Gold Star father Khizr Khan gives an impassioned response to reporting in which multiple first-hand anonymous sources said President Donald Trump denigrated US service members. President Trump has denied the allegations in the report.
#CNN #News
Gold Star father Khizr Khan gives an impassioned response to reporting in which multiple first-hand anonymous sources said President Donald Trump denigrated US service members. President Trump has denied the allegations in the report.
#CNN #News
There’s a traitor in The White House.
@sr_ jed only morons keep on with the Russia collusion myth
@Patrick Hill You’re so clueless, lost and a threat to your very freedoms!!
Go get you a clue!!
The biggest one of them all. 45 grabs his orange cankles for Vlad.

@98LowDown Same thing, I just answered. Perhaps the fact that Russia has bounties on US Troops hwads and your dear lover, trump could careless, should give you a clue.
*Obama’s return to politics confirms his economic illiteracy*
Sept 2018
*Over the past three years, we have emphasized that corporate and business taxes are borne most heavily — 70-90 cents of every dollar — not by businesses and Wall Street but by workers in lower wages and fewer jobs. That is why this tax reform has led to an explosion of jobs and increased wages for average workers. Obama and the Democrats in Congress will not acknowledge this reality because it does not jive with their rhetoric, which trends more toward socialism every day.*
Obama’s economic “recovery” was no recovery at all, but the worst response to a recession since the Great Depression — precisely because he pursued just the opposite of the pro-growth policies of Presidents Kennedy and Reagan that are embedded in the 2017 Republican tax reform. Deficits under Obama soared, doubling the national debt, because of his near-zero economic growth, business-crushing regulation, tax rate increases and rampant expansion of federal benefit programs with relaxed work requirements.
Obama reopened his assault on President Trump and congressional Republicans with a claim that tax cuts increase the deficit but that Republicans really don’t care about deficits and national debt. This, from the king of deficits and debt, under whom the United States had record-shattering deficits of over $1 trillion four years in a row.
The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) originally estimated the GOP tax reform, as passed, would lose $1.456 trillion in revenue over 10 years. But as Larry Kudlow, President Trump’s chairman of the White House National Economic Council, reported on CBS’s “Face the Nation” last month, “Even the [latest] CBO numbers show now that the entire $1.5 trillion is virtually paid for by higher revenues and better nominal GDP.”
Many people have trouble understanding the relationship between tax policy and the economy, and the economy’s effect on tax revenues resulting from differing tax policies. Some of those people are candidates on the ballot this year, asking for your vote and criticizing their opponents for supporting the Trump tax cuts. Some of those people work in the media, and their ignorance only feeds general confusion.
The bottom line: when the economy grows, tax revenues grow, and when the economy declines, tax revenues decline. Today, the economy is booming in response to the 2017 tax reform, and the resulting effect on tax revenues is so strong that even state and local tax revenues are increasing.
When Kennedy entered office in 1961, the top income tax rate was 91 percent. He led Congress to cut income tax rates across the board, from the highest to the lowest, by about 23 percent. That produced an economic boom in the 1960s and federal tax revenues started growing almost immediately.
Donald believes in self sacrifice, of others for him.
Democrats are a terrorist organization
When he refused to be conscripted into service during Vietnam with the bullshit lie that he had bone spurs, it meant that someone else’s son, brother, father had to go in his place.
@Patrick Hill What does that have to do with this thread?
Patrick Hill is a Russian bot troll, please ignore him.
Sacrifice yourself……
( Blame it on TRUMP)..
Maybe your sacrifice will mean something
Mr. Khan, you and families like yourself, who have paid the highest sacrifice, have my utmost respect. Salute.
Man, this guy just nailed up Trump’s real stinking carcass for all to see and smell.
So when Biden lied about war stories where were you? Joe Biden under scrutiny for war story told on campaign trail l ABC News
@Virgil Parks
Get back in your room.
You can have play time later.
Only crybabies I consistently see are democrats. When Donald Trump wins a second term will you actually stop and ask your party what are we doing wrong, why do so many Americans support this guy. Probably not, narcissism and socialism go hand in hand. You’d force your ideas on others at gun point if you actually knew how to use one. You’d probably kill a baby born to a conservative Christian family and laugh. Thank God you don’t have a spine, if you did, you’d hate liberal fascists.
He’s base isn’t hearing that…some will disagree to the sun and back, that trump isnt a bigot… That it’s a fictional narrative…
“The words we say, are windows to our souls” Absolutely! I pray America has had enough of Trumps soul.
@The Hermit Keep hoping and wishing. That’s literally all you have.
@The Horde
Hillary bleached her emails!! LOCK HER UP!
Only a few days ago, Ivanka and Melania have both been caught using their personal phones for governmental business… again.
Are those calls recorded? No. Have they BLEACHED (aka, deleted) some of their messages? Who doesn’t?
The double standards, hypocrisy, and ignorance of Trumptards is an international embarrassment and a disgrace to our nation. You are literally fermenting anarchy, violence in our cities, and the overthrow of our democratic republic, while waving flags and pretending that you are being patriotic.
I spit on your right wing extremist rhetoric that is tearing our once great nation apart.
@The Horde No, I have truth, patriotism, integrity, and science on my side. Trumptards only know have to regurgitate Trump’s outrageous lies against over half of American voters. The polls verify this fact.
All you have is a lying idiot, who is killing his own people and destroying our economy. Over the following 2 months, our own school children and workers will start dropping like flies and your master will become increasing desperate to escape justice.
Perhaps, you should be praying for a cure, if that consoles you. Go on, go to Trump’s superspreader rallies and congregate in your churches. IMO, the fewer Trumptards in Nov, the better for our nation.
@The Hermit Obama will be charged for treason and hopefully lose his freedom. I can’t wait.
@Major Minor Joe Bite-me can barely put 2 sentences together. I can’t wait to see Trump mop the floor with Biden. Trump looks cool. Biden is almost as goofy as Obama.
“If you’re a Republican, and you’ve always voted Republican, think about this: years later we’re going to look back on this moment and see that you could either be a John McCain Republican, or a Donald Trump Republican. But you gotta choose.” –Mayor Pete
The first question he Clown News Network should ask Jeffrey Goldberg as to why was this not reported in August 2018…….. obviously, all you brain washed idiots understand if you do have common sense, this is not true. It is another conspiracy like Russian collusion, Stormy Daniels, Trumps mental capacity, Ukraine impeachment and now the Military hoax.. because the election is in 2 months. And the truth is, Trump has done more for the Military than any other President did. Trump supporters are even stronger than before.
I’d rather be a Trump republican. McCain is a war monger.
@Dear Boss Your an idiot. McCain had the chance of freedom but refused it because his fellow soldiers weren’t released
@MoonGlow : Well, Donald Trump definitely *was not* in Vietnam.
@Kay Gee so is that what you want? Everyone to got to war? Get real. I get it you hate Trump.
Any Trump supporter who does not abandon Trump after his statements about our relatives and friends who served in the military is without honor and is a disgrace to all of us. How dare that draft dodger with no sympathy or empathy for anyone talk about my family members who served in the military. He has contempt for my veteran family members? I have contempt for you, Donald Trump
@Terrell Jackson somebody has to monitor the children otherwise they run amuk
I’m a veteran. Any free thinking American citizen would be a fool to waste their vote on a Democrat. Obama was an insult to this country. His arrogance and lies made our country vulnerable to outside influence. No patriotism. Trump is restoring order and bringing God back to the fore. With our combined prayers, God will not allow a lowlife Democrat to steal this election.
@mike soos like you’re doing
Your criticism of Donald Trump is a thinly-veiled defense of the radical low life Democrats. There is no excuse for wasting a vote on a Democrat.
@K J Blazer and there is damn sure no reason to waste a vote on a sex offender, on a man who commits treason against his own country, a tax evader, a racist, a terrible person, an administration full of crooks, and the list goes on and if you hadn’t guessed it, the answer is 45
Mr Kahn is an honourable man. I can see where his son got his outstanding character from.
American Patriot Jesus also said a lot about people who judge others. Take the stone out of your own eye, mate, or you’ll be one of the Pharisees that knock on the door and God says that he never knew you. Go away and get some humility.
George Gill What a horrible, sad, and angry heart you have.
ou8124me How horrible you are.
@Yolande Robinson A guy uses his son for a political prop like he did also for Hillary and I’m the bad guy?
Too bad he is using the memory of his honorable son to support the Confederate communist Democrats.
The words of a WISE MAN.
You can see WHY his son EARNED a “Gold Star”.
America has A *DUTY* to HONOR *THEM*…
…as Don did.
I’m hoping the people of america are not looser
@hanz patinski Your president only gets back, with interest ,what your pathetic excuse for a president dishes out.
Conald trumpski is a Traitor
hanz patinski – the truth stings doesn’t it?
Vivien Cole – I’m guessing, like trump, @hanz patinski wouldn’t know honour and integrity if it smacked him in the mouth.
And the Russians put hits out on our soldiers. AND TRUMP DIDN’T SAY A WORD
@The Patriot come to bully? or just whine?
impotus#45 claims that, as president, he can do anything he wants, including telling the DOJ and the rest, to investigate who he wants investigated.
Now, seems to me, President Obama would have had those same powers. So if he did spy on the idiots campaign, how would that be “illegal, treason,etc…..”@The Patriot
Jeff “no facts” Merrell, Trump didn’t say a word to Russia because BS walks and Action talks…Trump dropped lazer guided smart bombs on elite Russian mercenaries you dim twit! Took out Hundreds of Russians and Obama ISIS!
So…grow up lil’ boy and get yer facts straight! LMAO!
@Uriah Heep I come with the light of truth to serve dim witted Marxist minions of useful idiocy. With high hopes that some of you will wrong about selling out your country to your Marxist indoctrinators of evil!
Vladimir Lenin actually confessed and laughed on his death bed at the gullible ignorant useful idiot minions he deployed with so little propaganda.
You lefties don’t get it because your mind is owned by the collectivists!
Heep & Merrill, um-m-m…the DOJ and FBI head serve at the pleasure of the president AND are part of the executive branch under the President. Ask Obama – he protected his criminal DOJ heads – Holder and Lynch under Presidential immunity. Which Trump refuses to do.
If anyone is a true blue American, it’s Mister Khan–and his son. AND his family.
@Knight Watchman I don’t think so. Bad Republicans smear themselves.
@Mike McGlock By Hillary Clinton and even more by Biden his son died in a war the people he supports started.
@Gilroy Libbs the low-life Democrats are using a gold star parent to bash the great president Trump all the while defending the indefensible KKK Democrat sleepy Joe Bite-me. You have never seen nor will you see a Republican burn the American flag. That is Democrat voters. Democrats hate the police, the military, Christianity, the flag, the country and anything that makes the American people happy. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is the opposite of what the low-life Democrats want. Why do you defend Democrats? Are you possessed by demons? Do you hate this country? Do you hate God? There is no excuse for voting Democrat. Gold star parents typically vote Republican. It was so obvious that this story was a lie. Dems be desperate. Trump 2020.
@Victoria Holland don’t worry. The Antichrist Barack Hussein Obama is no longer in the White House. We can rest easy knowing we have the best possible president in office and Justice will be served to the treasonous Obama.
I’m one of many veterans on a mission to vote this five times draft dodger, and Russian want to be Oligarch OUT OF OFFICE!
Thank you .
Every day I wake up thinking this president can’t go any lower and every day he surprises me more and more
@Knight Watchman Just so. The radical left and their propaganda mouth pieces are really sick. An election should be done with integrity and in good faith, and with respect for the people. But the left is making a cheap laughable show of it.
@Christien du Preez Stalin and Beria would be proud of this smear tactic perpetrated by today’s Democrats.
@Uouttooo right. It’s really shocking that Obama even got to the White House. He was not qualified to hold the highest office. Luckily Trump is restoring order and elevating the status of the presidency. Need 4 more years.
@K J Blazer Is it not a bit late for you to keep yapping about Obama? He is not in power.
@Knight Watchman Indeed they would. people like Lemon has studied the propaganda methods of the Nazis and communists to a T.
Mr Kahn son sacrifice his life so his troops could be safe
That’s Valor
Tell trumpski
Ya, and the dems use it before 2 elections now.. Thanks to his son but dad and Lemon are dumbshits politicizing a fake statement. Both of them are actual losers
Get your Biden 2020 ringtone!
wrong….His son fought a war we should have never even been in,,,,He fought for a corrupt government and he didnt save any american lives or make america safer.
This poor man’s son was out protecting people while Trump’s son was out slaughtering innocent animals.
@Christien du Preez poor comment SMH
@reibob r because it’s true?
Obama’s fault
@Susan A Thanks, Obama.
“he has lived a dishonorable life” “his soul is that of a coward” – so, so true.
Do you want the Constitution replaced because it was written by “oppressors”? Do you want the state capitol to have it’s name changed? Do you want historical statues replaced with “Neo-American” ones? Then vote for Biden. He will bend over *backwards* for BLM and the whole movement. “White privelege” and “whiteness” will soon be taught everywhere. It’s already in the Federal Government and private companies, look it up.
These comments
They always bash Obama because they have nothing good to say about Trump.
The good news is that Obama is no longer the illegitimate president. He will be held accountable for his treasonous actions while in office. Trump was sent by the almighty God to undo the damage caused by Obama.
Because the bar was set so low by Obama, Trump will certainly get re-elected.
Luckily we have Trump in office to undo the damage caused by the Antichrist Barack Hussein Obama.
“he has lived a dishonorable life” “his soul is that of a coward” – so, so true.
@Voyega Loufaye don’t be stupid. You think sleepy Joe Bite-me can save this country? We have an opportunity to undo the damage caused by the Antichrist Barack Hussein Obama. We have no choice but to reelect Donald Trump.
You anti-Trumpers should notice how he has been way ahead of the fake news. It’s time to choose sides. Choose wisely.
@Voyega Loufaye please save yourself from the righteous indignation of the fake news and left wing bullshit. You can do better.
@K J Blazer Yes, I did. Better than Trumptards.
lisabeth crawford – Four additional reputable news outlets (Fox News, the Washington Post the New York Times and the Associated Press) have now all confirmed the Atlantic’s reporting. Trump did in fact refer to dead American Warriors as “Losers” and “Suckers” and skipped the visit to the cemetery because he didn’t want to get his hair wet. It requires incredible intellectual dishonesty to act incredulous to the reporting at this point. These latest statements from Trump are perfectly consistent with things he has said in the past about Gold Star families and John McCain. Trump’s own sister says he “has no principles” and is a “liar” and his niece says he “is utterly incapable of leading this country and it’s dangerous to allow him to do so.”
I always liked Khizr Khan, he’s wise and dignified. I’m so sorry this nice man and his wife had to go through losing their child.
Fake news, the media is going crazy as baby Biden is slipping in the polls. Trump built military and gave our heroes pay raise.
@California Prince now that was all lies what you said
@California Prince lets see what simple words Trump uses about every subject. Anyone who disagrees with or criticizes him are suckers and losers. Anyone who tells the truth to law enforcement is a rat. Any investigation is a hoax. Criminals are very fine people. His word history is the best evidence he said those loathsome words.
Mr. Kahn and his wife came to America and gave their all to their adopted country. He is a very honorable man, in stark contrast to Trump The Traitorous Coward.
Ruddagah Wallace – Four additional reputable news outlets (Fox News, the Washington Post the New York Times and the Associated Press) have now all confirmed the Atlantic’s reporting. Trump did in fact refer to dead American Warriors as “Losers” and “Suckers” and skipped the visit to the cemetery because he didn’t want to get his hair wet. It requires incredible intellectual dishonesty to act incredulous to the reporting at this point. These latest statements from Trump are perfectly consistent with things he has said in the past about Gold Star families and John McCain. Trump’s own sister says he “has no principles” and is a “liar” and his niece says he “is utterly incapable of leading this country and it’s dangerous to allow him to do so.”
@Lastly O No mainstream media outlets are “reputable.” None. They’re all Fake News designed to divide us as a people.
@Ruddagah Wallace Where the hell did you get your news then? Trump’s toilet?
Out of a person’s mouth, does their soul speak. Their heart is revealed
Just like the saying trump dont need no one to destroy him he will destroy his self
Perhaps yet the damage inflicted upon us in the meantime is unacceptable