Ont. Premier Doug Ford found out that the U.S. will send Canada 1.5M doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine.
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Your days are numbered Doug!
+Neil Hamilton!….Steven Del Duca~2022!
Why would you accept the most dangerous one on the market?
@TheFreshman321 It’s banned in 21 countries… I’m finding it very hard to not throw vulgar language at you, what a clown you are
TheFreshman321- So safe that they decided to sacrifice that one and give it to Canada, and Canada accepted it! So weird.
@Vllencia 2663 the sooner to start culling our seniors
The only pandemic in Canada and elsewhere is malignant
narcissism . No meds , no vaccines ; just fire .
@MT M honestly……
Ford is a disgrace to ont, and Canada, just listen to him stumble his way thru this segment, let alone his lakies in the back wagging their heads
Ya cheesecake yaho yaho.
Lol Americans are commenting thank you America here
Astra “Blood Clot” Zeneca no thank you
All right.
– This American
They gavin it up so easy because they had so many problem with it so they could get rid of it with no complication because canada accept everything
Jeez, Canadians really do find a reason to dislike Americans even when they’re being generous.
@o_o’ yes, we don’t want our seniors getting culled off any more than you do.
@o_o’ I’d be willing to bet money that the person you replied to isn’t Canadian and hasn’t ever lived in Canada.
@Mike Hunt He/she works for Bell Canada in India.
Give it to Canada, they will take anything!
U must be from where
“I will drive down with my pickup and get em if i have too” And When did Doug become a drug runner ?
Brother Rob would be proud
You should have seen his brothher
The only pandemic in Canada and elsewhere is malignant
narcissism . No meds , no vaccines ; just fire .
Like, always!
Ford was always a drug dealer, how he was able to be elected is again, PURE CORRUPTION AND MONEY!!!!!
I think its a national embarrassment it had to be done this way. We should have the capacity to do this without the begging…ridiculous .
I am grateful…but why? What is wrong ? Canada should be able to make their own vaccines….so frustrating

Thank Trudeau.
@David Doe actually you can thank the Conservatives for shutting down Connaught Labs by Mulroney. Harper drastically cut funding, Conservatives don’t believe in science. Trudeau could have done something in the past 5 years but it started with the Conservatives, so blame them.
Yes they will share what no longer serves them
Did you ever think it was because half a million Americans died?
@o_o’ yeah right and I was born yesterday
@o_o’ died “of” their co-morbidities, “with” covid.
Fixed your sentence for ya
I bet only 5 percent were actually covid deaths
@o_o’ covid exists.. is it as bad as they are saying? No. Seriously ask yourself where did flu go?
Thanks but no thank to Astra Zeneca. I want to survive.
One forty Ford huh

Stuff it!
Oh look, the doug variant.
Tubby from little lulu keeps packing on them pounds theyll be rolling him out soon.
Biden: Doug who?