from India and still have family there. They are so worried about their family. It’s heartbreaking.
”the worse is yet to come” sounds terrifying.. the situation is already horrific, I cannot imagine what’s yet to come. Prayers from Canada
@NANI GAMES Good. Then remember that from now on.
@Nuclear Christian human lives are more important than some superstitious dude thinking he might have bad luck the entire year if he didn’t pray to his idol on a specific day of the year. LMAO
They are indirectly killing people.
Atheist here so… Best wishes from Ottawa,Canada.
Yes IIT Delhi nd Michigan report say 11 to 15 may number will rise to 1 million per day
Then it will come down
Having spent quite a bit of time in India, I always thought the tally and accuracy in cases/deaths was going to take time to catch up. It’s an incredibly densely populated country. Hoping they’re able to figure out how to curb the situation because it’s such an amazing culture and country
This is what happens when you open up too soon. I’m keeping my mask on
All our prayers for the people of India.
“The worst yet to come” I can’t imagine any situation worse than this.
God bless India, long live India, prayers from Pakistan.
An Indian here. I last got out of my room thrice within September 2020 – February 2021, and before March 2020 for work. Since then, just sitting in my room. I am a social recluse. Many are not. Stay safe, world. :'(
Condolences to those families who lost a love ones during this coronavirus pandemic.
We stand with our motherland India and our Indian brothers and sisters

Love and prayers from Pakistan
Jai hind .. Pakistan zindabad
Breaks my hearth, prayers to India from Charlotte, USA
Prayers to all in India. This shows how a poor government leaders can cause devastation to its people. They should be held accountable for this horrific event.