A Californian artist put a golden-coloured statue of former U.S. President Donald Trump on display at CPAC.
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But where is the statue of Macauley Culkin asking for directions?
To escape from Neverland?
@Franeeky Michael never touched anybody. Shame on you.
@linda weller because it’s perfectly normal to invite children to stay at a grown strangers house overnight
@linda weller Everyone you look up to has done unthinkable things, if you don’t think so you’re in denial. And if you don’t think you’re in denial you’re in denial about being in denial
Gotta love the magic fairy wand . It really adds a touch of class to this .
More than the flip flops?
Simpson cartoon body fits him perfect
just add Moses, a burning bush, some stone tablets and you got a movie.
I think YOU at least “got” the biblical context of this monstrosity.
@Ty Tn No, I’ve seen that movie with Charlton Heston to. It use to be on TV every Passover/Easter season.
It’s grotesque.
Art imitates life…

It’s satirical so everyone can laugh at those who take it seriously.
Like your selfies no doubt!
@Greg A Sure, Greg. I’m sure his supporters remarking, “awesome!” and “so cool!” as it was wheeled into CPAC were simply reveling in their own sense of strategy and political shrewdness.
@Endeavourist Yes, where it only remained for a day.. Maybe the conservative snowflakes realized what was going on, and decided to remove this caricature before it was too late.
Lol “I can do a better job”, doesn’t look like it.
It’s pretty great.
@Greg A sure, lol.
@Nick R. Made me laugh.
Now isn’t that something?
So the Evangelicals worship the ‘golden calf’ now?
Oohh, that was nicely said!!!
Trump 19th Restored Republic President of the United States of America. March 4th innaguration. Biden Castle Rock Hollywood innaguration.
It’s a joke you idiots lol
@Preston Tucker I agree. I’m suspicious of any religion which believes in the sanctity and value of human life.
@S M The oppressed have no life.
That’s why she decides.
Screw the elephant, it’s now a Golden Calf.
Don’t, like, at least three of the Ten Commandments look down on this kind of thing?
Not under the law anymore, under grace. Try again.
“never interrupt your enemy while he is making a mistake”
when has anyone ever let rules stop them from doing something.
@3331CUR4ntSaturnVI E. Javier never take your eyes off your opponent. Even when you bow,
@randy palla i love that you arent sure of that
worshipping a golden idol is a little on the nose for evangelicals
Okay but the other guy made the idol…
Honestly that makes no sense. Its the Catholics & Eastern Orthodox that use images. My guess is you’re making some nonsensical reference to the golden calf incident at Mt Sinai during the Exodus, again, having nothing to do with “Evangelicals” a label Id love to hear you expound on.
@La Longue Carabine You shall not make for yourself any idol, nor bow down to it or worship it.
@adamdabester You actually read my post and think after referring to the golden calf incident I’m unaware of that commandment?
@adamdabester I suppose that if what the op is saying is that these are all “evangelicals” and they’re worshiping this thing that’s ironic, fine. But “on the nose” sounds like its something “evangelicals” do regularly.
Seriously they gave him stars and stripes boxing shorts and flip flops ha ha ha ha
It’s so on the nose in terms of old testament heresy that it feels like they are testing the limits of how corruptible the religious right is.
No… I think it is an inside joke by the religious leaders to show how stupid their followers really are….
Don’t worry, he will be back in 1400 days
Keep moving that goal post
Like I said a real clown
Looks an awful lot like Viserys Targaryen and his Golden Crown.
Someone has to photoshop this statue into the “idol scene” of Raiders of the Lost Ark”..Amazing!…
You mean this was created as something other than a joke? Hate to break it to the artist, but he failed dismally.
I’m not so sure that the person who made this hideous thing was a Trump fan! LMFAO! Thin line between love and hate?!
Yes it feels like some kind of mockery of Trump
It’s a literal golden idol! If I turned in theming this heavy-handed in my writing class I would have gotten marks off.